(报告加工时间:2021-02-22 -- 2021-02-28)


  • 全球工业地板市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Industrial flooring is a chemical substance that is applied on floor. When dry, these chemical substances turn into hard substances, thereby providing walking surface. Industrial floor offers resistance to abrasion, water, and chemicals. They are waterproof, anti-vibration, and anti-static. In addition, these offer attractive finish to the floor and bare concrete. Industrial flooring is available in various options related to colors, material, and styles, thus increasing their adoption in warehouses, offices, hotels, and houses. They are used across aviation & transportation, manufacturing industries, healthcare facilities, and others. The report on the global industrial flooring market presents a detailed analysis of the trends, future estimations, and thorough study of the market depending on thickness, material, end user industry, and region. The report provides details about the various types of industrial flooring available in the market, which include light duty, medium duty, and heavy duty. The material covered in the study include epoxy, polyaspartic, polyurethane, anhydrite, and others. chemical, food & beverages, healthcare, transportation & aviation, and others are the major end-user industry in the industrial flooring market.
  • 全球混合面料市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Hybrid fabrics is multilayer laminate that consists of more than one type of structural fiber. The hybrid fabrics consist of multiple fabrics including carbon/glass, glass/aramid, and carbon/aramid. The selection of hybrid fabrics solely depends on the specific application, such as for aerospace & defense and carbon/aramid fabrics are preferred for high temperature applications. The report focuses on hybrid fabrics and its major applications, including aerospace & defense, automotive, and wind energy. It analyzes the current market trends of hybrid fabrics and related products in different geographies and suggests the future growth opportunities for key market players. In addition, it highlights numerous factors that influence the growth of the global market such as key drivers, restraints, growth opportunities, and the role of different key players. Market segmentation based on fabric types of hybrid fabrics such as carbon/glass, glass/aramid, and carbon/aramid is also included, along with the quantitative data in terms of both value and volume.
  • 全球干冰市场研究报告最终更新
    The growth of global dry ice market can be linked as a refrigerant in food and transport industry. Additionally, use of dry ice for industrial cleaning by means of dry ice blast cleaning is expected to boost the market growth. Demand for dry ice is anticipated to grow strongly with the strong growth rate of dry ice machines market business across the globe. Tier I Manufacturers and other firms have been contributing prominently in the revenue growth of dry ice market. Dry ice being a cost-effective product is expected to boost its demand across various applications in the near future. Increasing figures of fire accidents leads to growing demand for dry ice, in order to reestablish and recondition industrial and residential buildings. These factors coupled with noncombustible and non-toxic properties of dry ice is expected to further drive the global market growth. EMISPDF
  • 全球化学物流市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Chemical supply chain is a long, volatile, and highly complex business and requires high adaptability, flexibility, and skills. Chemical companies are skilled at designing and manufacturing products safely. However, chemical logistics company offers wide range of expert services to safely navigate transporting and storage of these potentially dangerous products. In addition, chemical logistics companies offer transportation services by sea for bulk commodities around the globe and air freight services for raw materials that are required urgently. Further, security plays a major role, when it comes to warehousing for the chemical sector and thus, tailor made IT solutions are used for appropriate security.
  • 全球传热流体市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Heat transfer fluids (HTFs) are gases or liquids specifically manufactured for the purpose of transmitting heat from one system to another. These fluids are manufactured from highly refined petroleum, synthetically formulated hydrocarbons or siloxanes (silicone). They provide high temperatures at very low system pressures and also offer safety, low maintenance, and extended operating lifetimes as major benefits. The report mainly emphasizes on heat transfer fluids and their types, which include mineral oil, synthetic fluids, glycols, and others. The report also analyzes the current trends and future opportunities in several end-use industries such as chemical, oil & gas, food & beverages, pharmaceuticals, renewable energy, automotive, HVAC & refrigeration, and others.


