(报告加工时间:2016-08-08 -- 2016-08-14)


  • 电子行业:海外半导体那些事,财报及事件解读
    从已披露的设计公司Q2财报来看,下游智能手机需求超之前预期,继续看好汽车电子、服务器/云端对相应芯片的需求。 模拟芯片整体增速高于行业平均,主要增量下游市场:汽车、工业、物联网。对海外设计公司Q3业绩的展望,保持乐观。映射国内标的:全志科技——具有SoC+通信芯片的布局,类比高通;SoC融合了CPU+GPU方案,应用于汽车电子,类比NVIDIA。
  • 互联网行业:Oracle以93亿美元高价收购Netsuite火拼云计算-周报
    本周中概股涨幅最大的宜人贷本周上涨 19.5%。汽车之家本周上涨 6.8%。A股中的计算机板块本周表现一般,上涨的只有 3 家分别是同方股份上涨5.4%、安洁科技上涨 3.8%、鼎捷软件上涨 3.5%,上涨公司占计算机板块上市公司总数 2%。A股互联网传媒板块上涨的只有 10 家,上涨公司数据只有 12%,前三分别是华媒控股 14.5%、文投控股 7%、中文传媒 6.5%。
  • 计算机行业:军工信息化及ERP国产化迎来腾飞,行业回调布局中长线价值个股-周报
    今年2月底以来我们一直的观点是计算机行业处于区间震荡行情,仅具有结构化机会。上周计算机指数下跌 8.15%,沪深 300指数下跌 0.66%,创业板指数下跌 5.67%。目前行业 16 年整体估值仍然在 60 倍左右,处于历史估值偏上的水平,但仍然有一批优质成长公司 17 年估值仅 30 倍上下,已到中期买入时点。子行业方面,我们推荐事件催化不断、业绩与估值齐飞的军工信息化、国产替代(尤其是进展超预期的 ERP)。作为纯主题(纯提升 PE)方向,区块链近期回调较多,不少个股已经值得关注.
  • 通信设备行业:华为2016上半年收入2455亿人民币,工信部明确5G发展的四项重点工作
    华为2016 上半年收入2455 亿人民币,同比增长40%:在国内4G 和宽带投资推动下,行业维持高景气态势;华为作为全球最大的通信设备厂商,充分分享行业增长红利。同时公司大力发展手机业务,上半年智能手机发货量为6056 万部,同比增长25%,多元化布局为其持续高速发展提供动力。长期来看,受益于中国工程师红利所带来的成本优势,中国通信设备商综合实力在全世界范围内优势更加明显,全球电信设备市场还将继续朝中国厂商倾斜。
  • 通信行业:国企改革升温,通信运营转型风口来临-专题研究报告
    传统通信运营服务遇到瓶颈,国企改革预期升温。从全球看2G 到3G、3G到LTE 的升级并不能根本改变通信运营行业的盈利能力,传统通信服务陷入管道化趋势。具体到国内市场:移动电话和城市宽带接近饱和,OTT 对短信、语音业务替代明显;行业竞争加剧,中国移动4G 继续领跑宽带高歌猛进,电信、联通面临较大压力。通信运营行业国企改革预期升温,回顾历次重组驱动因素的变化,我们认为通信行业变革逻辑已经从平衡行业竞争格局切换为构建信息化基础设施,运营商盈利下降及竞争失衡是催化剂,最终决定变革方向的是产业技术升级和国家战略指引。
  • 互联网引领无人机应用新趋势-高端装备(201607)


  • 全球POS终端市场报告(2016-2020年)
    POS terminals allow cashless transactions to sell goods. Retailers use POS terminals to manage information about their cash flows, customers, and inventory. A POS terminal enhances the shopping experience for customers by minimizing the payment processing time and provides companies with information pertaining to the sales of their respective products.
  • 全球远程呈现机器人市场报告(2016-2020年)
    With the advent of new technologies, the possibility to access information and explore the remotest areas have become easier. However, to interact in an area without even leaving the current space is a new intriguing development. These alluring and advantageous services are offered by telepresence robots that are considered to be the new and exciting feature in communication convenience.
  • 全球移动电话保险市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The mobile phone insurance refers to the insurance or coverage taken by the cell phone users looking to insure their cell phones from different kinds of damages or losses. The coverage is provided to the insured in case of losses and damages against riot, strike, malicious damage, terrorist activities, fire, theft, accident, and fortuitous circumstances. Mobile phone insurance helps evade expensive replacement costs in case of mobile phone breakdown. In most cases, liquid damage due to water is a common problem. Due to this, the customer without an insurance coverage has to pay full price for a replacement, which is a loss for the customer. The replacement cost is generally higher in the case of contract phones. Cell phones that are purchased on a contract basis are subsidized across the term of the contract.
  • 全球3G4G设备市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Advanced mobile phone system (AMPS) network technology was used in 1G. AMPS was a voice-only network, operating on the 800 MHz band that was permanently switched off in 1999. AMPS was an old radio technology, and its operation was similar to regular radio transmission such as ultra-high-frequency (UHF) radio, where the 800 MHz band was split into many channels using frequency division multiple access (FDMA). Each channel was 30KHz wide and, hence, supported only 395 mobile phone users per cell tower. The tower estimated the signal strength of each user and allotted channels to them. The tower ensured that these channels were reused without interference by multiple towers.
  • 全球电脑模块市场报告(2016-2020年)
    A COM, or system on module (SOM), is a single board computer, which is a subtype of an embedded computer system. COMs are used in various embedded applications such as industrial automation, medical equipment, gaming devices (slot machines), servers, workstations, and rackmounts. They are built on a single circuit board and consist of a single processor, random access memory (RAM), and input and output controllers. However, COMs lack the standard connectors required for connecting input/output peripherals to the board. Hence, they need to be mounted on a carrier board to connect to standard peripheral connectors. Certain COMs have peripheral connectors and do not require a carrier board. In certain configurations, the baseboard is connected to a backplane, which allows connectivity to other peripheral devices. Also, some rackmount computer designs that use COMs use backplane connectivity.


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