(报告加工时间:2017-03-27 -- 2017-04-04)


  • 银行汇编-第803期
    3 月 8 日,国家主席习近平参加十二届全国人大五次会议四川代表团的审议。习近平在肯定四川一年来工作后强调,要深入推进农业供给侧结构性改革,坚定不移打赢脱贫攻坚战,扎实开展创新创造,营造风清气正的政治生态,统筹做好稳增长、促改革、调结构、惠民生、防风险各项工作。习近平指出,重视农业,夯实农业这个基础,历来是固本安民之要。我国农业农村发展已进入新的历史阶段,农业的主要矛盾由总量不足转变为结构性矛盾、矛盾的主要方面在供给侧,必须深入推进农业供给侧结构性改革,加快培育农业农村发展新动能,开创农业现代化建设新局面。
  • 金融汇编-第803期
    3 月 8 日,国家主席习近平参加十二届全国人大五次会议四川代表团的审议。习近平在肯定四川一年来工作后强调,要深入推进农业供给侧结构性改革,坚定不移打赢脱贫攻坚战,扎实开展创新创造,营造风清气正的政治生态,统筹做好稳增长、促改革、调结构、惠民生、防风险各项工作。习近平指出,重视农业,夯实农业这个基础,历来是固本安民之要。我国农业农村发展已进入新的历史阶段,农业的主要矛盾由总量不足转变为结构性矛盾、矛盾的主要方面在供给侧,必须深入推进农业供给侧结构性改革,加快培育农业农村发展新动能,开创农业现代化建设新局面。
  • TMT行业:中国金融科技(FinTech)专题分析2017
  • 保险汇编-第804期
    日前,国务院印发《“十三五”国家老龄事业发展和养老体系建设规划》。《规划》提出,到 2020 年,城镇职工和城乡居民基本养老保险参保率达到 90%,基本医疗保险参保率稳定在 95%以上。另外,健全完善社会保障体系。完善养老保险制度,健全医疗保险制度,探索建立长期护理保险制度。
  • 非银金融行业:从严监管基调不变,券商保险攻守兼备-动态报告


  • 全球票房市场报告(2016-2020年)
    In 2010-2015, the international box office revenue increased by 33%. The main reason for the growing success of the film industry is the increasing coordination between the film makers and distributors regarding the screening of movies in multiplexes. The quality of movie screens is also being improved in tandem with the advances in 3D effects technology used in films. Despite technological advances, high-end home theaters and television units are unable to give a tough competition to the box office market as the moviegoers are more inclined toward the overall experience of movies that includes visual effects and screening in IMAX theaters.
  • 全球中小企业在线融资平台市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Many top banks are refusing to provide basic loans to entrepreneurs and SMBs as can be observed from different markets like the UK. This is hindering the growth of the technological start-ups' online financing platform. The banks are refusing to deal with small businesses that are into digital currencies, payments, P2P lending,and crowd funding. Therefore, we expect the innovative technological models to increase the capital of the small businesses and large corporates. This will help the businesses to utilize the real-time underwriting technology that is provided by the technological platforms, thereby helping the businesses to restructure their risk patterns. As a result, they will be able to provide several flexible lines of credit products to the customers.The online technological firms allow the firms to bring in institutional investors to invest in different individuals and small business that are look for debt and equity financing. With the help of this online technology, the market players can make better financing decisions thereby reducing the operational costs at a low cost-toincome ratio as compared to that of traditional banks. This helps in proactively engaging customers. The low-interest rate helps to achieve lower default rates thereby allowing investors to seek higher-yielding assets.In this report, Technavio covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global online financing platform for the SMBs market for 2016-2020.
  • 全球消费信贷市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Consumer credit, also known as consumer debt, refers to debt incurred by individual customers during the purchase of goods or services. Consumer credit includes purchases that are made with lines of credit, credit cards, and loans. Basically, there are two kinds of consumer credit. These are revolving line of credit and non-revolving line of credit, which is also known as installment credit.
  • 全球消费级无人机市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Consumer drones are used to capture photos and shoot videos. They are also used as toys. Consumer drones are capable of capturing high-speed actions, distinct objects, and are designed for rugged conditions, including extreme weather. Consumer drones are equipped with GPS tracking and high-quality cameras that allow users to take photos of distinct objects, without any threat to life.
  • 全球基于云的薪资软件市场报告(2016-2020年)
    In an organization, payroll is the total sum of all the compensation to be paid to the employees, which includes wages, bonuses, and deductions. The payroll is usually managed by the accounting department of a business. However, in a small enterprise, it is handled directly by the owner or the associate. Payroll is vital because payroll and payroll taxes significantly affect the net income of a company as they have to comply with the laws and regulations of the country of operations.


  • 银行行业:同业存单及MPA的影响有多少?-同业存单及MPA热点深度解析
    2014 年来低利率环境下,同业存单为银行提供低成本负债,助长通过期限错配来获取期限利差。而一些银行通过大量发行同业存单,资产端期限错配到同业理财、委外、非标、债券等扩大资产规模,形成传染性极强并且脆弱的同业资金链。而负债端同业类负债占比高的银行稳定性较弱,加之负债端与资产端的期限错配,一旦负债端出现流动性问题,则可能会通过赎回同业理财-赎回债基等方式将流动性风险传染至债券市场,同时也反向传染给投资其同业存单的其他银行。 
  • 银行行业:广义信贷增速-深度剖析MPA专题
    央行从 2016 年起将对银行业的监管体系“升级”为“宏观审慎评估体系”(Macro Prudential Assessment ,下称“MPA”)。2017 年 3 月 14日,宁波银行和贵阳银行因 MPA 未达标被取消 2017 年的公开市场一级交易商资格,南京银行被暂停 MLF(中期借贷便利)。
  • 银行行业:MPA考核趋严,业绩增速预计迎拐点-月报
    周小川行长在 3 月 26 日博鳌亚洲论坛“货币政策的‘度’”分论坛上表示,在实施多年量化宽松货币政策之后,本轮政策周期已经接近尾声,即货币政策不再像过去那样宽松,是时候考虑如何以及何时退出量化宽松的问题了。虽然货币当局已开始收紧流动性,但这也将是个渐进的过程。
  • 银行行业:他山之石,美国区域性中小银行的研究及启示-专题分析报告之三
    与美国大型银行相比,区域性中小银行的经营模式有三点鲜明的特征:第一,客户结构差异性定位于农村、城郊等区域的中小企业、社区居民和农户;第二, 渠道下沉,员工全面融入经营区域,有效匹配客户需求和产品;第三,产品端贴近居民需求,在发放 “关系型”贷款的基础上,还针对性的提供丰富的金融产品和“一对一”式金融服务,成功实现由过去单纯经营存贷款业务转向多元化经营。

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