(报告加工时间:2016-01-01 -- 2016-02-29)


  • 食品饮料行业:从春节销售一斑,窥食饮行业成长方向
    春节黄金周消费数据回暖,重点监测企业零售额同比增速超 10%。春节期间,辽宁、安徽重点监测餐饮企业营业额同比分别增长 8.4%和 7%,重庆、湖北、广西重点监测商贸企业销售额同比分别增长 12.6%、12.3%和11.2%,陕西、天津、黑龙江分别增长 10.8%、10.5%和 10.5%。大众餐饮生意兴隆,北京众多知名餐饮企业年夜饭预订一空,“年中饭”预订率也超过八成。
  • 食品行业:领肉类消费风骚,五千亿市场唤龙头
    本报告作为消费景气行业系列,对牛肉产业进行了全方位的剖析,包括全球和国内供给与消费分析、国内牛肉产业链分析、国际市场竞争层次分析等。供需缺口严重,国内消费难以自给自足,牛肉“供给在外,消费在内”的模式将会是未来相当长一段时间内主流。为此,国内资本开始走出国门在全球范围内进行布局,上海梅林拟收购新西兰牛羊鹿肉屠宰出口份额领先的 SFF,我们认为这是国内企业和资本基于产业景气做出的重要决策。
  • 食品农业行业:市场不稳,确定性为王
    玉米现货价格周环比下降 1.06%,月环比下降 1.46%;大豆现货价格持平;旺季需求下,生猪价格持续走强。周环比上涨+0.11%,月度环比上涨 7.61%;仔猪价格继续上涨,周环比上涨+0.55%,月环比上涨+18.32%;猪粮比维持在 9.20 的高位;白羽肉鸡价格周环比上涨+3.38%,月度环比上涨+4.61;鸡苗价格周环比上涨+7.27%,月度环比上涨51.28%;恒天然奶粉拍卖价环比下跌 4.11%,月环比下跌2.21%。
  • 轻工行业:有主题!有资金!有空间!-2016年策略报告


  • 全球热狗和香肠市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Hot dogs, which are also called frankfurters, originated in the 15th century in various parts of Germany. The concept was commercialized in 1871. Then, in 1893, hot dogs were served for the first time at a baseball park in the US, after which their popularity grew till they became the most popular snack of all time. Sausages, on the other hand, are more than a 1,000 years old. The term is derived from a Latin word "salsus" which means salted. In olden days there was no method to refrigerate meat, so salting meat was the most viable option for preserving it. However, the term for sausage first came to light around 500 B.C. when it was used in a Greek play named "The Orya". Nowadays, the taste and flavor of sausages differs from country to country.
  • 全球油脂市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Oils and fats are important sources of nutrition and energy for the human body. They are mainly derived from oil seeds, vegetables, and animal fat. There is an evergrowing need to build nutrition, which has led to growth in their consumption. According to Oil World, the production of oils and fats totalled 196 million metric tons in 2014. The major varieties of oil include vegetable oil, soybean oil, canola oil, peanut oil, palm oil, corn oil, and olive oil.
  • 全球枫水市场报告(2016-2020年)
  • 全球生鲜食品市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Fresh foods are those foods that are unprocessed and available in a raw state and have not undergone any form of thermal processing, freezing or have had any kind of preservatives added. Consumers realize the health benefits of fresh food and there is a high demand for such products in developed and developing economies. Thus all the major market players are pursuing agreements and partnerships with retail outlets to leverage the opportunity and build a competitive edge.
  • 全球鱼类和海鲜市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The global population is growing, and with it the demand for food, including seafood. According to the World Bank, by 2030, 70% of the demand for fish and seafood will come from APAC. To meet this rising demand, the global production of fish and seafood needs to increase more than twofold.
  • 全球新鲜食品包装市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Technavio analysts expect the global fresh food packaging market to grow at a steady rate during the forecast period, posting a CAGR of 3.62%. In 2015, APAC was the major contributor to the global fresh food packaging market, followed by Europe. Amcor, Bemis, Graphic Packaging Holding, Sealed Air, and Printpack are the prominent players in the global fresh food packaging market.

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