(报告加工时间:2019-12-16 -- 2019-12-29)



  • 金融行业:2019年中国大健康+产业金融白皮书
  • 儿童过敏基因检测白皮书2019


  • 亚太移动心脏遥测系统市场2027年
    The Asia Pacific mobile cardiac telemetry systems market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 12.1% from 2019 - 2027. The Asia Pacific mobile cardiac telemetry systems market includes the consolidated markets for China, Japan, India, Australia, South Korea and Rest of Asia Pacific. Asia Pacific region occupies a third position in the global mobile cardiac telemetry systems market and is expected to register robust growth rate during the forecast period. The region is the fastest growing market for the mobile cardiac telemetry systems in the global scenarios. The top 10 industry players operating in the market of mobile cardiac telemetry systems across the globe includes Medtronic, BioTelemetry Inc., Applied Cardiac Systems, Inc, Medicomp Inc, Preventice Services, LLC, The Scottcare Corporation, Medi-Lynx (Subisidiary Of Medicalgorithmics, S.A), Zoll Medical Corporation, Welch Allyn, and Telerhythmics, LLC.
  • 全球造影剂注入器市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The biggest trend observed in recent years in relation to medical contrast media and injectors across the health care is doing more with less or maximizing the utility of the existing technology. The companies have started shifting rapidly toward integrating the injector systems with automation technology, such as electronic medical records, for automatic record and analysis of contrast dose data and picture archiving and communication systems. The companies, such as Bayer Healthcare, Bracco, Covidien, and Nemoto Kyorindo have established well upon improved sensors, particularly for CT and MRI, followed by dual flow technology, syringeless pressure injectors, power peripherally inserted central catheters (PICCs), and significant involvement of information technology in dedicated hardware and software directly pull the work list and patient data from RIS, PACS, and HIS.
  • 欧洲移动心脏遥测系统市场2027年
    The Europe mobile cardiac telemetry systems market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 13.0% from 2019 - 2027. The market of mobile cardiac telemetry systems in the Europe region is majorly contributed by the Germany and Germany is the largest market for the mobile cardiac telemetry systems. The growth of the market is defined by the products developments done by the companies in the country like Germany and UK. The top 10 industry players operating in the market of mobile cardiac telemetry systems across the globe includes Medtronic, BioTelemetry Inc., Applied Cardiac Systems, Inc, Medicomp Inc, Preventice Services, LLC, The Scottcare Corporation, Medi-Lynx (Subisidiary Of Medicalgorithmics, S.A), Zoll Medical Corporation, Welch Allyn, and Telerhythmics, LLC.
  • 亚太医疗设备维护市场2027年
    Medical tourism is one of the driving factors that is leading to the growth of medical equipment maintenance in the Asia Pacific region. With increasing costs of manufacturing against their practices, the medical device manufacturers are struggling to generate enough revenue to please their investors. The developing economies in the region are expected to be the crucial factor in offering better and profitable growth opportunities for the major players to expand their business and geographic reach. The patients travel to the countries due to the use of sophisticated and advanced medical technology products, devices, and equipment. Medical tourism takes place in cases where surgeries and medical care are required.
  • 全球活检设备市场报告(2019-2026年)
    Biopsy is a sample collection process to identify the presence of disease-causing agents in a particular organ. Variety of biopsy procedures are available in the commercial disease diagnosis market, including conventional and advanced biopsy procedures. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the global biopsy devices market based on product, application, guiding technology, and end user. The report includes popularly used products in the market such as needle-based biopsy devices, biopsy forceps, localization wires, and other products. However, the report excludes the drugs used in the process of biopsy and any other device used during the cancer treatment process. Moreover, it does not include liquid biopsy products in the study.
  • 亚太地区急性髓样白血病治疗市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) starts in the bone marrow, which is the soft inner parts of bones. With acute types of leukemia, such as AML, bone marrow cells do not mature. These immature cells, often called blast cells, keep building up. Without treatment, AML can quickly become life-threatening. Because it is an acute type of leukemia, it can spread quickly to the blood and to other parts of the body, such as lymph nodes, liver, spleen, brain, spinal cord, and testicles. • According to 2018 report by World Cancer Research Fund, there were a total of 437,033 leukemia cases recorded, worldwide, in 2018. Out of these, more than 160,000 are estimated to be from the Asia-pacific region. AML is one of the major types of leukemia in the Asia-pacific region, comprising of approximately 28% of leukemia patients in Asia-pacific. Hence, the estimated prevalence of AML in Asia-pacific is 1.4 per 100,000.
  • 亚太区血液分离市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    Apheresis is a medical technique, where the blood of an individual, either a donor or patient, is passed through an apparatus that separates a particular constituent and returns the rest of the blood to the circulatory system. This is an extracorporeal therapy. The market size provided in the report has been derived from the revenue generated by products. For estimating the market size of the product, the average selling price (ASP) of a product in the region has been multiplied with the sales volume (new sales and replacement rate, based on applicability).
  • 全球麻醉气体市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The growth of the market studied is driven by the increasing number of surgical procedures requiring anesthesia, technological advancements pertaining to anesthesia delivery devices, and rising usage of inhalable anesthetics in the emerging markets, such as China and India. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 51 million inpatient surgeries and 53 million outpatient surgeries were performed in the United States in 2017. The number of surgeries has also been increasing in Asia-Pacific (especially in China and India), mainly because of the high patient population levels.
  • 欧洲害虫防治市场报告(2018-2025年)
    The pest control market is segmented into type, pest type, application, and region. Based on type, the market is classified into chemical, mechanical, biological, and others. Based on pest type, the market is divided into insects, termites, rodents, and others. Based on application, the market is categorized into commercial, residential, agriculture, industrial, and others. Based on region, the market is analyzed across 15 Europe countries, which include Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Slovakia, Portugal, Ireland, and rest of the Europe.
  • 亚太PACS和RIS市场2027年
    The Asia Pacific PACS and RIS market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 8.1% from 2019 - 2027. The market of PACS and RIS in the Asia Pacific region is majorly contributed by the Japan. Factors leading to the growth of the PACS and RIS Market in Asia Pacific are, rising incidence as well as mortality rates of cancer, awareness about early diagnosis. The market of PACS and RIS is expected to reach up to US$ 1,223.18 Mn by the end of 2027. The top 10 industry players operating in the market of PACS and RIS across the globe includes McKesson Corporation, General Electric, Fujifilm Holdings Corporation, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Siemens AG, Cerner Corporation, IBM, Novarad, Agfa-Gevaert Group, and INFINITT Healthcare Co., Ltd.


