(报告加工时间:2017-07-10 -- 2017-07-16)


  • 半导体行业:产业转移深入,国产化良机已至-深度研究报告
    半导体产业转移呈现两大规律 :一是产业转移是半导体产业发展升级必然的结果,无法阻挡更无法逆转,我们认为根本是因为不同国家在产品生命周期的不同阶段比较竞争优势发生改变,催生产业转移的原动力。二是产业转移总是伴随着新兴电子产品市场的兴起,这是因为新兴市场带来技术升级或是产业链的变化,造就了行业重新洗牌的机会,承接国若能发现商机,并结合自身的比较竞争优势,制定正确的策略,抓住商机,产业转移将应运而生。
  • 半导体行业:景气迎来上行拐点,重点推荐封测-深度研究报告
    库存调整接近尾声,半导体行业进入补库存的上行周期:我们对全球前15 大半导体设计厂商库存调整周期的研究表明,库存周转天数在 3 季度迎来下行拐点基本无悬念,行业进入以补库存为开启特征的新周期,新周期补库存的上行阶段一般会持续 4-5 个季度,我们看好 2017Q3-2018Q3半导体周期向上的行情。而从业界的反馈来看, 大陆手机库存调整接近尾声,苹果带动的拉货潮开启,以及半导体行业 3 季度步入旺季,三大效应将共同拉动半导体行业景气的反转,进一步验证了我们对行业进入上行周期的观点。
  • 电力设备行业:三元锂电池大势所趋,有望获得超预期高增长-中期策略
    全球汽车电动化浪潮来袭,我国已成为最大的新能源汽车消费国:17 年上半年,特斯拉市值超越通用和福特汽车,腾讯入股特斯拉成为第五大股东,颠覆性产品Model 3 量产在即,一场全球的汽车电动化浪潮正在来袭。 我国新能源汽车产业受政策持续扶持,使得我国已成为全球最大的新能源汽车消费。未来十年我国新能源汽车产量将由 16 年约 50 万辆,增长到千万辆的级别,复合增速约 40%。据 EV-Volumes 统计,2016 年我国新能源车销售量占比全球 45%;2017 年在补贴大幅退坡的情况下,17Q1 新能源车销售占比全球仍达 31%。预计未来我国新能源汽车产销量将占全球的 35~45%,稳坐全球最大的新能源汽车消费市场。
  • 电子化学品行业:乘政策之东风,接产业转移之大势-首次覆盖报告
    电子化学品技术壁垒高、品类多、单个产品市场规模有限,下游客户粘性高。产业转移叠加政策推动,国内电子化学品市场加速进口替代。高端产品多被日韩及欧美的老牌企业高度垄断,低端产品国内市场已实现进口替代。国外电子化学品企业的发展路径离不开产品线的做大和做强,国内相关公司通过内生及外延两种方式正在快速追赶国外公司。我国的电子制造业已经在多个领域成为霸主,与之配套的电子化学品行业一定会诞生能与日本太阳油墨与 3M 之类的公司比肩的优秀企业。
  • 电力设备与新能源行业:继续看好电动车旺季反转行情,布局中报超预期个股-周报
    本周电力设备与新能源板块上涨 1.47%,涨幅强于大盘。发电设备上涨 1.97%,锂电池指数上涨 1.6%,光伏板块上涨 1.53%,一次设备上涨 1.38%,新能源汽车指数上涨 1.28%,核电板块上涨 1.19%,风电板块上涨 1.11%,二次设备上涨 0.87%,工控自动化上涨 0.33%。涨幅居前五个股票为哈空调、坚瑞沃能、通光线缆、金龙汽车、许继电气;跌幅居前五个股票为东北电气、凯发电气、上海临港、东方能源、电光科技。


