(报告加工时间:2017-07-10 -- 2017-07-16)


  • 全球重症监护治疗市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Critical care or intensive care is the close monitoring and treatment given to individuals with acute, life-threatening illness or injuries such as shock, burns, accidents,complicated surgeries, sepsis, and severe breathing problems. It usually takes place inan ICU or trauma center.The therapeutic usage of drugs during these critical care scenarios are termed as ‘critical care therapeutics’ and can be grouped as below:Plasma therapeutics and Anticoagulants.Several plasma-derived products are commonly used in critical care situations, which include:Albumin,Antithrombin concentrates,Factor XIII concentrates,Fibrinogen concentrates,Prothrombin complex concentrates.
  • 全球糖尿病治疗市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Oral insulin products are under investigation and, once approved, will emerge as new-generation drugs for diabetes management. For instance, Generex Biotechnology Corporation’s Oral-Lyn, Oramed Pharmaceutical's ORMD-0801 and ORMD-0901, and Biocon’s IN-105 are the upcoming oral drugs for the treatment of diabetes.An increase in the number of academia-industry collaborations will ease the process of drug development. Key players in the market are increasing research collaboration with universities and academic institutes. For instance, Sanofi Diabetes collaborated with Helmholtz Zentrum München, Charité, and the University of Copenhagen to support R&D activities and also to identify new targets for diabetes. Also, Novo Nordisk collaborated with Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRF) for diabetes research. Such academia-industry collaborations will result in efficient technology transfer and quicken the drug development process.


  • 医药行业:心有多大,命就有多大-每周医览药闻(2017.7.09-2017.7.15)
  • 医药行业:强者恒强,首选龙头-2017年下半年投资策略
  • 医药生物行业:白马估值修复明显,二线细分龙头珠玉在匣-2017年中期策略
    上半年,医药生物(申万)行业指数表现一般,微涨 0.10%,行业排名 12位,跑输上证和深成指大盘指数,行业整体 PE 估值水平处于 10 年长周期历史中值附近;板块表现分化明显,医药商业和中药子行业表现较好,器械和医疗服务跌幅较大;个股龙头白马、品牌中药等绩优股涨幅较大,表现一定避险配置性质,估值修复明显,大部分 PE 估值回升到三年 PE-Band 波动中间位置。
  • 医药行业:中报期对医药指数保持谨慎乐观,建议继续持有低估值白马,积极配置估值合理成长股
  • 医药生物行业:行稳致远,强者恒强-深度报告
    2017 年年初以来,A股市场整体风险变大,不确定性较强,投资者避险情绪上升,以食品饮料、家用电器为主的确定性较高的大消费板块领涨大盘。医药板块整体表现平淡,在所有申万一级行业中排名第 14 位,处在相对中游的区间。

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