(报告加工时间:2020-02-24 -- 2020-03-08)



  • 全球Welan胶市场增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    Welan gum is used as an additive in the cement system, owing to its low viscosity, which reduces the fluid loss of the composition. It enhances the suspension properties of cement suspensions and is much effective at low concentrations. Welan gum enhances the cement workability when it rapidly hydrates, and the admixture is often used in post-tensioning grout, proportioning underwater concrete, and self-consolidating concrete. China was the major producer of cement with the production of 2,370 million metric ton, in 2018. As per the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the revenue of the construction sector registered a CAGR of 3.75% between 2013-2017 and was valued at CNY 39,765 million in 2017. In 2019, the country’s construction industry is expected to rise by almost 6%. The real estate investment, which includes investments in the residential and commercial sector and office spaces, rose by 11.6% between January-February, in 2019, compared to the same period in the previous year. The robust investment in the property sector was supported by the steady housing prices and an increase in property construction, which would stimulate the usage of cement and enhance the demand for welan gum in the country. The construction industry in the United States continued to expand in 2019, owing to a strong economy and positive market fundamentals for commercial real estate, along with an increase in federal and state funding for public works and institutional buildings. Additionally, other factors, such as Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 and the hurricane rebuilding in the southeastern region of the United States, contributed to the increasing activities in the construction sector of the country.


  • 基础化工行业:科创板新材料企业解读,金博股份-科创投资手册系列
    金博股份主要从事先进碳基复合材料及产品的研发、生产和销售,公司产 品主要应用于光伏行业的晶硅制造热场系统,2019 年营收占比 96%。公 司 2019 年实现营收 2.40 亿元,同比增 33.4%,净利润 0.78 亿元,同比 增 44.1%,营收/净利润 CAGR(2017-2019 年)分别达 41.6%/55.6%, 2019-2021 年可比公司平均 PE 分别为 52/38/28 倍。
  • 聚氨酯行业:从海外企业年报看未来三年MDI供需格局
    本篇报告我们汇总了海外MDI龙头企业:陶氏化学、巴斯夫、科思创、亨斯迈2019年财报情况。MDI属于高度垄断 型行业,全球MDI的主要产能和核心技术基本掌握在以上四家外企和万华化学手中。本文将从各家海外企业4Q18- 4Q19财报和业绩解读会议中披露的数据出发,对未来三年MDI供需格局进行分析。
  • 化工行业:从两化协同看我国农业自主可控大格局-深度报告
  • 基础化工行业:化繁为简,看懂化工产业链-化工产业链梳理专题报告
  • 基础化工行业:草地贪夜蛾防控或将带动杀虫剂需求提升-点评
    2 月21 日,农村农业部印发了《2020 年全国草地贪夜蛾防控预案》。预案提出,总体目标实现“两个确保”,即确保虫口密度达标区域应防尽防,确保发生区域不大面积成灾。防控处置率90%以上,总体危害损失控制在5%以内。

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