(报告加工时间:2016-08-08 -- 2016-08-14)


  • 物联网:推动中国产业转型-2015
  • 应用软件,步入未来三大战略构建高速运作的软件驱动型业务埃森哲信息技术服务观点报告-2015
  • 2016年技术展望数字时代,以人为本
    随着数字技术已成为各个经济领域的主导力量,技术革命正在改变世界,最新的趋势是技术将人推至核心。简言之,在商业全面数字化的今天,企业中的人与文化也必须经历数字化的蜕变。 2016年度报告以“数字时代,以人为本”为主题,详细阐述了企业如何化解数字文化冲击所带来的影响、营造充满活力的数字文化,一举获得竞争优势。我们考察了同时期的一些数字经济的领跑者,了解他们是如何开创数字化先河。
  • 2015年中国互联网金融行业投资研究报告
    互联网金融定义:互联网金融是以互联网为资源,大数据、云计算为基础,采用新金融模式运作的一种新兴行业。 互联网金融提升资源配置效率:基于互联网大数据的金融信用体系和数据驱动金融服务,互联网金融降低了行业信息不对称的风险,从根本上改变了传统金融服务的理念和业务方式,提升了金融资源配置效率和风险管理水平。
  • 2015年技术展望数字化商业时代:开疆拓土
    近年来,全球范围的企业组织高管全力积极利用社交、移动、数据分析和云计算这四种技术( SMAC),大力推动数字化转型。当下的挑战是:企业领导将如何发挥他们所建立的数字化优势?


  • 全球医疗IT市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Most hospitals and healthcare institutions worldwide fulfill their healthcare IT requirements from third-parties to cut cost and enhance overall operational efficiency. Based on the current market scenarios, we anticipate that the revenue of the global healthcare IT market will likely increase to more than $6.5 billion by 2016 end compared to 2015, growing at a CAGR of 7%.
  • 全球网上学习自学市场报告(2016-2020年)
    In self-paced e-learning students have complete control over the pace of studying, rendering it convenient. In this method of learning there are no time and place constraints. Students have flexible courses and assignment completion dates. Selfpaced e-learning consists of standard packaged content and other related services, such as audio or video tutorials and classroom programs. These are either delivered independently to learners, wherein the learner accesses the course at their flexibility or through the guidance of faculty.
  • 全球算法交易市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Modern financial markets use advanced mathematical models to arrive at (and execute) transaction decisions. Such automated technologies are referred to as highspeed algorithmic trading. These methods determine the optimal time for an order to be placed so as to generate the least impact on stock prices. Large institutional investors use algorithmic trading technologies to buy and sell large blocks of shares in small tranches every day. These technologies allow users to use the best possible pricing without any significant impact on purchasing costs.
  • 美国《联邦信息系统供应链风险管理指南》研究
  • 全球3G4G设备市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Advanced mobile phone system (AMPS) network technology was used in 1G. AMPS was a voice-only network, operating on the 800 MHz band that was permanently switched off in 1999. AMPS was an old radio technology, and its operation was similar to regular radio transmission such as ultra-high-frequency (UHF) radio, where the 800 MHz band was split into many channels using frequency division multiple access (FDMA). Each channel was 30KHz wide and, hence, supported only 395 mobile phone users per cell tower. The tower estimated the signal strength of each user and allotted channels to them. The tower ensured that these channels were reused without interference by multiple towers.
  • 全球游戏外设市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Gaming has evolved from mere board games and associated video games to a huge industry. The introduction and popularity of PCs and electronic devices, and the rise of the internet have led to the development and commercialization of gaming. It is also being adopted as a profession, which is directly impacting the growth of the global gaming peripheral market.
  • 全球数字营销支出市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Digital marketing is the most active and the fastest growing marketing technique. The growth can be attributed to global digitalization trend. Every minute, an estimated 650,000 search queries are raised on Google, more than 700 videos are hosted on YouTube, over 700,000 status updates and 500,000 comments are posted on Facebook, over 65,000 tweets are made worldwide, and approximately 180 million emails are sent. These figures emphasize the significance of digital media as a marketing tool.
  • 全球电脑模块市场报告(2016-2020年)
    A COM, or system on module (SOM), is a single board computer, which is a subtype of an embedded computer system. COMs are used in various embedded applications such as industrial automation, medical equipment, gaming devices (slot machines), servers, workstations, and rackmounts. They are built on a single circuit board and consist of a single processor, random access memory (RAM), and input and output controllers. However, COMs lack the standard connectors required for connecting input/output peripherals to the board. Hence, they need to be mounted on a carrier board to connect to standard peripheral connectors. Certain COMs have peripheral connectors and do not require a carrier board. In certain configurations, the baseboard is connected to a backplane, which allows connectivity to other peripheral devices. Also, some rackmount computer designs that use COMs use backplane connectivity.

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