(报告加工时间:2016-10-24 -- 2016-10-30)


  • 电子行业:无线充电渐臻成熟,苹果手机将成引爆点-智能硬件创新深度专题之三
    无线充电是痛点应用,伴随标准和技术成熟,爆发在即。 无线充电是不通过电导线而凭借电磁原理充电的技术,可分为近场(电磁感应、电磁共振、电磁耦合)和远场(微波/射频、光/激光)等技术原理,其中磁感应和磁共振是目前主流路线。由于无线充电具备无需插拔充电更便捷、封闭性更好利于防水防尘、小型化等用户痛点正成为终端创新方向,且经过演进,新成立的两大行业联盟 WPC 和 Airfuel 均已支持磁感应和磁共振兼容方案,且最新标准的转化效率和功率在明显提升,另外,非金属机壳/防水等手机创新趋势亦利好无线充电,我们认为继可穿戴之后,手机配置无线充电从需求端、技术端等已具备成熟条件,行业爆发在即。
  • 装备工业研究2016年第3期(总第26期):我国机器人产业发展对策研究(终版)-高端装备(201610)
  • 电子行业:开启后摩尔时代,先进封装领航-封装行业深度报告
    后摩尔时代封装行业地位提升,市场持续看好。10nm 下摩尔定律接近瓶颈,以小尺寸、轻薄化、高引脚、高速度为特征的先进封装将大幅缩减芯片尺寸, 有望打破僵局。 Gartner 预测 2020 年全球封测市场将达 314.8 亿美元,2015 年至 2017 年 GAGR 4.3%。 智能移动终端将贡献最大市场增长动力,Statistita 预测 2018 年智能手机出货量将升至 18.73 亿部, CAGR 9.4%。SiP、 FoWLP、 TSV 等技术将深度受益消费电子及其他分支市场,保持GAGR 50%以上增长。


  • 全球半导体激光治疗市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Medical lasers use focused light sources with precision to treat tissue. A laser light has a specific wavelength in a narrow beam, creating a high-intensity light. The use of lasers in the healthcare sector has proved to be a boon for both the semiconductor and medical industries. Lasers are used in medical treatment areas such as cosmetic dermatology for skin resurfacing, scar revision, tattoo removal, and laser hair removal; lithotripsy; ophthalmology; cancer treatment; dermatology; and general surgery for tissues.
  • 全球心脏再同步治疗心脏起搏器市场报告(2016-2020年)
    CRT-Ps are an advanced implantable form of conventional pacemakers. They help the heart function efficiently by monitoring its signals and coordinating with the ventricles to contract at the same time. These devices resynchronize the heart's rhythm to improve breathlessness and fatigue, and avoid dizziness and fainting in individuals. Physicians surgically implant the CRT-P under the skin, below the collarbone. They connect the electrical leads through a blood vessel into the heart. Unlike conventional pacemakers, CRT-Ps have two leads: one placed into the right ventricle and the other in the right atrium. An extra lead is implanted on the left side of the heart to stimulate the left ventricle, assisting the heart to pump efficiently. The implantation process and the use of these devices can cause infections around the implant site and damage the blood vessels, heart wall, and other organs.
  • 全球汽车语音和语音识别系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Registering a CAGR of 4.31% during the last five years that ended in 2015, the global automotive VR system market apparently stands at the bottom of the pack when it comes to both OEM and consumer interest. The sales trend data even indicate a negative (3.53)% YoY growth in 2015. However, it would be a remiss to dismiss this market just by judging it through these figures. Fact is, one needs to trace the growth dynamics of the VR systems over the years to gage the technological and economic trends, which have impacted this market. This will be paramount to understand where the market is headed during the forecast period.
  • 全球蜂窝M2M连接和服务市场报告(2016-2020年)
    M2M technology enables the communication of data and information between electronic devices. In cellular M2M connections, code-division multiple access (CDMA), 2G, 3G, and 4G-LTE networks are used to establish connections between electronic devices. Cellular M2M has a broad range of applications in industries such as automotive, healthcare, retail, transport and logistics, manufacturing, energy and utilities, and consumer electronics. Cellular M2M connections and services are used for video surveillance, remote diagnostics of vehicles, fleet management, asset tracking, theft recovery, and point-of-sale (POS) applications. These M2M offerings help industries worldwide enhance their operational efficiency and productivity by reducing the overall capital expenditure (CAPEX).
  • 印度智能教室市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The need to improve the quality of education to global standards is contributing to the increase in adoption of smart classrooms in India. Many schools and universities across India are investing in smart classroom hardware and software solutions. Private institutions are increasingly adopting these technologies; the level of investment by public educational institutions in smart education is comparatively lower.
  • 全球并行机器人市场报告(2016-2020年)
    A parallel robot has at least two arms. The end of arm tools in a parallel robot is connected to the overhead base through several chains of interconnected links. The joints are not actuated, and these passive joints (spherical, universal and planar joints) have several degrees of freedom. The two types of parallel robots are hexapods, which are commonly used in motion simulators, also known as motion platforms, and the delta robots that are used for quick pick and place operations.
  • 全球无线局域网安全市场报告(2016-2020年)
    WLAN is a wireless Ethernet connectivity between client devices such as desktops computers, PDAs, and the wireless hub connected to the physical network. WLANs follow the wire network's traditional hub-spoke configuration and consists of the following two components:
  • 全球蓝牙音箱市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Bluetooth speakers are wireless portable audio devices that receive audio signal over low-power radio waves instead of audio cables. For ideal exchange of data, the receiver should be within the defined range of wireless transfer capability of the speaker. The Bluetooth speaker market includes the following types of devices: AConly Bluetooth speakers, DC-only Bluetooth speakers, and AC/DC Bluetooth speakers.


