(报告加工时间:2022-01-24 -- 2022-02-13)


  • IaaS行业:赋能数字经济,云计算基础设施迈入新“黄金十年“-深度报告
    IaaS 本质是IT 基础设施,将直接受益于数字经济建设:2022 年1 月12 日,国务院发布了《“十四五”数字经济发展规划》,提出2025 年国内数字经济核心产业增加值占GDP 比重提升至10%的发展目标。IaaS(Infrastructure asa Service),即基础设施即服务,本质上是一种IT 基础设施,是数字基础设施的重要组成部分,是驱动数字经济发展的源动力,在我国产业数字化转型和公共服务数字化水平提升中发挥着重要作用。


  • 全球在线音乐流媒体市场(2021-2027年)
    Online music streaming is a way of delivering sound or music without the need of downloading files from the internet. For the purpose of analysis, the report segments the global online music streaming market based on service, revenue model, platform, END USER, content type, and region. The report highlights the details about various services that consist of on-demand streaming and live streaming. In addition, it provides information based on revenue models such as subscription and non-subscription. The platforms used for streaming music online considered in the scope of the study include app and browser. END USERIndividual and commercial users are the major consumers of online music streaming services. The report is analyzed based on content type into audio and video. The report provides a detailed analysis of online music streaming across regions such as North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, and rest of Asia-Pacific), and LAMEA (Latin America, Middle East, and Africa).
  • 全球离散制造中的PLM市场机会分析和行业预测( 2021-2028年)
    Discrete manufacturing is an industry term used for manufacturing of finished products that are distinct items capable of being easily counted, touched, or seen. In addition, PLM software is used by various industries to manage entire lifecycle of a product from its start through the engineering, design, manufacture, and disposal services of manufactured products. Moreover, PLM software provides companies with the ability to improve their production quality and also increases a company’s efficiency & productivity. Moreover, many manufacturing units across developing nations of Asia-Pacific and LAMEA are using this software to reduce prototyping costs while developing or innovating new products, which enhances growth of the market.
  • 全球NFC支付设备市场报告(2021-2028年)
    NFC payment is a contactless payment service that allows people to transfer or receive money using smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other devices. Furthermore, numerous benefits provided by NFC payment devices service include high security, hassle free transaction, faster transaction processing speed, and others. In addition, various banks and financial institutions are providing NFC payment devices service as it provides bank customers with convenient, fast, and secure payment processing systems. This increases the adoption of NFC payment devices among people, thereby driving the growth of the market.
  • 全球工业物联网 (IIoT) 推动齿轮泵市场数字解决方案的创新
    This study analyzes the global gear pump market and its growth prospects in the short, medium, and long terms. COVID-19 has created unforeseen circumstances for businesses around the world, affecting the overall growth of the manufacturing sector. This research offers a growth outlook for the global gear pump market during the next 5 years. The gear pump sub-products included in this study are internal and external gear pumps, which differ in design. The internal gear pump has an outer gear that drives the inner gear when it turns. In the external gear pump, the gears rotate against each other.
  • 全球机器视觉增长机会
    The market took a significant hit in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with sales declining by 4.6% from 2019. However, Frost & Sullivan expects a 3.8% growth in 2021. Positive trends in pharmaceuticals, food and beverage processing and packaging, electronics and semiconductors, and automotive will drive the market in 2021 and during the forecast period. There is a growing global demand for industrial automation to enhance operations and productivity. Manufacturers also adopt automation post-COVID-19 to automate their manufacturing units more. This is to minimize human intervention should another pandemic arise.
  • 全球远程学习市场展望预测(2021-2026年)
    With rapid globalization, there has been an increased mobility of human capital in industries, including tourism, trade, media, international relations, and science and technology. Therefore, there is a need to effectively acquire functional and vocational skills over a short period and in a cost-effective manner. While conventional learning and training methods cater to most needs, they are ineffective in meeting the dynamic learners’ requirements, especially in the rapidly expanding learner segment. Since remote learning has posted several strides in the adoption of digital learning platforms, the scope of the internet in education has expanded from content delivery to interactive learning platforms, language training, functional skill development, proficiency testing, and higher education pedagogy, video streaming of classes to corporate training, talent management, and e-governance.
  • 全球社交媒体分析改变客户体验 (CX) 服务
    Social media analytics is a fragmented market with the presence of major vendors across the United States and Europe. Asia-Pacific is expected to record the highest CAGR due to the rapid digitalization and increasing brand awareness; the Middle East and Africa are likely to remain stagnant. The social media analytics market has experienced significant growth globally over the past decade and will continue to expand rapidly through the next 5 years. The emergence of small and mid-size vendors offering social media tools as standalone and primary products is noteworthy. The big players offering customer relationship management (CRM), sales, and marketing tools have penetrated the market with add-ons that offer social media monitoring and analytics.
  • 全球卫星支持的物联网增长机会
    Increased smart technology adoption, such as automated vehicles, vessels, and unmanned aerial vehicles, is expected to increase the demand for satellite-enabled IoT services. The need to optimize operational efficiency and reduce downtime drive the demand for constant remote monitoring and analytics. Increased implementation of predictive analytics and ML for predictive maintenance has increased IoT solution adoption. Users can enhance connectivity solutions at lower costs due to the availability of low-cost end-to-end IoT solutions.
  • 全球公共安全-LTE市场报告(2021-2028年)
    LTE for public safety is now a global trend, and advanced telecommunication markets such as Korea and the U.S. are planning to deploy nationwide PS-LTE networks. One of the biggest advantages of public safety-LTE networks is data connectivity. While previous public safety networks could only support low data rates and usage was mostly voice-oriented, PS-LTE can transfer high volumes of data instantly. This means that highquality images and video can be sent enabling the use of various applications such as live streaming during emergency situations or the use of mapping software for locating or directing mission-critical assets or concerns.
  • 全球桌面音频会议终端市场的增长机会预测2025年
    The TDM/IP audio market experienced a dramatic decline in 2020 as the majority of offices worldwide experienced prolonged closure mandates on account of COVID-19. Modular IP A/V kits—comprising tabletop IP audio+controller, USB conference cams, and compute/BYOD—attracted moderate traction across different meeting room sizes in 2020. However, integrated A/V endpoints, including USB video bars and collaboration bars, registered higher growth and caused pressure on tabletop IP audio demand.
  • 全球移动网络路测设备增长机会
    This research deliverable provides an in-depth look at the dynamics influencing and challenging the growth of the mobile network drive test equipment market and analyzes the wireless network testing/mobile network testing market segments in detail by application, end users, and network technology across geographic regions. Network monitoring service assurance is not part of the scope. Service solutions, including data managed services, are not considered under the market revenue analysis.


