(报告加工时间:2021-12-06 -- 2021-12-19)


  • “十四五”软件业开源生态加快构建
  • 工业软件向“云”而行


  • ZTBGNM-从“元宇宙热炒中理性看待我国虚拟现实产业发展-电子信息(5)
    2021 年4 月以来,元宇宙概念大热,国内外巨头企业围绕“元宇宙”加快布局,作为元宇宙核心技术之一的虚拟现实也被寄予厚望。经数据分析,赛迪顾问电子信息产业研究中心认为,“元宇宙”的落地需要突破核心技术进展缓慢、企业级典型示范及消费级杀手应用缺乏、有效监管引导不足等痛点,从根本上改变用户群体偏小、应用较少的“曲高和寡”局面。我们建议,鼓励虚拟现实相关企业深耕硬件和内容,创新盈利模式;引导社会资本聚焦虚拟现实的企业核心竞争力,理性决策投融资行为;政府相关部门应精准制定支持政策,加强监管力度。
  • 全球6G研发进展与发展展望-信息通信(5)
    自上世纪80 年代以来,移动通信基本上以十年为周期出现一次迭代升级,随着 全球5G 网络规模化商用步入快车道,针对6G 研发的战略性布局已全面拉开帷幕。 目前,全球多个国家和地区、国际组织以及学术界、产业界均开展了6G 研究。业 界虽然还尚未对6G 的愿景、关键技术、标准等形成统一的共识,但对于6G 商用演 进时间节点看法较为一致,目前一般预期将在2030 年左右开始商用,未来3-5 年 将是6G 研发的关键窗口期。


  • 全球专业保险市场(2021-2030年)
    Specialty insurance is designed to cover businesses with nontraditional needs, protects against negligence claims, and allows the payment of judgment & legal fees. In addition, this insurance is obtained for items or events that are considered unique and are rarely covered by standard insurance policies. The demand for specialty insurance is significantly high across construction, healthcare, environmental, and energy industries.
  • 全球云通信平台市场的风向标到2028 年
    The cloud communication platform includes varied types of solutions which are used to boost the efficiency of business activities. Unified Communication and Collaboration (UCC/UCaaS), Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC), Interactive Voice Response (IVR), Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Application Programming Interface (API) are some of the prominent solutions used by industries to increase the effectiveness of operations. Ion addition, with an increase in remote working and work from policy, the penetration of cloud based platforms are boosting at an exponential rate.
  • 全球考勤软件市场报告(2021-2030年)
    Time and attendance software is a kind of business application which is designed for tracking as well as optimizing the hours that employees spend on the job and keeping records of salaries and wages paid. It is mainly used by HR departments and companies to simplify time tracking. It is rapidly being used by businesses of all sizes. It offers management personnel with varied tools to help maximize cash flow and minimize waste. In addition, such software programs are designed for generation, maintenance, and archiving of important tax and payroll information.
  • 全球贸易监控系统市场(2021-2028年)
    Trade surveillance is the implementation of surveillance system to investigate about manipulative or illegal trading practices in the security markets. It helps maintain orderly markets by monitoring and detecting the activities of trading. These include market manipulation, analysis of cross-market & cross asset, examination of trades in suspected areas, trade violence, and pre & post trade to ensure fairness and accuracy of transactions in an organization. The report focuses on the growth prospects, restraints, and trends of the global trade surveillance system market analysis. The study provides Porter’s five forces analysis to understand the impact of various factors such as bargaining power of suppliers, competitive intensity of competitors, threat of new entrants, threat of substitutes, and bargaining power of buyers on the global trade surveillance system market.
  • 全球跟踪即服务市场报告(2021-2030年)
    Tracking-as-a-service is a cloud and on-premises-based solution used to enhance logistics and supply chain across industries to track vehicles, assets, and inventories. Innovation in advanced technology, investments in research, robots in warehouses, and adoption of locating services act as prime drivers for the market growth. Emergence of eye-tracking system technology, coupled with surge in demand for next-generation smart technologies such as real-time tracking systems across retail, healthcare, and manufacturing sectors are expected to offer considerable growth opportunities for the tracking-as-a-service market. However, surge in privacy concerns due to electronic monitoring systems and low awareness among consumers regarding tracking-as-a-service technology serves as a major restraint of the market growth. Furthermore, increase in adoption of IoT-based technology is required to provide lucrative opportunities for the tracking-as-a-service industry during the forecast period.
  • 全球虚拟活动市场 (2020-2027年)
    Virtual event is a digitally simulated proceeding, which covers a wide range of activities, from video and audio conferencing to live streaming and broadcasting. These events are conducted by companies during product launch and introduction of new services. The report highlights numerous factors that influence the growth of the global virtual events market. These include market forecast, drivers, restraints, opportunities, and role of different key players operating in the market.
  • 全球虚拟活动市场 (2020-2027年)
    Virtual event is a digitally simulated proceeding, which covers a wide range of activities, from video and audio conferencing to live streaming and broadcasting. These events are conducted by companies during product launch and introduction of new services. The report highlights numerous factors that influence the growth of the global virtual events market. These include market forecast, drivers, restraints, opportunities, and role of different key players operating in the market.
  • 全球可穿戴健身追踪器市场(2021-2028年)
    A wearable fitness tracker is a device, which uses sensors to track user movement, orientation, and rotation. This device gathers data and transforms it into calories, steps, sleep quality, and other activities that the user performs. Many trackers also have an 'altimeter' sensor, which measures altitude to track the number of flights of stairs climbed. These trackers can simply figure whether the user is running or not. In addition, the alarm in the tracker reminds about a variety of things such as drinking enough water, standing, walking, completing the number of steps, sleeping on the right time, and others. This device provides solutions to individuals who are involved in working toward a precise health & fitness goal.


  • 解析我国规制个人信息泄露问题的法律路径
  • 基于业务需求的精细5G室内覆盖建设方案探讨
  • 人工智能促进中国经济增长的机理——基于理论与实证研究
  • 2020年智能座舱发展状况分析与未来展望
    座舱是实现空间场景的核心载体,这对座舱的人机交互、智能网联、娱乐信息系统等方面的技术提出了较高的要求。在“软件定义汽车”的时代,智能座舱将会是各大车企发力的重点,同时也是消费者关注的焦点。本文首先对智能座舱的概念进行了探讨。接着从座舱硬件工程和软件工程两个层面对座舱发展现状进行了深入的研究分析。硬件工程层面,AI芯片的快速发展为座舱技术提供了有力的支撑,同时新一代的车载显示、人机交互、网联通信和健康系统纷纷被载入新一代的智能座舱;软件工程层面,谷歌Android Automotive OS、华为Harmony OS2.0及百度、腾讯、斑马网络等的汽车操作系统陆续面世,极大地提升了用户体验。最后本文指出智能座舱正越来越清晰地呈现向数字化方向发展的态势,同时车内驾驶员状态感知技术和多模态的交互方式亦是座舱未来的重要发展方向。
  • 2020年自动驾驶网联通信发展状况分析及未来展望
  • 主流人工智能话语的技术迷思
  • 2020年自动驾驶高精地图发展报告
  • 数据路由器(API安全)研究

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