(报告加工时间:2019-05-06 -- 2019-05-12)


  • 行业月度报告-新材料201903
    3 月份,新材料行业运行平稳,高温合金产量大幅增长;多晶硅产量逐渐恢复;稀土催化材料产量平稳增长;动力电池装机总电量为 5.09GWh,同比增长 145%。进出口方面,受国内经济放缓和抢跑效应消退影响,光电材料进出口金额都开始放缓;特钢进口和出口同比双双下滑;碳纤维进口增速回暖,出口波动较大。投融资方面,科创板有望成为新材料企业的融资高地。价格方面,化工新材料价格略有下滑、特钢受汽车需求回暖影响小幅回升;多晶硅在需求旺盛的带动下逐渐回暖,价格触底反弹。资本市场方面,随着股市反弹,新材料板块继续上涨。
  • 行业月度报告-化工201903
    3 月份,化工行业运行虽依旧缓慢,但工业增加值增速稳步回升;1~3 月,化学原料和化学制品制造业工业增加值同比增长 5.5%;出厂价格指数延续上年末趋势进一步下滑,3 月化学原料和化学制品制造业出厂价格指数为 97.5 点,环比上月持平;行业投资继续有所回升,1~3 月化学原料和化学制品制造业固定资产投资同比增长 11.3%;化工行业营收增速大幅放缓,利润终结增长势头,一季度行业利润同比大幅减少 17.8%,较 1~2 月收窄 9.4 个百分点。
  • 2019-2023年中国氟化工行业市场前景与战略规划报告


  • 全球化妆品和香水玻璃瓶市场 - 增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    Technological advancements concerning the internet, combined with its increasing commercial application and the rapid growth in the number of internet users worldwide, have not only shaped the evolution of cloud advertising through different forms of digital advertising, but have also enhanced the advertising business models, along with the market levels and players.
  • 越南生物农药市场 - 按作物类型和类型划分 - 增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    According to the US EPA, biopesticides includes naturally occurring substances (biochemical pesticides), microorganisms (microbial pesticides), and pesticidal substances produced by plants (plant-incorporated protectants). The Vietnamese biopesticides market study covers all three types of above mentioned commercial microbial, biochemical pesticides and plant incorporated protectant products.
  • 拉丁美洲硝酸市场分析和分段预测到2026年
    In terms of revenue, the nitric acid market in Latin America is projected to grow at a steady rate of 6.1% over the forecast period with major demand arising from its application in fertilizers. Majority of the countries in Latin America are based on agriculture business, with Brazil being the largest exporter followed by Argentina. Soybean complex is the most commonly cultivated crop in the region which requires premium fertilizer to reflect optimum output. Nitric acid, being one of the most crucial raw materials in manufacturing fertilizers is estimated to drive the market in the foreseeable future.


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