(报告加工时间:2018-05-21 -- 2018-05-27)



  • 全球汽车远程信息处理市场分析和预测(2017-2021年)
    The market dynamics section of the report examines the diverse factors which govern the process of manufacturing, distribution, and usage of automotive telematics, globally. This analysis will provide an in-depth understanding of the direction in which the market is headed, and the impact of various factors on the same. This chapter covers the major market dynamics, namely: the drivers, restraints, and the opportunities in the automotive telematics market, listing and analyzing several factors that positively and negatively affect the automotive telematics industry. This chapter also includes a section on industry attractiveness (evolution of telematics and pricing analysis).
  • 数字纺织印刷市场 - 全球展望预测(2018-2023年)
    Digital textile printing has come of age in recent decades. Digitization is reverberating throughout the process, the equipment, and the workflow of textile printing offering a plethora of benefits. The market has taken a generational leap with rapid improvements and technological advancements throughout the supply chain. The number of patents that are being registered is just the sign of the gravity of development that is taking place.
  • 拉丁美洲数据中心市场 - 行业展望预测2018-2023
    Colocation providers and telecommunication service providers are major contributors to the market revenue along with hyperscale cloud data center developers. The growth of strong fiber connectivity, reliability in power supply, and high demand for data center services from industries such as BFSI, IT, and healthcare are major factors that drive service providers to develop data centers in Latin America. The market has witnessed the increased construction of large and mega data center facilities with a power capacity of more than 5 MW. The investment of large facilities across Latin America will continue to yield high revenue to the market during the forecast period.
  • 美国数据中心市场 - 行业展望预测(2018-2023年)
    In 2017, the data center market in US added about 100 new data center facilities, covering about 10 million square feet of space and increasing power capacity by 1.2 GW. Major contributors to the market investment were colocation and cloud service providers. The colocation data center development contributed about 80% in 2017, with major investments identified in Southeastern and Southwestern regions across states such as Virginia and Texas. The investment by hyperscale operators was identified across the US, with many focussed on the mid-western and western data center market regions such as Iowa and Oregon.


  • 互联网传媒行业:持续推荐互联网板块表现突出,继续坚定推荐,关注教育板块和A股推荐慈文、金科
    上周,腾讯、网易相继公布 18Q1 业绩。腾讯 18Q1 游戏业务高增长继续,社交广告异军突起,实现总收入 735.28 亿元,YoY+48%;游戏业务收入 287.78 亿,YoY+26%;广告业务收入 106.89 亿元,其中社交及其他广告收入增长 69%至 73.90 亿元。哔哩哔哩业绩步入快速爆发期,多元变现潜力可观;头部手游 FGO、碧蓝航线表现持续优异;去年末搭建广告平台,原生+信息流广告业务有望获得快速突破;直播业务变现空间或得以迅速拓宽。
  • 计算机行业:维持高成长,板块估值不断修复
  • 计算机行业:能源区块链,让曙光照进全球能源互联网
  • 计算机行业:区块链技术,文娱产业发展新机遇-专题研究
  • 互联网行业:广告马太效应显著,数千亿市场仍具增长空间-系列报告之广告篇
    互联网广告市场规模达 3884亿元,在整体广告中渗透率达 56%,移动互联网广告在互联网广告中渗透率达 68%。流量向头部集中,TAB 的 TOP100 APP 2018 年 4 月 MAU 加总分别为 48 亿、24.64 亿、21.31 亿,因而广告收入也呈集中化态势,互联网广告 CR3、CR5、CR10 分别从 2015 年的 60.3%、64.6%、71.1%增长至 64.7%、71.2%、78.6%。
  • 计算机行业:拥抱核心科技主题,信守边缘计算成长-2018年下半年投资策略

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