(报告加工时间:2017-10-23 -- 2017-10-29)


  • 医药竞争情报-第666期
    两年前,有关丙肝药物暴利的新闻甚嚣尘上。吉利德公司( Gilead ScienceInc)将能够治愈丙型肝炎的新药 Harvoni( Sofosbuvir/Ledipasvir)的起始定价定为 8.4 万美元,远远超出了包括政府以及保险公司在内的支付方的心理价位,也与公众的预期相差甚远。美国的自由媒体自然不会放过这样的新闻题材,一时间,制药行业被描述成依赖和滥用专利条款坐享暴利的利益集团,不顾病人的过高定价也成为众矢之的。要理解为什么此次针对丙肝药物引起如此巨大的风波,而同样定价高昂的抗肿瘤药物、抗风湿药物以及孤儿药物却可以引起较少的关注,则要从丙肝的特殊性说起。
  • 医药汇编-第746期
    国务院总理李克强 10 月 9 日主持召开国务院常务会议,听取公立医院综合改革和医疗联合体建设进展情况汇报,通过深化医改优化资源配置保障人民健康;部署进一步做好基本医保全国联网和异地就医直接结算工作,减少群众后顾之忧、更多惠及人民。
  • 医药行业:政策为医药、医疗器械创新保驾护航,CRO、创新药、医疗器械龙头标的长期...
    本周医药指数上涨4.35%,表现优于沪深300 2.20%的涨幅;子板块全面上涨,表现最好的医疗器械涨幅为8.87%,最弱势的原料药上涨2.77%。本周全部医药子版块指数全面上涨,其中在智慧医疗等题材带东西,器械板块大幅上涨8.87%,但我们认为随着三季报陆续公布,行业景气度高,业绩突出的标的有望延续上涨势头,建议关注OTC、药店等领域的龙头标的。国务院办公厅发布《 关于深化审评审批制度改革鼓励药品医疗器械创新的意见》 ,重点强调了新药/器械研发、审批加速,简化流程等多项利好创新药产业链的政策,建议长期关注泰格医药等CRO企业,恒瑞医药等研发能力突出的制药企业,乐普医疗等器械研发的龙头企业。


  • 全球电动牙刷市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The increase in the purchasing power of personal care products across the globe has led to an increase in the discretionary expenditure of people. People mostly spend money on premium quality products. Given the efficacy of performance and styling options offered by electric grooming products, these products are being adopted by male consumers from mid- to high-income segments. Leading companies are therefore restructuring and reprioritizing their marketing activities to cater to the emerging customer segments, to gain competitive advantage and diversify their portfolio.
  • 全球口蹄疫口蹄疫市场报告(2017-2021年)
    FMD is a severe and contagious viral disease found in cloven-hoofed animals. FMD virus leads to illness in cows, sheep, pigs, goats, deer, and other animals with divided hooves. Animals with FMD will have fever and blisters on the tongue, lips, mammary glands, in and around the mouth, and around the hooves. These blisters pop and turn into red areas called erosions. These blisters cause pain and discomfort and will lead to other symptoms such as depression, excessive salivation, anorexia, lameness, and resistance to moving or stand. The disease weakens the animals and will affect the production of meat and milk.
  • 全球促红细胞生成素药物市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The global erythropoietin drugs market is expected to witness a slow growth rate during the forecast period. In 2016, EMEA dominated the market, followed by the Americas and APAC. India and China are the leading countries in the market in APAC. While Sandoz and Dr. Reddy's Laboratories dominate the erythropoietin (EPO) drugs market in India, the market in China is led by 3SBio and Beijing SL Pharmaceutical. EMEA is also witnessing positive growth, mainly due to an increase in the manufacture of EPO biosimilars by European vendors and the use of biosimilar products in this region. However, the situation in the US is complicated due to the formation of a new legislative body to govern biosimilar products. Overall, the global erythropoietin drugs market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 0.79% during the forecast period.
  • 全球耳朵助听器市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Hearing loss is a medical condition where a person is unable to hear above a threshold value of 25 decibels (dB) in at least one of the ears. This type of disability in an individual could be partial or a total inability to hear. There is an increasing prevalence of hearing loss recorded worldwide. South-Asian countries such as India have recorded the highest prevalence of hearing the loss in adults and pediatric population. The hearing loss problems have been administered with the use of hearing aids or/and hearing implants.
  • 全球胚胎培养基市场报告(2017-2021年)
    IVF is one of the most popular assisted fertility techniques used to treat infertility. IVF involves the fertilization of an egg outside the body; this may be done using eggs and sperm from the couple or donors. IVF is the original test tube baby technique. Once the eggs are fertilized in the laboratory, they are inserted into the uterus for potential implantation.


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