  • 化工行业:政策助力,供需错配,化工龙头继续受益-月报
  • 化工行业:全球汽车电动化浪潮已至,中国锂电材料乘势而起-新材料系列深度报告之二
  • 基础化工行业:染料行业供需向好,产品价格持续上涨-染料价格持续上涨事件点评
    根据百川盈孚信息,2 月1 日江浙地区龙头企业分散染料报价上调2000 元/吨,近两周累计上调5000 元/吨,继上周五活性染料提价1000 元/吨后,今日分散染料再度涨价,有望带动国内染料价格持续上行;当前国内分散黑ECT300%、活性黑WNN150%市场价分别为2.5 万、2.1 万元/吨,近两周分别上涨8.7%、16.7%。
  • 化纤行业:关注化纤量价齐升的投资机会-深度报告
  • EVA行业:高壁垒的光伏上游行业,国产替代提供新机遇-专题报告
    EVA是第四大乙烯系列聚合物,技术壁垒限制高端产品产能投建与转产:EVA 的主要生产工艺包括釜式法和管式法,VA(醋酸乙烯酯单体)含量大、可应用于光伏领域的高端EVA 产品只能通过釜式法生产。釜式法装置投资额度大、技术壁垒高,据我们测算,20 万吨EVA 釜式法装置的总投资额为42.5 亿元,远高于管式法的26.1 亿元。虽然技术的相似性使得部分LDPE 装置可兼产EVA,但转产的高难度以及对装置产生的负面影响限制转产量。
  • 化工行业:缘何钛白粉企业涉足磷酸铁锂?-专题报告
  • 化工行业:顺应时代趋势,掘金可降解塑料产业投资机会
    白色污染是人类社会发展过程中面临一个的巨大挑战,二十一世纪以来全球兴起可降解风潮。2020 年中国正式从“限塑”转为“禁塑”,国内可降解行业进入高速发展期。需求空间大,供应格局雏形未现,我们认为2021 年可降解行业迎来百舸争流的“黄金时代”。
  • 化工行业:行业整体归母净利润2020年同比预增90%,20Q4预计同比向好、环比回落
    化工行业2020 年业绩预告统计分析整体结论。根据WIND 资讯,截至2021 年1 月31 日,化工行业有218 家A 股上市公司公布了2020年业绩预告或者业绩快报,据此样本分析得出整体结论:(1)行业整体归母净利润预计同比增长90%;(2)单季度同比方面,Q4 行业归母净利润同比预计扭亏;(3)单季度环比方面,Q4 行业归母净利润环比预减66%。
  • PVC糊树脂行业:PVC糊树脂价格超预期,需求拉动景气有望持续
    聚氯乙烯(PVC)是由氯乙烯单体(VCM)聚合而成的一种常用热塑性塑料,2020 年国内PVC 产能2712 万吨/年,产量约2281 万吨,开工率在82%左右。PVC 糊树脂分为大盘料与手套料,受到疫情带动的PVC 手套需求,2020 年三季度糊树脂手套料价格由8500 元/吨大幅上涨至25000 元/吨,截至2021 年1月底,手套料市场报价仍在24160 元/吨左右,超出市场预期。第一,我们认为PVC 糊树脂手套料下游市场需求饱满,2021 年上半年新增产能只有7 万吨,供需依旧紧平衡。第二,我们认为糊树脂手套料成本占比低,下游对于原材料涨价接受度较高,手套料景气度有望持续。
  • 化工行业:美国ITC对京东方及三星启动337调查,LCD面板预计Q1再涨价10%
    上周化工新材料指数跑赢创业板指,截至2021 年1 月30 日,化工新材料指数收1105 点,较此前的1181 点下跌6.44%,跑赢同期创业板指的下跌6.83%。
  • 化工行业:整体表现优于大市,持仓水平明显改善-20Q4基金持仓跟踪
    2020Q4 化工行业基金持仓比例为4.37%,环比Q3 上涨0.73pct,同比2019Q4 上涨0.41pct,环比和同比水平均明显改善。且化工行业基金持仓水平由此前不及A 股持仓水平,提升至略优于A 股持仓水平。
  • 石油加工行业:每周炼化,油价推动节后聚酯普涨!-数据点评
    PX:市场整体向好。成本端,寒潮来袭,美国最大产油州德克萨斯州部分油井与炼油厂关闭,国际油价上升,PX 市场重心随之上扬。PTA:价格上涨市场震荡向上。成本端,春节期间国际原油价格上涨,PTA 市场重心上移。供应端,海南逸盛 210 万吨/年 PTA 装置春节期间提前进入检修;福建百宏年前投产的剩余产能,现已稳定运行。涤纶长丝:市场震荡上扬。成本端,因德州极寒天气和美国新版财政刺激方案取得积极进展,双原料涨幅上涨动力十足。整体来看,节后下游工厂仍未全面复工,长丝产销率放量有限,主要为原材料价格支撑长丝利润大幅回升。

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