  • 通信行业:网宿股价下跌为市场短期反应,CDN行业稳步发展,寡头格局逐步巩固-周报
    行业高成长性、寡头格局、高毛利造就网宿科技600 亿市值:数字消费是大趋势,而随着移动直播的兴起,数字内容数量更是爆炸式几何增长。所以长期看CDN 行业依然能维持30-40%左右的增速,与此同时,行业客户对于CDN 的一主一副的配置需求会造成行业双寡头局面的形成,寡头占据绝对市场份额是CDN 行业的发展趋势,带宽复用带来的高毛利也进一步提升寡头竞争优势。网宿科技作为行业领头羊,将是CDN 行业发展的最大受益者。
  • 浪潮信息(000977)-登基础IT浪潮之巅,建合作开放生态-公司深度报告
    龙头地位显著,高端服务器国内领先。浪潮信息以云计算IaaS 层核心研发为主线,定位于云计算核心装备和数据中心解决方案供应商。在中国服务器市场增速显著超越全球平均水平、国产化替代红利继续释放的背景下,公司近年来在国内和国际市场多次取得市场第一的成绩,中高端服务器的发展利好有望充分兑现。
  • 双杰电气(300444)-配电设备稳步推进,锂电隔膜快速增长-深度报告
  • 科远股份(002380)-机器人_人工智能大爆发,多轮驱动驶入成长快车道
    主营自动化业务不断升级,迚口替代正在形成:南京科进股仹是国内领先的热工自动化龙头企业,已经形成了工业自动化控制系统和工业信息化两大技术体系。公司产学研一体化的斱式仍布局工业4.0 到精益求精的过程自动化与工业信息化的改造升级,已经达到国际先迚水平。目前,公司不断提高高端市场的仹额,迚口替代正在形成。未来整个中国的DCS 市场将超过百亿,公司主营自动化业务将有望保持20%-30%的增长速度,预计2016—2018 年营业收入达到3.64 亿、4.59 亿、5.74 亿。
  • 计算机行业:荣归计算机,人工智能,“一锤定音-周报
    本周,产业焦点持续聚焦人工智能,锤子科技发布Smartisan M1,人工智能成为核心亮点。作为接棒互联网的下一个产业发展浪潮,AI First 大势已定。
  • 格力电器(000651)-解析珠海银隆及其核心,钛酸锂电池-深度报告
  • 汽车行业:车联网及自动驾驶,工信部路线图加速智能网联化进程
    智能网联汽车技术路线图即将确定,建议关注拥有核心技术和具备丰富产业链资源的企业。信息化软硬件方面首推在车联网和自动驾驶全面布局并掌握核心技术的四维图新,关注具备产业链资源由后装转前装并涉足商用车联网的索菱股份和智能交通基础设施的建设者千方科技,汽车零部件方面建议关注全球扩张并布局智能驾驶控制系统和车联网系统的均胜电子(中金汽车组),以及具备ADAS 制动核心技术且多线布局ADAS 算法和车联网系统及运营的亚太股份(中金汽车组)。
  • 计算机行业:依然偏乐观,首选车联网无人驾驶主题-周报
    上周市场继续震荡向上,计算机板块小幅上涨0.14%,同期沪深300 上涨0.66%,板块与大盘基本同步。我们上周明确提出短期板块有望震荡向上,市场表现完全印证了我们的判断。当前时点,我们对板块短期走势仍偏乐观,临近年底,成长股的估值切换以及高送转行情都将逐渐展开,细分领域重点看好车联网无人驾驶、网络安全、计算机PPP 和消费金融板块,个股重点看好恒华科技、天夏智慧、索菱股份、捷顺科技、绿盟科技、康耐特等。
  • 美国科技观察周报:汽车业S.E.A.变革,计算与生命科学双剑合璧
    特斯拉周一产品发布会可能与自动驾驶有关, 展示公司与Mobileye 分手后的研发规划。今年上半年美国死于车祸人数上升了10.4%,监管部门和业界正加紧沟通合作,促进ADAS 渗透率和半/全自动驾驶商业化。3 季度汽车业相关美国VC 投资达62 亿美元,超过2015 年全年投资额,共享出行(S)、电动化(E)和自动驾驶(A)三大趋势将合力改变汽车业生产和消费模式。利好特斯拉、英伟达、Mobileye、NXP、Delphi、Magna 等公司。

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