  • 生物医药行业:全景图-疫苗篇
    疫苗是一种医疗用生物制品,通过让接种者主动暴露在安全性可控的抗原中,触发身体免疫机能并留下免疫记忆,最终实现对某一种 或一类特定疾病的预防(或治疗)。 目前预防用疫苗占据疫苗市场的主流。从提高全民健康水平的角度看,贯彻“治未病”思路的预防用疫苗具有很高的经济性。后文所 述的疫苗具体指代的也是预防用疫苗。 研发难、生产质控要求高构成了疫苗行业的壁垒。
  • 医药生物行业:深耕高景气赛道,关注绩优成长个股-2020年度投资策略报告
    伴随居民整体收入增长以及医疗健康重视程度加深,高端医疗、健 康管理及部分高端品牌消费品种近几年增速强劲,未来随着品牌 建设推广和基层市场逐步开拓,相关细分领域仍有较大发展潜力。 建议关注持续受益于行业集中度提升和处方外流利好影响的零售 药房板块,以及不受医保控费影响、市场潜力较大的儿童用药生长 激素领域,重点推荐安科生物。
  • 医药生物行业:返璞归真,回归本源-2020年投资策略
    国内药品定价体系重塑期,新的定价体系逐渐明朗。国家医保局成立 以后,作为现阶段国内医药支付端单一大买方,开始推行仿制药带量采 购,创新药谈判进医保,一举打破国内原有的药品定价体系。现阶段, 新的药品定价体系正在逐步明朗。医疗器械的地方试点集采模式逐步 推进,药监体系标准国际化是本轮药品监管体系改革的核心,以CFDA 加入ICH 成为其全球第8 个监管机构成员为标志,围绕药品研发生产 全过程监管体系进行了一些列改革,激发产业创新活力。
  • 医药行业:带量采购政策全景分析
    医保资金支出压力增大,是医药行业政策变化的大背景。仿制药不合理定价机制是加剧医保收支失衡的主要原因之一。 专利过期原研药“超国民待遇”占用大量医保资金。 一致性评价是带量采购的前提。国内仿制药此前审批标准低导致批文扎堆,质量和疗效参差不齐,降低医保资金使用 效率。只有通过了一致性评价,才能认为仿制药和原研药在“质量”和“疗效”上是一致的。
  • 医药行业:从前向一体化和洼地红利角度看API投资窗口-特色原料药行业投资逻辑讨论
    问题日渐突出,同时,我们发现进口增速持续保持强劲,特别是2019 年前三季 度原料药进口增速达到22.25%,我们估计2019 年全年原料药进口规模有望首次 达到100 亿美元。而背后的核心驱动包括了:①政策的放宽:抗癌药原料药零 关税、DMF 制度建立;②国内市场需求开始明显增加:带量采购、环保、质量 要求日趋严厉下,进口仿制药企业(品种)、国内公司关注全球化的供应链体系, 进而带动原料药进口加速,这是2019 年开始的新趋势,值得特别重视。
  • 医药行业:政策变革期,把握六类投资方向-2020年医药行业投资策略
    这是最好的时代,这是丌完美的时代。一斱面,老年化给医药行业提供显著增量需求,国家鼓励创新药(器械)等产 业政策亦为行业腾飞提供额外劢力;另一斱面,受制于医保资金刚性约束,医保控费、带量采购等政策戒将常态化, 行业发展亦面临一定挑戓。如何在丌确定性中寻找确定性?什么才是未来5-10年医药行业确定性最强的赛道?

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