(报告加工时间:2017-06-26 -- 2017-07-02)


  • 行业月度报告-医药201705
    5月份,医药企业生产动能有所下降。1~5月份,医药行业工业增加值增速为11.2%,增速较1~4月下降0.1个百分点。然而,医药消费需求稳步提高,中西药品零售总额增速持续上升。1~5 月,中西药品零售总额为 3664.9 亿元,同比增长 11.7%,增速较 1~4 月提高 0.5 个百分点。 


  • 全球无菌包装市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Aseptic packaging is the packaging of products in the aseptic environment in presterilized containers, to prevent the products from contamination and maintain freshness for a long period of time. Aseptic packaging involves flash pasteurization of products to retain their original aroma, texture, and organoleptic characteristics and contains no preservatives or additives. The containers are sterilized by chemical, heat,or gamma ray treatment. The containers can be pouches, bags, ampules, vials, or prefillable syringes and can be of different dimensions. They have a shelf life of more than two years. Dairy, food and beverage, and pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors are the key customers of aseptic plastic packaging products.In this report, Technavio covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global aseptic packaging market for 2017-2021. To calculate the market size, the report considers the revenue generated through different applications of aseptic packaging and types of aseptic packaging.
  • 全球人工胰腺装置系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The artificial pancreas device systems (APDS) market has huge opportunities to grow as the existing devices lack efficiency in insulin delivery mechanism. With the advent of enhanced versions of existing devices, which will be closed loop in nature, the market's unmet needs would be addressed during the forecast period.In 2015, Medtronic was leading the market with a share of 58%. It dominates themarket with its established product, MiniMed 530G, which has a unique feature of automatically halting insulin delivery when the glucose level reaches the threshold value. Going forward, the new approvals such as MiniMed 640G in Europe and MiniMed 630G in the US should help it maintain its share in the market.
  • 全球特应性皮炎药品市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The market is expected to witness high adoption rates of systemic therapies, which will provide users an advantage over the conventional therapies. Systemic therapies include immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory therapy,immunoabsorption, allergen-specific immunotherapy, and antimicrobial treatment.In early 2017, the market will witness the launch of the first biologic,dupilumab, which showed a strong dose-dependent efficacy in adults with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis. This drug has been developed jointly by Sanofi and Regeneron and is expected to reach sales of approximately $1.1 billion by 2020.Increasing inorganic growth strategies of vendors will help expand their presence in the market and lead to further consolidations. For instance, LEO Pharma acquired global rights for AstraZeneca’s atopic dermatitis drug tralokinumab, which has already cleared phase IIb trials.


  • 医药行业:政策导向,精选高成长与行业龙头-2017年中期策略
    年初至今,SW 医药指数跌幅 1.58%,行业排名第 12,跑输沪深 300,整体表现中游偏上;行业整体估值水平(TTM 整体法,估值 39 倍)回落明显,趋于历史平均水平,板块内估值分化明显。受招标降价、医保控费等政策因素影响,医药行业也步入新常态,行业增速进入换挡期,预计未来行业整体增速仍可保持在 10-15%区间稳步增长。
  • 医药行业:政策周期推进,成长收益先行-2017年中期投资策略
  • 医药生物行业:结构分化下坚守低估值白马,布局中盘成长性细分龙头-周报(20170619-20170625)
    本周申万医药指上涨 0.15%,跑输沪深指数 2.81 个百分点,跑赢创业板指数 0.29 个百分点。医药流通领域正处于变革的关键时期,延续上周行情,表现依旧强劲,建议重点关注上海医药,九州通,本周我们将九州通调整入重点推荐组合。
  • 医药行业:行业快速发展,细分领域投资机会涌现-专题报告
    我国体外诊断(IVD)行业处于行业生命周期中的成长阶段,人口老龄化、城 镇化、人们健康意识的增强、政策的支持以及诊断技术的进步等因素都推动 着行业快速发展。2016 年,我国人均体外诊断支出仅约 4.6 美元,仅约为世 界平均水平的一半(2016 年世界人均体外诊断支出约 8.5 美元),发展空间 巨大。根据中国医药工业信息中心发布的《中国健康产业蓝皮书(2016)》, 2016 年,我国 IVD 产品市场规模约为 430 亿元,预计到 2019 年,这一市场 规模将达到 723 亿元,三年间年均复合增长率高达 18.7%,发展迅猛。 
  • 医药生物行业:行业整合加速,药店服务化成趋势-行业深度报告
    2016 年我国药品零售市场规模 3377 亿元,同比增长 9.2%,增速较 2015年下滑 0.6 个百分点;2017 年 Q1 我国药品零售市场规模 862 亿元,同比增长 10.3%,较 2016 年 9.2%提升 1.1 个百分点,增速开始回升(从月滚动年销售趋势来看增速反弹趋势更加明显)。

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