(报告加工时间:2016-06-13 -- 2016-06-26)


  • 医疗器械行业:关注分级诊疗推进对行业的影响-2016年下半年投资策略
    将对在审医疗器械注册申请中2016 年6 月1 日前开展的临床试验实施监督抽查,而对6 月1 日起开展的医疗器械临床试验按照新的《医疗器械临床试验质量管理规范》进行管理。
  • 装备制造行业:高端与升级仍是主旋律-2016年中期策略
    我国传统制造业在2016 年一季度出现初步企稳迹象。通用、专用设备制造业经营收入经过连续两年下滑,在2016 年1 季度初步停止下滑;行业利润亦同步出现小幅反弹。这是我国装备制造行业总体初步稳定的迹象。与机床、工程机械、重型机械、能源矿山机械等传统行业相比,高端装备相关行业业绩表现明显较好。选取我们整理并长期跟踪的军工、机器人、高铁等相关子行业标的,其业绩总体上却能够持续实现正增长。
  • 金属非金属行业:看好下半年黄金与军工材料投资机会-2016中期策略


  • 全球乳房X光摄影设备市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Mammography equipment uses low-dose X-rays to study breast tissues. The test, known as a mammogram, aids in detecting breast diseases. Mammograms are of two types: screening and diagnostic. A screening mammogram is used for the early detection of diseases in patients who exhibit no symptoms, whereas a diagnostic mammogram helps evaluate abnormalities after they have been detected by a healthcare professional.
  • 亚太地区PLC市场报告(2015-2019年)
    A PLC is an industrial control product that regulates automation and mechanical processes in manufacturing plants. PLCs carry out their operations by deciphering ladder diagrams, functional block diagrams, and instruction lists. This system controls automation applications in a plant by maintaining direct connectivity between field devices such as sensors, transmitters, and actuators through a control system communication protocol.
  • 卡塔尔土方设备市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Earthmoving equipment is heavy equipment used in the construction industry for moving large amounts of earth, digging building foundations, and landscaping. Types of earthmoving equipment include excavators, loaders, and construction tractors. The earthmoving equipment market is a major segments of the construction equipment market. The earthmoving equipment market in Qatar is one of the fastest-growing markets in MEA. Despite the global economic slowdown of 2011-2012, the market maintained its steady growth and has been growing at a significant pace since then. It is projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.77% during the forecast period.
  • 西班牙挖掘机市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Excavators are used to unearth, transport, and unload materials with the help of a bucket fitted to a boom. They move on crawlers or wheels. Excavators are versatile heavy construction machines used for below- and above-ground operations, including land levelling, trench digging, and well sinking. The excavator market in Spain is one of the steadily growing construction equipment markets in EMEA and will post a CAGR of 0.49% during the forecast period. The growth and recovery of the residential and transportation sectors in Spain will accelerate the market growth.
  • 卡塔尔挖掘机市场报告(2015-2019年)
    The excavator market in Qatar is one of the steadily growing construction equipment markets in the Middle East. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.61% during the forecast period. Qatar is experiencing a surge in infrastructure development owing to the upcoming 2022 FIFA World Cup. The rise in population of the country has increased the burden on the existing transportation network of the country. In order to overcome this challenge, the government of Qatar has planned to establish better connectivity between the important regions of the country. The growth of the transportation sector favors the growth of the excavator market in Qatar.
  • 欧洲土方设备市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Earthmoving equipment is used to move large amounts of earth, dig foundations, and landscape areas during construction. Some types of earthmoving equipment include excavators, loaders, and construction tractors. The earthmoving equipment market in Europe, which is one of the largest markets for construction equipment in the global construction industry, suffered a period of decline with the fall in construction activities throughout Europe during 2010-2012. Presently, the market is slowly regaining its earlier pace with the increase in residential and infrastructure construction activities in Europe. We expect the market to grow at a CAGR of 6.68% during the forecast period.


  • 从工业4.0发展看“中国制造2025”
    “中国制造2025” 是政府实施制造强国战略第一个十年的行动纲领,但是它不能被理解为仅是一个行动纲领。尽管《中国制造2025》明确了9项战略任务和重点,提出了8个方面的战略支撑和保障,但观察已经在实施的一些工业智能化发展实践,仍然具有很好的借鉴意义。例如德国政府提出的“工业4.0” 就和“中国制造2025” 有不少类似之处。

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