印度货运和运输报告 - 2018年第4季度
Road continues to be the largest freight mode in India, accounting for around 86.0% of the freight mix. The Indian road
network is the second largest in the world, behind the US and ahead of China, and its rail network is the fourth largest in the world. In
order to maintain such huge networks, investment is much-needed and various projects are in the pipeline to improve road and rail
networks and upgrade air and port infrastructure, all of which will boost the freight industry.
纳米比亚货运和运输报告 - 2018年第4季度
Road freight is the dominant mode in the Namibian freight mix and will remain so well beyond our forecast period. This
mode benefits from the highest level of transport infrastructure, not only in Namibia, but in the region, ranking an impressive 31st in
the World Economic Forum's 2017-2018 Global Competitiveness Report. Road freight will account for 97.9% of all freight handled
within the country in 2018, and we see little scope for this changing over the forecast period.
泰国货运和运输报告 - 2018年第4季度
Road freight will continue as the overwhelmingly dominant freight mode in Thailand over the medium term, accounting
for 87.89% of the overall freight mix by the end of 2022. Inland waterways will be the second-most utilised freight mode in Thailand
across the medium term, accounting for 9.39% of the total freight mix in 2022. Rail freight is also important, particularly for the
country's heavy industries, but infrastructure capacity limitations mean that rail usage only accounts for just over 2.0% of the total
freight mix. Air freight’s proportion will remain negligible over the forecast period. A relaxation of rules and regulations relating to
exports from Thailand should improve the ease of trade in Thailand, which should translate into smoother logistics processes in the
country going forward.
巴拿马货运和运输报告 - 2018年第4季度
Road freight like in many countries is the dominant freight mode in Panama and will continue to be so in 2018 and over
the the course of our forecast period ending 2022. Strong canal usage will support and bolster all freight modes. Road freight has
been steadily increasing its influence in Panama, rising from a 95.5% share in 2011 to a 96.6% share in 2018. Air freight and rail have
shrunk, but that has not diminished their importance. The low fuel costs and flexibility offered by road have contributed to the speed
and cost benefits of this form of transport, while lack of investment in the railways further weakened the rail stronghold.
俄罗斯货运和运输报告 - 2018年第4季度
Historically, road freight has always dominated the freight sector. Rail freight has been important, although it has historically only
accounted for just below 20% of the freight mix. The importance comes from a combination of the country's geography, the
economic importance of commodity production and heavy industry in Russia, as well as by the limitations of other transportation
networks. Russia is characterised by significant distances both between population centres and between suppliers of raw materials
and their intermediate or end customers, which naturally benefits the development of rail freight. Russia's road freight is the fifth
longest in the world after the US, India, China and Brazil. Historically, road network development has been of minor importance for
the government. Little has changed in the freight mix over the past decade. Only road freight has increased its share slightly on the
back of growing consumer purchasing power, whereas the other modes have remained unchanged.
沙特阿拉伯的货运和运输报告 - 2018年第4季度
The return to growth for Saudi Arabia’s all-important oil sector coupled with a strengthening of non-oil activity will ease
the country out of recession over the course of 2018, underpinning a positive performance for the kingdom’s freight industry. The
ongoing economic diversification efforts to reorient the economy towards non-hydrocarbons and high capital investments
supporting construction and infrastructure development will maintain the relatively steady growth across the freight modes
between 2018 and 2022.