(报告加工时间:2019-08-19 -- 2019-09-01)


  • 行业月度报告-物流201906
    6 月份,中国物流业景气指数为 51.9%,较上月回落 0.9 个百分点;中国仓储指数为 50.7%,较上月回落 2.1 个百分点。 反映出当前物流运行仍处于景气区间,但增长面临较大压力。1~6 月,全国社会物流总额为 139.5 万亿元,同比增长 6.1%,增速比上 年同期回落 0.8 个百分点。其中,工业品物流总额 126.5 万亿元,同 比增长 6.0%,工业稳增长压力依然较大,工业物流整体需求增长承 压。1~6 月份,全国快递服务企业业务量累计完成 277.6 亿件,同 比增长 25.7%;业务收入累计完成 3396.7 亿元,同比增长 23.7%。 


  • 澳大利亚快递,快递和包裹(CEP)市场 - 增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The courier pick-up and delivery services market in Australia is efficient and very well developed. Major international players include Australia Post and group entities, Toll, FedEx, DHL and UPS. Australia Post is the largest player in the market currently. Australia Post’s penetration on a pan Australia basis is way ahead of other competitors. While in the urban centers (where the population density is the highest in Australia), significant competition exists. The Pitney Bowes Parcel Shipping Index states that the number of parcels sent and received by Australian’s increased to 841 million from 778 million, increase of over 8% YOY in 2017. The ecommerce revolution in Australia has contributed significantly to the strength of the parcel shipping market. The seamless experience provided by many online marketplaces has driven consumers’ expectations for convenience, price and availability of products from around the world, made possible through global ecommerce. The omnipresence of ecommerce has spurred a global boom industry, with parcel shipping generating AUD 279 billion in global revenue in 2017, increasing 11% from 2016. In the 13 markets reviewed, the Shipping Index expects global shipping volume to surpass 100 billion parcels by the year 2020.
  • 新西兰货运和物流市场 - 增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    New Zealand observed a steep growth in the Logistics Performance Index from 2016, ranking 34, to 2018, ranking 15th, among 163 countries. The growth in the logistics performance index is observed due to the improving customs clearance systems, international shipments, and logistics quality over the previous year. • The international shipments have improved due to the increasing ecommerce cross-border volume. Ecommerce is a major contributor to the growth of the logistics industry in the country. Furthermore, the development of technology in the logistics industry has helped it improve the logistics quality, competence, and tracing and tracking abilities.


  • 物流行业:“黑马”跨越,对顺丰影响几何?-快递物流系列研究笔记之二
    跨越速运,这家被誉为“国内限时速运专家”、业内“黑马”的企业由于其深耕 B2B 市场以及低调的风格一直未被大众所熟知,如今在快递快运市场诸强环伺的形势下,跨越已经成长为估值近 200 亿的行业独角兽,并受到一级市场追捧,而市场上对于跨越的研究并不多,本篇报告我们主要根据公开信息以及行业专家访谈整理撰写,试图回答:跨越到底是一家什么样的公司?其核心竞争优势是?对顺丰有何影响? 
  • 物流行业:电商快递红利即将结束,走少有人走的路-快递行业专题报告
    经过过去10 年的高速发展,电商快递红利即将结束,TO B 端的第三方供应链物流开始兴起。电商快递由于同质化的产品竞争,价格战成为最犀利的武器。电商平台加速布局快递行业,菜鸟、京东和时效件龙头顺丰三家角力是未来最大看点。规模优势、成本控制、多层次的物流产品服务体系成为突出重围的核心因素。首推不断重资产投入,建立较强竞争壁垒的顺丰控股。
  • 旅游行业:50年美股服务消费龙头估值溢价复盘-消费服务估值方法论系列2
    本文复盘了五十年美股消费服务龙头估值溢价的缘起、发展、巅峰,并分析了可能导致估值溢价终结的原因,借此探究A 股消费服务龙头估值溢价的发展趋势。


  • 蚌埠货运站集装箱甩挂运输的组织模式研究

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