(报告加工时间:2020-12-28 -- 2021-04-18)


  • 全球下一代印刷油墨市场分析和预测(2019-2025年)
    Pad printing has been a conventional method of printing on curved and uneven surfaces for a long time. It involves the transfer of 2D images or texts onto a 3D surface with the help of flexible silicone pads. It is a spin-off of conventional offset printing. Recently, digital printing has paved the way for printing on the surfaces with variable diameter using digital cylinder printing technique. This process directly strews ink over a curved surface which is in a close vicinity to the cylindrical printheads using digital imaging systems. Additionally, this process uses a robot automation system which tracks the surface of the substrate and calculates the angle of inclination with help of a computer-aided software. This ensures that the substrate and the printheads are always less than 5 mm of distance, which is the optimum distance to get a high-resolution print. Thus, digital cylinder printing offers a faster turnaround time than the conventional pad printing method, due to the single-pass mechanism and no requirement of pre-setups for printing. Many companies such as Inkcups, PadJet, Automated Marking, Inc., and BottleJET are offering products to print on curved surfaces. Such developments are going to boost the digital printing ink market in the coming years.


  • 轻工制造行业:造纸行业景气显著提升,家居珠宝消费明显回暖-聚焦轻工2021年一季报前瞻
    聚焦轻工2021 年一季报前瞻,一季度需求加速回暖,预计造纸行业在纸价提升下盈利有望改善,家居、珠宝行业业绩加速回升。建议关注原材料涨价驱动叠加需求回暖下的造纸行业景气抬升,关注2021 上半年需求加速回暖的家居、珠宝行情。
  • 轻工行业:阶段性调整后等待市场主线明晰-4月投资策略
    截至3 月30 日轻工板块下跌0.08%,沪深300 指数下跌5.98%,走势领先沪深300。轻工板块3 月至今涨幅在28 个行业中位列第8,位于全行业中上。细分指数中,造纸、生活用纸、家居、文具均跑赢沪深300,超额收益率分别为 3.89%、11.63%、12.30%、15.12%。三月前期热门板块带动指数持续下滑,轻工中小市值、低估值标的表现良好。
  • 轻工行业:文化纸小幅提价,家居延续景气-双周报(3.22-4.4)
  • 轻工制造行业:2021Q1前瞻,关注业绩兑现!
    政策靴子落地,影响短空长多。3 月22 日相关部门提出将电子烟等新型烟草进行类烟草化管理。我们认为此举主要明确中烟作为监管主体,产业大概率不会一刀切。电子烟贡献大量就业、出口创汇,中烟对电子烟发展进行封堵的概率很小。后续中烟可能出台一系列配套措施促进产业健康发展,仍坚定看好电子烟产业长期成长。
  • 轻工制造行业:碳中和热度再发酵,轻工消费品一季报可期-周报
    本周行情回顾:本周沪深300 指数较上周上涨0.62%,其中轻工制造板块下跌0.27%,在28 个子行业中的涨跌幅排名为第18 名。受内外销需求影响,本周轻工制造板块整体呈现下跌态势,其中家具、造纸、包装印刷、其他家用轻工分别较上周下跌2.24%、0.29%、0.04%和0.26%,文娱用品板块上升3.66%。个股中,本周涨幅居前5 名的是安妮股份(+20.67%)、*ST 永林(+20.49%)、滨海能源(+19.13%)、天元股份(+14.18%)、皮阿诺(+11.60%);跌幅居前5 名的是尚品宅配(-13.12%)、梦百合(-13.47%)、实丰文化(-13.56%)、宜宾纸业(-14.33%)、退市秋林(-47.90%)。
  • 轻工行业:浆纸共振需待顺价疏通,家居与电子烟高景气望延续,维持推荐行业细分龙头

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