(报告加工时间:2021-01-25 -- 2021-01-31)


  • 全球医学影像试剂市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Medical imaging reagents are chemicals used to visualize structures or organs, thus supporting physicians to better diagnose and detect diseases. It plays a vital role in pharmaceutical, medical, life sciences tools, biotechnology, and diagnostic industries. The report provides dynamics and trends related to the global medical imaging reagents market. In addition, it presents estimations and forecast of the market. The study estimates revenue generated from the sales of medical imaging reagents class; however, it excludes medical imaging reagents service revenue. The valuations comprise revenue generated from medical imaging reagents such as contrast reagents, optical reagents, and nuclear reagents. Furthermore, the report excludes revenue generated from post-sale services of medical imaging reagents.
  • 全球重型机械有机硅市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Silicone is a high-performance material used in various heavy machineries in the form of resin, elastomers (adhesives and sealants), gels, and fluids. Silicone offers different features, including low thermal conductivity and low chemical reactivity making it one of the preferred material of choice in heavy machinery market. For the purpose of analysis, the report segments the global silicone in heavy machinery market based on product type, component, and region. It further provides details about various product types available in the market such as elastomer, fluids, and others. Switchgear and others are the different components highlighted in the study. Furthermore, the report outlines the details about the revenue generated by silicone in heavy machinery market across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA. This study provides information on the usage of silicone in heavy machinery applications.
  • 全球II消毒剂市场展望预测(2020-2025年)
    The high focus on the maintenance of sanitization and hygiene is one of the key aspects across the globe. The world has witnessed several epidemics across different time-lapses. Owing to this, the World Health Organization (WHO) has started its process for the maintenance of hygiene via a set of actionable rules and regulations. The WHO has been dealing with safety and sanitation issues of foreign traffic since 1951 when the Fourth World Health Assembly encouraged all governments to "improve sanitary and environmental conditions, particularly in and around ports and airports" (WHO 4.80). The World Health Assembly and the Executive Board stressed the value of upholding good hygiene and sanitation standards in international traffic (especially with regard to drinking water and food).
  • 全球船用燃料市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Bunker fuel is a fuel oil used in marine vessels. It is poured into the ship bunkers to power its engines. Ships use mainly three types of marine fuels, which include high sulfur fuel oil, low sulfur fuel oil, and diesel oil. Nowadays, growth in awareness toward reducing environmental pollution and stringent government regulations are expected to create opportunities for the fuels, including LNG, gasoil, LPG, and others as a substitute to the above-mentioned bunker fuels.
  • 全球手霜市场报告(2021-2027年)
    Hand cream is one of the types of skin care products that is specifically meant to provide moisture to hands. Hand cream provides moisture to hands for a longer period of time than a hand lotion owing to its thick consistency. There are different variants of hand cream available in the market that include anti-aging hand cream, whitening hand cream, overnight hand cream, repair hand cream and others.


  • 基础化工行业:禁塑令逐步落地,可降解塑料风起
    2020 年7 月,国家发改委联合九部门发布《关于扎实推进塑料污染治理工作的通知》,2020 年底为该禁塑通知的阶段性实施节点。据中国消费网,北京、上海、深圳等一线城市及部分二、三线地级市均已开始实施,要求超市禁用不可降解塑料袋,部分城市对农产品市场、餐饮、外卖等亦提出了同类要求。我们认为国内可降解塑料市场在“碳中和”背景下,有望在未来2-3 年内迎来快速发展期,目前国内市场仍处于起步阶段,此次禁塑令在各地的实施有望推动国内市场渗透率提高,促使消费端用量增长,推荐金发科技。
  • 化工行业:新周期景气上行,化工行业表现亮眼-投资策略报告
    2021 年初以来,化工行业整体景气度明显提升,截至1 月18 日收盘,CS 石油石化指数单日上涨3.69%,年初至今上涨11.66%,在中信29 个一级行业中涨跌幅排名第一;CS 基础化工指数单日上涨2.46%,年初至今上涨6.01%,在中信29 个一级行业中涨跌幅排名第六。整体来看,我们认为2020Q3-2021Q1 是新一轮周期的起点,未来上市化企利润水平将持续企稳回升,预计在2021Q3-Q4 达到新一轮利润高点。从子板块来看,化工行业本次涨潮中可降解塑料、电子化学品以及以民营炼化为首的化纤三个子板块表现最为亮眼,其中电子化学品板块主要是板块补涨逻辑。
  • 化工行业:农产品涨价,把握2021农药板块性机会-春季行情展望报告(二)
    展望2021 年,我们对农化行业预期乐观,我们判断农药企业将进入新一轮量价齐升景气周期。若通胀推动农作物价格持续上行,我们认为本轮周期有望重现2013-2014 年农化大周期。考虑到2021 年重点复苏的是大田作物相关需求,我们认为应当优先关注除草剂、杀虫剂,尤其是大宗品种草甘膦、草铵膦、农用菊酯等品种。
  • 基础化工行业:行业维持景气态势,继续关注制冷剂和化纤板块-月报
    2020 年12 月份中信基础化工行业指数上涨1.90%,在30 个中信一级行业中排名第9 位。子行业中,碳纤维、锂电化学品和聚氨酯板块表现居前。主要产品中,近一月份化工品整体保持上涨态势,但上涨品种比例有所下降,下跌品种比例有所提升。上涨品种中,制冷剂R125、二甲基亚酰胺、碳酸锂、丙二醇和四氯乙烯涨幅居前。1 月份的投资策略上,建议关注制冷剂和化纤板块。
  • 主粮价格上行,看好化肥需求及盈利修复-专题报告
    2020 年以来,受疫情、异常天气、及去库存等方面影响,农产品供给趋紧,主粮价格回暖。农作物价格的高低很大程度上影响化肥的价格和施用量。化肥与主粮价格走势高度正相关,价格复苏有一定滞后。
  • 化工行业:农产品涨价,看好旺季化肥景气-春季行情展望系列报告之三
    2020 年初至今国内外主要粮食作物价格上涨明显,国内玉米、大豆、小麦、中晚稻等主要粮食作物价格分别上涨45%/29%/3.5%/14%;CBOT 玉米、大豆和小麦等农作物期货结算价分别上涨27%/42%/15%。根据中金农业组预测,2021 年国内玉米饲用需求旺盛,玉米价格与种植收益仍将处于向上通道;同时小麦与水稻价格或受益于政策推动,水稻和小麦收储价格仍有向上空间。我们认为农作物价格上涨将带动种植收益提升和农民种植意愿增强,利好化肥等农业投入品需求增长,我们看好春耕旺季需求集中释放下化肥价格上涨。

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