  • 全球智能教室文档摄影机市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The document camera is gaining importance in the education technology market.With its ability to assist visual learning in small and large learning atmospheres,these devices will become an integral element of the digital infrastructure of traditional and virtual classrooms. As new teaching methods emerge and faculty will start using interactive digital learning methods, document cameras will have a strong role in the effective delivery of content.Many traditional vendors like Lumens and Samsung Presenter that have strong positions in other related markets have entered the global document camera for smart classroom market. With a continuous focus on product innovations by vendors to reduce the price for the purpose of mass adoption in education,document cameras will, albeit at a slower pace, gain market presence in developed and developing economies.
  • 全球数据中心网络市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Data center fabric is a network infrastructure where interconnections between switches and servers are weaved in the form of a fabric. These interconnections are used to create multiple active links. Data center fabric helps meet networking demands such as bandwidth and topology extension and improves failover time in data centers for cloud and virtualization environments. The technology reduces the IT budget of organizations and improves flexibility, agility, and efficiency of IT-related operations. We expect such technology to meet the present and future computing requirements of enterprises and gain popularity among cloud-based organizations.
  • 全球数据中心冷却解决方案(2017-2021年)
    Cooling solutions are used in data centers worldwide to lower the heat generated by IT equipment. Data centers operate air conditioning units, chillers, economizers, cooling towers or dry coolers, humidifiers, and also rack/row level cooling solutions. These cooling units involve the use of air and liquid-based cooling techniques. As the cooling process accounts for 40% of the power consumed in data centers, vendors are innovating and testing techniques to reduce operational expenditure.
  • 全球网络学习基础设施市场报告(2017-2021年)
    E-learning refers to learning using electronic media. It has been widely adopted by the education sector with increased popularity. E-learning is also referred to as computerbased learning (CBL), digital collaboration, Internet-based learning (IBL), virtual classrooms, and web-based learning (WBL). This form of learning is cost-effective and helps enhance the understanding of various subjects as well as the learning curves of the students. As a result, many educational institutions worldwide are replacing the traditional forms of teaching and learning with e-learning.The need for new forms of pedagogy and learning methodologies is accelerating the market growth and influencing the IT spending positively. The widespread adoption of e-learning is attributed to the infrastructure readiness of the education sector. This is needed to embrace technology-enabled education. Thus, the IT infrastructure plays a vital role in implementing and facilitating e-learning processes by the education sector.
  • 全球国土安全监控摄像机市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Homeland security is a department that is entrusted with protecting a nation from attacks and/or disasters within a country as well as is responsible for maintaining overall law and order. Its major motives are to ensure a safe and secure stay for the country's respective civilians and minimize the damage from attacks or turbulence that occurs. A country’s homeland security department consists of the following segments.
  • 全球数据中心架PDU市场报告(2017-2020年)
    In a data center environment, a rack PDU is used to supply power to a server rack.Rack-mounted PDUs are available in different sizes and configurations. These traits depend on the type of connection and voltage each unit requires to function. PDUs are classified based on functionalities, including power filtering, remote monitoring, control by local area network (LAN) or simple network management protocol (SNMP), and intelligent load balancing. They are easy to install, configure, and manage.A PDU is designed to distribute power to a rack of servers, and storage and networking infrastructure in a data center. A rack PDU is often used along with an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). It is noted that the PDU market is dependent on the growth of the data center market.The demand for cloud computing and big data analytics is growing exponentially among enterprises worldwide. This, in turn, is resulting in an increase in the number ofdata center facilities. In addition, the complexity of the networking equipment in a data center environment is increasing. These factors have increased the use of PDUs to reduce the risk of power failure.
  • 全球牙科成像设备市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Dental imaging techniques use digital image capture devices such as sensors and scanners to provide two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) images of dental condition. These techniques permit immediate image preview and availability,eliminates costly film processing steps, and provides special image processing techniques that enhance the overall display image quality. Dental imaging can be used for dental treatments that require high-quality three-dimensional imaging to offer better treatment care. It helps the dentists evaluate diseases (endodontic and periodontics) in the jaw or teeth, to understand the anatomical structure of the maxillofacial region for surgery, and to diagnose soft tissues around the jaws for dental implants.
  • 全球数据中心服务器市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Servers are the backbone of a data center operation, and they are used mainly for the transfer of data over computer networks. A server operation is dependent on hardware reliability and durability. A typical server consists of dual-power supplies, redundant array of independent disks (RAID) disk systems, and error-correcting code (ECC) memory, which are tested for operations by vendors. There have been severa innovations in the design and manufacturing of servers, depending on business requirements.Modern servers can be hot-swapped in the case of any service requirement. Missioncritical servers are designed and manufactured with fault tolerance with low failurerates for maximum data center uptime. Servers can be powered up, configured, and rebooted remotely using server management software. Servers are also virtualized in modern data centers to increase the utilization of computing resources for multiple operations.

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