(报告加工时间:2020-08-24 -- 2020-08-30)



  • 中国通信行业运行情况月度报告(2020年7月)
  • 中国支付行业科技发展专题分析2020


  • 全球数字取证市场-增长,趋势,预测(2020-2025你)
    Digital forensic has been growing from addressing minor computer crimes to the investigation of complex international cases with a massive effect on the world. Digital forensics includes the recovery and investigation of material found in digital devices, often in relation to computer crime. Digital forensics investigations have many applications. The world is now wholly dependent on digital devices, and this space is continuously evolving. Although most forensics have been oriented toward the desktops, laptops, and the associated media, including the hard drive, floppy disk, and optical discs, other forms of digital forensics, such as mobile phones and other handheld devices are increasingly becoming popular for digital curation and preservation. The smartphone industry has been steadily developing and growing, both in market size, as well as in suppliers and models. Moreover, technologies, such as IoT and cloud, are profoundly penetrating the IT space defining the future of the cyber world.
  • 全球数字纺织印花油墨市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Digital textile printing ink is referred to the ink that enables colors, images, or text to be electronically printed onto fabric such as polyester, cotton, and silk. The report focuses on various types of digital textile printing inks such as reactive, acid, direct disperse, sublimation, and pigment. The applications covered in the study include clothing/garments, household, technical textiles, and display & others. Furthermore, the study evaluates the current market trends and suggests future growth opportunities by analyzing government regulations & policies. The report further covers the strategies adopted by the key players to sustain the competitive environment and increase their market share.
  • 全球文档管理系统市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    The document management system (DMS) market is ever-changing, which is driven by the need for increasing efficiency in the workplace. The improving technologies and efficient execution of the DMS are expected to gradually eliminate the traditional paper files concept. DMS systems can be implemented and incorporated across business and functional units. Additionally, document management provides extensive tools and techniques for data retrieval. Storing data in a structured way allows the end users to use it for gaining insights. ERP systems have made DMS an important stage in an organization, as it assists the business by creating a unique number for every file and document, based on the businesses-defined criteria. It also makes it easier and more convenient for the organization to limit or offer access of document to the designated and authorized members. The growing emphasis on retaining historical company records, coupled with the sustained increase in adoption of paperless solutions, has been the major factors driving the growth of the document management industry. Cloud-based computing solutions have emerged as the key enablers of the document management system (DMS).
  • 全球地理空间影像分析市场分析与预测 (2020-2025年)
    Geospatial imagery analytics utilizes data collected through satellite images and provides visuals and image data of the earth. The geo-referenced images are later presented as raster and vector images. Raster images, also known as bitmaps, are individual pixels of color whereas vector images are graphics comprised of mathematical formulas and can be infinitely scaled. Geospatial imagery analytics are deployed in various industry verticals such as agriculture, manufacturing and mining, and defense & security due to its capabilities of monitoring and identifying any shift in any areas.
  • 全球5G基础设施市场-增长,趋势,预测(2020-2025年)
    The market for 5G infrastructure is expected to revolutionize the domain of various broadband services and is supposed to empower connectivity across different end-user verticals. According to GSMA, around 45% urban coverage level has been achieved for 5G networks in the early deployment trails. Countries, like China and India, among others plan to implement 5G network by 2020, the development of which requires large amounts of capital investment in 5G capable infrastructure. A majority of the 5G networks are likely to be composed of small cells. Small cells are vital to the functionality of 5G networks because they provide increased data capacity that 5G demands. They also help providers reduce costs by eliminating expensive rooftop systems and installation costs, and they are expected to help improve the performance and battery life of mobile handsets.


  • TMT行业:深圳5G独立组网全覆盖_热门电影排定国庆档期-周报2020年第26期
    截至 2020 年 8 月 21 日,沪深 300 指数 2020 年涨幅 15.19%, 中证 TMT 指数同期涨幅 25.27%。其中,计算机板块同期涨幅为 26.79%,传媒板块同期涨幅为 27.79%,通信板块同期涨幅为 9.60%, 在申万 28 个一级行业中分别位居第 10、9、18 位。最近一年,沪 深 300 指数涨幅 24.78%,中证 TMT 指数涨幅为 45.63%,相对涨 幅为 20.85%。TMT 行业(不包括电子)总体表现优于市场。
  • 通信行业:“5G+云“助云游戏爆发,充分必要条件相互促进
    云游戏是以云计算为基础的游戏方式,云游戏具备摆脱终端桎梏、免下载、随时随地可游戏的特性,使其成为5G 最具爆发潜力的应用场景之一,市场空间广阔。根据HIS Markit 预计,2023 年全球云游戏市场规模将达到25 亿美元,同时根据伽马数据预测,2022 年中国云游戏市场规模将超40 亿元,CARG 达96%。2020年5G 元年也称为云游戏元年,云游戏有望成为5G 最早商用落地场景之一,成为这场ICT 技术变革的最大受益方向之一。
  • 通信行业:运营商半年报出炉,5G建设持续推进,创新业务增添动力-周报2020第22 期
    行情回顾:本期(2020.08.15-2020.08.21)市场表现良好,沪深300 指数上涨0.30%,收于4718.84 点。创业板指跌幅1.36%,中小板指涨幅0.36%。通信(申万)指数本期跌幅0.84%,收于2527.06 点,跑输沪深300;市场表现位于申万28 个一级行业第22 位。细分行业看,通信运营板块表现最优,涨幅为0.41%;终端设备板块表现最弱,跌幅为2.28%。
  • 通信行业:5G独立组网加速推进,5G+应用打开空间无限-周报
    本周(2020 年8 月17 日-2020 年8 月21 日)上证指数上涨0.61%,深证成指下跌0.08%,创业板指下跌1.36%。本周一级行业指数中通信板块跌幅为0.84%。
  • 通信行业:三大运营商公布7月运营情况,5G价值逐步显现-周观点(08.17-08.23)
    上周市场仍处于震荡调整周期,沪深300 指数震荡上浮0.30%,通信板块下跌0.84%,行业排名第22 位。近期三大运营商陆续披露2020年7 月份主要运营数据,整体来看,7 月份是运营商今年以来无功无过的一个月,几乎是维持了上个月的态势。
  • 科技与互联网行业:全球半导体产业链中报总结;电商及本地生活服务基本复苏-海外TMT 周报
    行业聚焦:半导体产业链中报总结,上游已现复苏迹象。Q2行业业绩总结:1)前十大设备商营收同比增长26%,6 月份仍持续增长,存储代工占7 成需求。2)芯片设计龙头营收合计环比/同比增长7%/-16%,高通手机芯片出货量同比high teen 下滑,同时HPC 芯片的英伟达及AMD 高增长。3)8 寸晶圆代工利用率持续满载,台湾主要代工厂营收同比超20%增长。4)IDM板块营收同比增长8%,主要由英特尔数据中心及PC 驱动,而汽车市场疲软使得模拟芯片大厂营收同比约20%下滑。5)封测龙头营收环比/同比增长9%/25%,显示复工后利用率持续提升。整体来看:产业链展望稳中有升,预期5G 智能机将持续渗透,汽车电子市场或在三季度触底反弹。
  • 通信行业:三大运营商半年报显示5G推进超预期,前瞻布局5G应用各赛道优质个股
    5G 发展超预期,5G 套餐用户量高速提升,中国移动和电信累计5G 用户突破1.3 亿,ARPU 呈现回暖趋势,运营商业绩的拉升是加快5G 基站建设重要驱动力。

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