(报告加工时间:2016-08-26 -- 2016-10-23)


  • 全球汽车行业铝市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Aluminum is a preferred material in the automotive industry because of its strength, safety, and durability. Use of aluminum in passenger and commercial vehicles allows boosting of fuel economy and reducing vehicular emissions. The global automotive industry is driven by improvements in macroeconomic conditions and demands from the developing market. Automotive manufacturers have been using steel products for engine parts and auto sheets, which are now being replaced with aluminum.
  • 全球焊线封装材料市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Semiconductor materials such as plastic, metal, and ceramic components are used for fabrication and packaging purposes. They can be broadly classified into two types: fab materials and packaging materials. Fab materials are used in different stages of the fabrication process such as etching, oxidation, deposition, and planarization, whereas packaging materials are specifically used for packaging purposes, to increase the reliability of semiconductors. Semiconductor packages protect the fabricated IC on the semiconductor die from external mechanical impact and corrosion and interconnect the die and printed circuit board. Packaging materials provide many advantages to semiconductors, such as reduced packaging footprints and reduced output-signal inductance.


  • 西部材料(002149)-稀有复合材料强者,军工、核电、环保等业务即将多点开花-...
    公司基于多金属复合材料解决方案,多点开花,逐步从军工、航天航空向民品拓展: 公司军工钛材实现从无到有,同时民品化开始确定性提速,多个市场高达百亿以上空间。
  • 钢铁行业:限购频出压制中期需求,宝武复牌提振板块行情-周报-
    受节前终端备货等因素影响,钢价连跌5 周后于本周首度反弹,涨幅0.81%,钢材社会库存也因此下降2.88%,结束了连续10 周累积趋势,其中长材下降4.88%。不过,短暂价格企稳并不意味着钢材供需格局就此改善,预计短期现货钢价仍将维持振荡走势:一方面,9 月钢铁需求旺季不旺,钢铁PMI 新订单指数49.2%,环比回落2.9 个百分点,而依据历史规律,10 月钢材下游终端需求(尤其建筑投资领域)景气环比改善概率不大。
  • 钢铁行业:“宝武合并迈出本轮行业整合第一步-供给侧改革系列报告之一
    宝钢和武钢同时公告重组方案:宝钢股份向武钢股份全体换股股东发行A 股股票,吸并武钢股份。其中宝钢股份为合并方暨存续方,武钢股份为被合并方暨非存续方。本次吸并换股价以停牌前20 个交易日均价的90%换股价,即宝钢股份换股价为4.60 元/股,武钢股份换股价为2.58 元/股,由此确定的宝钢和武钢的换股比例为0.56:1,即每1 股武钢股份的股票可换取0.56 股宝钢股份的股票。同时为充分保护双方异议股东的利益,宝钢和武钢均赋予异议股东现金选择权,现金对价等于换股价格,即宝钢股份现金对价4.60 元/股,武钢股份现金对价2.58 元/股。

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