  • 河南省数字产业发展指数研究与应用
  • 云计算环境下基于用户访问行为的动态访问控制模型的研究


  • 传媒行业:元宇宙引领游戏,社交,电商应用变革-专题研究
    移动互联网流量红利逐渐见顶,多元前沿科技驱动下,元宇宙或将成为移动 互联网下一站。未来,在5G、AR/VR、AI、云计算、数字孪生等新一代信 息技术赋能下,我们认为元宇宙时代的到来会全面改造各领域的应用。游戏、 社交和电商作为移动互联网时代渗透率较高的主要应用,元宇宙相关技术的 突破或将率先对其实现影响。游戏作为元宇宙重要入口之一,有望成为承载 元宇宙活动的基础平台;社交领域场景化趋势或将延续,元宇宙多元化身或 将助力陌生人社交及兴趣化社交,低门槛创作工具加速创作者经济成长;元 宇宙时代将全面实现沉浸式购物体验,向虚实交互的电商生活迈进。
  • 互联网行业:互联网板块的右侧何时到来?-前瞻研究互联网行业跟踪点评
    2021 年以来互联网公司业绩和股价表现疲软,股价大幅下调后,部分投资人参 与互联网板块的左侧布局,同时对于板块右侧拐点的关注度逐渐提升。我们认 为,当前时点市场针对行业政策变化的情绪波动正在逐渐弱化,对于短期业绩 的悲观预期已较为充分。
  • 航天军工行业:持仓环比增长,军工信息化更受青睐-专题研究
    内地公募基金21Q4 重仓股披露完毕,市场对军工行业态度回归到关注高景气基本面上,配置比例环比上升。以中信国防军工指数成分股为统计样本,21Q4 内地公募基金军工重仓股持仓市值1215.8 亿元,环比+22.4%,占基金重仓总市值的3.29%,超配比例为0.70%,环比+0.19pct。21Q4 主动型基金军工重仓股持仓市值为972.4 亿元,环比+31.0%,占主动型基金重仓总市值的3.47%,超配比例为0.88%,环比+0.33pct。我们认为,21Q2 以来公募基金军工板块持仓市值持续环比提升,在行业基本面逐步兑现情况下,资金关注度有望持续向上。
  • 产业观察·科技前沿·有望爆发类第7期,2022年2月
    VRAR虚拟现实:《“十四五”数字经济发展规划》鼓励虚拟现实 关键数据方面,1 月受成长风格整体回撤影响,VRAR 上游、中游行业 指数分别下跌16.38%、16.81%;Steam 平台VR 活跃用户占比为2.14%, 较上月1.93%的占比小幅提高0.21%,为8 月以来首次重回2%。据此估 算1 月平台VR 活跃玩家约为256.8 万。产业资本变动方面,1 月国内 VRAR 相关投融资数量不多,游戏人工智能解决方案超参数科技完成由 红杉资本领投的1 亿美元B 轮融资。事件、政策方面,继上海后,元宇 宙概念被写入多地《政府工作报告》;国务院发布《“十四五”数字经济 发展规划》,规划在打造智慧共享的新型数字生活部分提出,要加强超 高清电视普及应用,发展互动视频、沉浸式视频、云游戏等新业态,深 化人工智能、虚拟现实、8K 超高清视频等技术的融合。
  • 计算机行业:继续看好金融IT和国产化板块
    2021 年度,公司预计归属上市公司股东的净利润为11.1 亿元至13.1 亿元(含奔图电子归属于上市公司39.31%份额的2021年1-9 月净利润及2021 年10-12 月100%份额的净利润),比上年同期增长644.28%至 778.39%(以合并奔图电子后的经追溯调整的2020 年度净利润14,898.44 万元为基数)。
  • 策略甜点27数字经济已在密集布局中-策略点评报告

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