(报告加工时间:2020-10-12 -- 2020-10-25)


  • 中国 - 新材料行业 - 超材料 ( 4 )


  • 全球热成型包装市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Packaging solutions obtained from thermoform process are called as thermoform packaging. Thermoforming process involves molding thermoplastic sheets by applying temperature and pressure with the help of a mold. The sheet or film is heated in an oven at high temperature that permits it to be stretched into or onto a mold and cooled to a finished shape. The thermoform packaging materials include plastics, aluminum, and paper & paperboard. Moreover, water-based, solvent-based, and hot-melt-based packaging solutions are covered in the report. Among the different types of thermoform packaging solutions, clamshell, blister, skin, and others (windowed, tubs, and cups) have been discussed in the report. This report provides information about thermoform packaging manufactured for commercial purposes, which are in compliance with the EPA, EU, UN ECE, and other regulatory authorities.
  • 全球硅酸盐涂料市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    Silicate paint is prepared from a mixture of silica and resinous substances. Owing to the properties of silicate, such as environmentally friendly, non-toxic applications, good adhesion, hardness, acid rain resistance, antifungal properties, reducing carbonation of cement-based materials, heat resistance, and being chemically unreactive with metals, among others, silicate coatings are widely used in the building and construction industry. Silicate coatings are commonly used in metal structures; hence, this type of paint can be used in hot conditions and for metal structures. Moreover, silica provides good adhesion to the paint, which forms a hard surface after it dries. This surface can resist extreme heat with a high level of resistance. The construction industry is the largest end-user segment of the market studied. Moreover, the ongoing trend of smar t city projects is also anticipated to drive the demand for silicate coatings. The construction sector of the Asia-Pacific region has been witnessing a steady growth over the recent past, owing to the presence of fast-growing economies, rapid urbanization, and rising infrastructural spending. The increasing presence of foreign companies in the Asia-Pacific region has also created a demand for the construction of new offices, buildings, production houses, etc.., thereby, driving the growth of the construction sector in the region. As an increasing number of offices are being built using steel structures, the use of silicate coatings is expected to increase
  • 抗菌食品消毒剂市场全球前景预测(2020-2025年)
    Currently, Covid-19 has created an opportunity for FMCG companies to launch antimicrobial disinfectants to address changing consumer needs. Also, due to COVID-19, consumers are concerned about hygiene and safe consumption of food products. Earlier, antimicrobial food disinfectants were rarely used in residential and some commercial sectors. Also, cleaning of food products was majorly limited to washing in running or boiled water. However, trends are changing and are expected to change further during the forecast period with respect to more sale of disinfectants due to increase in foodborne illness in different countries.


  • 基础化工行业:芳烃产业链的格局定了吗?-以PTA为例
    放眼未来十年,随着光伏-储能-电动车闭环的形成,原油逐步将从能源为主导的角色向材料为主导的角色转变。在这个转变过程中,芳烃产业链和烯烃产业链在原油转变为材料的过程中担任主要的角色。尤其是芳烃产业链,其大部分集中在中国,此前大家普遍认为主要由5-6 家企业为主的产业格局即将形成。但是从最新PTA 行业的变化情况来看,芳烃产业链的格局仍有可能变化。
  • 光伏玻璃行业:量价齐升,行业景气上行
    光伏玻璃是光伏组件必备原材料,光伏玻璃行业是光伏行业重要组成部分。光伏玻璃,晶硅光伏电池组件表面透光封装面板,是光伏组件必备原材料。光伏玻璃行业也是光伏钢业重要组成部分,其发展与光伏行业发展息息相关。中国光伏玻璃行业自2006 年发展,目前中国也成为了光伏玻璃最大生产国,中国光伏玻璃在全球市占率超90%,涌现信义光能968.HK、福莱特玻璃6865.HK 等优秀光伏玻璃企业。
  • 基础化工行业:MDI指导价上调,环氧丙烷高位运行
  • 社会服务行业:9月数据平淡,期待Q4旺季发力-化妆品行业跟踪报告
    据淘数据,20 年9 月淘系平台美妆品类GMV140.95 亿元/yoy16.75%,8月141.10 亿元/yoy22.99%,9 月美妆行业线上销售额增速较8 月收窄。我们选取的11 个外资品牌9 月合计GMV6.18 亿元/yoy43%;7 个传统国货品牌9 月合计GMV2.81 亿元/yoy-27%,15 个新锐品牌9 月合计GMV8.95亿元/yoy28%,增速均较8 月有不同程度放缓。
  • 化工行业:MDI价格涨势延续,玻纤、粘胶短纤、涤纶长丝价格走高,尿素、乙二醇等煤化工产品涨价
    中ma国ry#化 工品价格指数(CCPI):本周 CCPI较上周持平,较上月同期上涨1.0%,年内跌幅7.2%,相比去年同期下跌13.6%。
  • 化工行业:疫情冲击较大,板块底部向好-化工三季报前瞻
    本周(2020.9.28-2020.10.9)化工(申万)行业指数涨幅为3.33%,创业板指数涨幅为5.22%,沪深300 指数上涨2.43%,上证综指上涨上涨1.64%,化工(申万)板块领先大盘1.69 个百分点。2020 年初至今,化工(申万)行业指数上涨23.41%,创业板指数上涨48.65%,沪深300 指数上涨14.27%,上证综指上涨幅度为7.28%,化工(申万)板块领先大盘16.13 个百分点。
  • 基础化工行业:紧拥优质周期成长龙头-2020年四季度投资策略
  • 化工行业:需求回暖带动化工品价格反弹,3Q20行业盈利有望环比改善
    我们以中信基础化工行业分类为样本,截至目前353 家公司中已有78 家披露业绩预告,其中42 家略增/续盈/预增,2 家扭亏,26 家略减/续亏/预减,8 家首亏。
  • 化工行业:纺织原料,内外需复苏推动化纤涨价
    根据卓创统计,9 月至今中国织机日度开工负荷率与氨纶等部分化纤价格持续上行,主要受益于三季度起,纺服行业的内外需缓慢恢复。我们认为,伴随国内“金九银十”传统消费旺季以及国外疫情逐渐得到控制,10 月份国内纺织化纤开工率有望趋势上行,带动化纤产业链的涤纶、氨纶、染料等产品涨价。
  • 化工行业:MDI产业链继续领涨市场,龙蟒佰利上调钛白粉价格

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