(报告加工时间:2017-06-05 -- 2017-06-11)


  • 全球一次性呼吸装备市场报告(2016-2020年)
    This report covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global respiratory disposable devices market for 2016-2020. To calculate the market size, we consider the revenue generated from the sales of various respiratory disposable devices used during invasive and non-invasive surgical treatment and patient care.The report presents the vendor landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the top five vendors operating in the market. In addition, it discusses the major drivers influencing market growth and the challenges faced by vendors and the market as a whole. It also examines key emerging trends and their influence on current and futuremarket scenarios.
  • 全球辐射检测产品市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The medical and healthcare application segment is the largest segment of theglobal radiation detection products market with a market share of 66%. In the domestic security and military use application segment, domestic securitysub segment will grow at a CAGR of 7.16%. China is the leading country in APAC, driving the growth of the market for radiationdetection products used for a number of industrial applications like measuringnuclear radiation and handling nuclear wastes. Innovations in radiation detection materials continue to change the marketdynamics and profitability of vendors.
  • 全球庞贝病治疗市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The global Pompe market is a monopolistic market led by Sanofi Genzyme with its two approved therapies, Myozyme and Lumizyme. Considering the rare nature of the disease, the pipeline also remains low and hence, Sanofi Genzyme is expected to continue with its market leadership position over the forecast period.The market has limited treatment options, which stand as a major growth hindrance. The impact gets magnified with the high costs associated with these available therapies. These factors work negatively toward patient adherence in an already small patient pool. However, the initiatives such as patient assistance program and favorable reimbursement policies by healthcare partners should be able to partially offset the combined impact of factors discussed above and help market overcome the existing challenges over next couple of years.
  • 全球蛋白药物市场报告(2017-2021年)
    In this report, Technavio covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global protein therapeutics market for 2017-2021 (base year: 2016; forecast year:2021). To calculate the market size, the report considers revenue generated from the sales of branded and biosimilar drugs used for the treatment of various diseases. The report also considers the revenues to be generated from the sales of drugs that are expected to be launched into the market along with the decline in revenues from the patent expiries of the marketed drugs during the forecast period.
  • 全球腹膜透析市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The demand for PD is high when compared to hemodialysis, as it is used more in the management of end-stage kidney or renal disease (ESRD). Today, peritoneal dialysis is considered one of the most efficient and cost-effective options for treating chronic kidney diseases at home through self-care.The demand for APD machines is on the rise when compared to CAPD, as they are portable and available in small size. They can be used during night and requires no frequent exchange of bag.This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global peritoneal dialysis market for the period 2016-2020. 


  • 医药行业:继续首选配置龙头与低估值-周观点
  • 医药行业:坚守基本面不放松,继续看好创新和流通-2017年6月份投资策略
  • 医药生物行业:总体行情趋稳,关注价格上涨品种-主要原料药价格月报
    17 年 4 月 VK3 价格继续上涨, VB1 价格在高位微涨,VC 价格维持高位,在 4 月份均价 69.47 元/千克,环比上涨 28.08%,已在 70 元/千克高位维持近一个月。VE、VB2、VA 价格继续下滑;泛酸钙在 4 月均价环比上涨 3.11%,而最新报价又开始回调;总体来看去年整年维生素行情总体向好,部分品种价格显著提升,也有价格随后逐渐有所回落,长期来看,我们预计后续维生素品种价格大概率仍将延续分化。
  • 医药生物行业:VA、VE价格继续下行,4-AD价格历史低位,关注有提价潜力的细分产品龙头
    VD3 价格蛰伏底部,短期底部震荡,长期有望迎来反弹。VD3 价格自 2016年以来经历了短暂时间的上涨,但是并未持续,价格一度达到 66.5 元/kg的历史低位,目前已小幅回调至 68 元/kg。VD3 价格自 2015 年以来长期处于历史低位,部分生产企业已处于持续亏损状态,已有产能收缩,新进产能不足。此外 VD3 龙头企业花园生物具备较强的技术和成本优势,自产 NF级胆固醇(合成 VD3 的原料)打通了 VD3 产业链上下游。虽然海盛化工、新和成等也具备 VD3 的生产能力,但是原料 NF 级胆固醇仍依赖采购。
  • 生物制品行业:我国启动DRG收付费改革试点-周报
  • 医药生物行业:生长激素,快速增长的潜力品种-深度报告
    长春高新核心子公司金赛药业是国内生长激素龙头,生长激素占高新的营收、利润比例达 70%,受益弹性最大。金赛的生长激素产品梯队全球领先,包括粉针、水针以及 PEG 化长效剂型。安科生物目前生长激素粉针营收占比在 30%左右,另有水针和长效剂型处于临床试验阶段。 

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