(报告加工时间:2020-11-23 -- 2020-11-29)


  • 全球机械机电锁市场展望预测(2020-2025年)
    Mechanical and electromechanical locks have an established market worldwide, and their demand is also driven by the adoption of new doors in all buildings. Locks and access control systems have always been a standard component in both residential and non-residential buildings, including commercial and industrial buildings, and locks now have a long-established market. Most standard doors comprise of glass panes mounted in wooden or metal frames. Currently, the focus is on wood, plastic, and glass for internal doors and hardwood, metal, and fiberglass for external and exit doors. Residential buildings have at least one door and more than one window in every room. However, commercial buildings have a large number of doors, which enhances the demand for new locks with more new door orders across the globe.
  • 全球工业紧固件市场展望预测(2020-2025年)
    An understanding of the global economic scenario is vital to make informed decisions regarding the fasteners market’s landscape. Emerging and developed economies might react to similar challenges in similar ways, but the implications and protective measures as well as their degree are different for different economies. In 2019, the global economic growth for 2020 was expected to be characterized by moderate recovery (1−3%) in the developed economies of Germany, the US, and the UK, average growth to outperformance (5−9%) in developing economies such as China and India, and contraction to flat growth in economies of Brazil, Russia, and the EU (1.20−1.50%). However, the spread of the coronavirus pandemic sent global economies into phases of lockdown, and almost all industries took a hit on their production, manufacturing, and operational capacities, even as essential services were carried out by skeleton staffing. As a result of COVID-19 and its impact on economies, the global economy is expected to contract by over 3% in 2020.
  • 全球紫外线消毒设备市场前景预测(2020-2025年)
    Ultraviolet (UV) is a form of light which is considered as the most effective method for disinfecting bacteria from water. It is a safe and chemical-free process and can effectively destroy bacteria that have a wavelength of 240 to 280 nanometers. In this disinfection process, water flows through a stainless chamber to purify it from powerful bacteria with the help of UV-lamp. When UV radiation penetrates the cell wall of an organism, it destroys the cell’s ability to reproduce. This procedure is used in many industrial applications such as food and beverage, biopharmaceutical, cosmetics, centralized drinking water, swimming pools, among others.
  • 全球气雾剂输送设备市场报告(2020-2027年)
    The report provides market dynamics and trends related to the global aerosol delivery devices market. In addition, it presents estimations and forecast of the market. The study estimates revenue generated from the sales of aerosol delivery devices; which are available in the form of dry powder inhalers, metered dose inhalers, and nebulizers. Applications such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis, and non-respiratory disease indication (diabetes, analgesia, & Parkinson’s disease) have been considered in the market estimation. However, it excludes aerosol delivery devices service revenue. The report comprises revenue generated from cost of pre-filled devices (devices that are available with a drug) such as multi dose dry powder inhalers and metered dose inhalers. In case of some nebulizers and single dose dry powder inhalers, only device price has been considered during the market estimation. Similarly, cost of drugs sold without devices is excluded from the study. Furthermore, the report excludes revenue generated from post-sale services of aerosol delivery devices.
  • 全球医疗中央真空系统市场展望和预测(2020-2025年)
    The global medical central vacuum systems market is expected to witness a rise in the use of non-conventional cleaning equipment such as centralized vacuum systems. Centralized vacuum systems are becoming ideal for residential and nonresidential segments where the systems are installed at a designated area, and their penetration is expected to be significant in the healthcare segment. The penetration of centralized vacuum systems in healthcare segments is driven by their use as a part of the design and operation mandate.
  • 全球杀菌灯市场前景预测(2020-2025年)
    The artificially produced UV-C radiation has been in use for many decades and successfully being used as a germicide or bactericide. The demand for UV-C based systems and equipment has grown steadily in the last century. However, post-2000, the traction for such systems increased as many applications in the commercial and industrial sectors gained popularity on a larger scale. The increase in the number of viral infections and epidemics such as SARS, Dengue, Ebola, Chikungunya, Zika, and Nipah also aided in the development of germicidal lamps that would reduce the infectious disease spread by way of sterilization. The UV-C based systems and equipment act as an alternative to chemical-based disinfection mechanism in many end-use sectors, especially in water treatment, where generally chlorine is used for destroying microorganisms. Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) in the UV-C band is used for water, air, and surface disinfection. UV-C energy is used to interrupt the transmission of pathogenic organisms such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB), influenza viruses, molds, and possible bioterrorism agents.
  • 全球脊柱植入物和器械市场报告(2019-2027年)
    Spinal implants and devices are used to treat disorders and impairments related to spine. The scope of the report includes revenue generated from sales of spinal implant and devices, which are used during surgery for various spine disorders by practitioners. Recent advancements and developments in spinal implants and devices have enhanced their efficiency. Drivers, restraints, and opportunities are explained in detail to understand the market dynamics. Market share analysis and key strategies adopted by potential market leaders to facilitate effective planning and decision-making are also discussed in the report.


  • 机械行业:中国制造飞跃,龙头估值提升-2021年度投资策略
    我们预计2021 年机械行业在中国内需和外贸回升的拉动下,继续全面复苏,增速来看前高后低,疫情后制造回流中国或将超预期,出口和制造业资本开支回升,同时财政政策和货币政策趋于中性,机械行业仍保持景气。过去几年中美贸易摩擦和疫情加快中国制造升级和进口替代,机械行业龙头在逆境中实现竞争力提升,龙头企业有应对各种不确定性的能力,未来估值将得到提升。
  • 电气设备和新能源行业:“十四五开局之年,低碳经济全球共识-2021年新能源行业年度投资策略
    2019 年国内新能源汽车补贴退坡幅度大,叠加20 年新冠疫情影响,行业增速下滑。然而新能源汽车战略属性与消费属性兼具,成为促进消费、培育新增长点的重要抓手。《新能源汽车产业发展规划(2021-2035年)》为行业发展指引方向,2025 年实现渗透率20%的宏伟目标推动行业发展步入快车道。我们预计2025 年国内新能车产销有望达520-540万辆,“十四五”期间CAGR 将高达34%-35%。同时,双积分政策、地方补贴(路权)政策及新能源汽车下乡等政策为行业发展保驾护航。
  • 机械设备行业:2021吗,中国制造或迎价值发现新阶段-2021年度策略

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