国外兽药市场经过多年的发展,已经进入了稳步发展时期,2011年市场规模达220亿美元。全球兽药行业前五大厂商的市场占有率超过60%。我国兽药行业现状——防疫意识差、企业数量多实力弱、产品力同质化严重。受益养殖规模化发展,兽药行业迎来发展契机。GMP验收、GSP认证相继出台。兽药质量标准的提高,将凸显大型兽药企业的产品竞争力。目前在国内兽药行业占主导地位的营销模式是从2001 年在行业中开始出现的,以“业务+技术”为主的营销模式,也称为“兽药技术营销模式”。
Marine biotechnology is a technology that uses or modifies marine organisms such as microalgae and krill to produce products that are widely used across various industries. Currently, the importance of marine biotechnology is increasing across the globe, primarily because of the untapped potential of the ocean for a variety of sustainable products.The Global Marine Biotech market is expected to grow at a steady rate. The market was valued at US$3.75 billion in 2012. The majority of the market growth stems from the US. Based on the type of products, the market can be segmented into Marine Biomaterials, Marine Bioactive Substances, and other products such as marine biomass.
Antioxidants are used in animal feed to prevent undesirable oxidation, which could result in lower feed consumption and nutrient deficiencies in the feed. Oxidation is a process in which hydrogen or oxygen is transferred from a substance to an oxidizing agent that accepts the electron. This leads to the dissemination of free radicals, which in turn causes chain reactions, thereby damaging or killing the cells. Antioxidants can interact with these free radicals and terminate the chain reaction before vital molecules in the animal feed are destroyed. Therefore, antioxidants ensure the safety of animal health and increase the shelf life of feed. The main end-users of animal feed antioxidants are meat producers and individual consumers.