(报告加工时间:2021-08-16 -- 2021-08-22)


  • 2020-2021-物联网行业市场竞争趋势及投资战略分析报告
    随着 NB-IoT(窄带物联网)、 LoRa 广域网、5G 等无线通信技术部署规模日益扩大,近年来我国物联网市场保持快速增长, 2020 年市场规模将突破 1.8 万亿元,物联网芯片、传感器、通信模组等主要细分领域市场 规模稳步增长。其中,感知层、网络层、应用层(包含平台及应用服务)的收入结构占比分 别为 24.7%、33.1%、42.2%;从服务类型来看,物联网连接服务、专业服务、平台服务的收 入结构占比分别为 5.0%、28.0%、67.0%;从服务对象来看,物联网在消费端、产业端、公共 服务端的收入结构占比分别为 68.0%、15.0%、17.0%。从主要应用领域来看,物联网行业应 用渗透率明显提升,智慧城市市场规模将进一步扩大;工业物联网企业在赋能智慧城市、智 能交通、政府治理等方面前景巨大,市场规模有望达到万亿市场;物联网安全行业市场规模 128.8 亿元,年均复合增长率达到 30%以上。
  • 我国区块链数字资产发展现状、挑战及对策建议-电子信息
    2019 年10 月,《中共中央关于坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度 推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化若干重大问题的决定》,提出“健全劳动、资本、土地、知识、技术、管理、数据等生产要素由市场评价贡献、按贡献决定报酬的机制”,首次将数据要素作为生产要素按贡献参与分配,标志着我国正式进入数据要素驱动的数字经济发展的新阶段。2020 年4 月,《中共中央、国务院关于构建更加完善的要素市场化配置体制机制的意见》提出数据要素市场的三大发展方向,包括推进政府数据开放共享,提升社会数据资源价值,加强数据资源整合和安全保护。
  • 对我国6G早期研究布局的几点建议-信息通信
    众所周知,5G 网络技术无法满足2030 年及未来的移动通信需求。第六代无线移动通信网络(6G)将引入全球覆盖、高频谱效率和能源效率、高智能性和安全性等新的性能指标和用例等,以解决快速增长的通信需求。虽然目前6G 尚处于早期理论研究阶段,各信息技术强国意在引领和影响国际6G 布局的竞赛却早已开始。我国目前虽处于先行者位置,但对比发达国家的具体工作重点,仍需进一步加强相关工作。


  • 全球应用转化市场机会分析和行业预测(2020-2027年)
    Application transformation is the process to modernize dated applications to meet modern demands. It ensures that the applications in an organization meet updated governance and compliance requirements. The products and services associated with the application transformation are mainly aimed at helping the IT departments to tackle rise in use of social media and mobile computing in the enterprise. It mainly helps business-critical applications to stay aligned and relevant with modern user expectations. For the purpose of analysis, application transformation market is segmented into component, organization size, industry vertical, and region. This report features information on modular data center solutions and services offered by key vendors.
  • 全球实验室信息管理系统(LIMS)市场展望和预测(2021-2026年)
    Lorem Ipsum data was a challenging task for laboratory technicians until a few decades ago. Manual handwritten reports and charts had a higher probability of human errors. In order to overcome these challenges, the laboratory information management system (LIMS) was first developed in the 1980s. In 1982, LIMS was designed commercially with an automated reporting feature. Over time, with numerous technological advancements, several features were added to the system. Second-generation LIMS consisted of minicomputers. During the 1990s, the first server-based LIMS was developed to help users optimize and share their work. In 1996, the first web-based wireless computing LIMS was introduced in the market.
  • 全球OSS & BSS市场机会分析和行业预测( 2020-2027年)
    OSS & BSS solution provides data related to network performance information and network availability, enabling the operators to proactively manage networks as well as systems to deliver positive user experience. These systems are traditionally used by network planners, operations, architects, support, service designers, and engineering teams of the service provider. Their functionalities include customer activations (fulfillment), fault & performance management (assurance), inventory/asset/configuration management, and network security. The data generated by OSS & BSS is a critical input for overall capital expenditure (CapEx) and operating expense (OPEX) planning, and it is often essential in the formulation of budgets, which cover infrastructure expenditure. For the purpose of analysis, the report segments the global OSS & BSS market based on component, solution type, deployment model, enterprise size, industry vertical, and region. Various components highlighted in this study include solutions and services. Furthermore, network planning & design, service delivery, service fulfillment, service assurance, customer & product management, billing & revenue management, network performance management, and others are the major types of OSS solution covered in the study. It further provides information about small- & medium-sized enterprises and large enterprises. Different deployment models included in this report are into on-premise and cloud. IT & telecom enterprises, BFSI, media & entertainment, retail & e-commerce, and others are the key industry verticals that require the deployment of OSS & BSS solutions and services.
  • 全球Over-the-top (OTT) 服务市场机会分析和行业预测(2020-2027年)
    Over-the-top (OTT) service refer to movies and TV shows, which are delivered directly to digital users without the requirement of cable or satellite television subscription. OTT content can be directly downloaded and viewed on user’s demand over the internet connected to devices such as PC, tablet, smartphone, and console. Presently, over-the-top services are at a relatively nascent stage, and are widely accepted as a trending technology across the globe. For the purpose of analysis, the report segments the globe over-the-top market into component, device type, content type, revenue model, user type, end user, and region. This report further outlines current trends, key driving factors, and key area of investment. In addition, it includes Porter’s five forces analysis to understand the competitive scenario of the industry and role of each stakeholder. This report further features information on over-the-top services offered by key vendors. In addition, it highlights the competitive landscape of the key market players to strengthen their foothold in the industry. furthermore, the report covers strategies adopted by key market players to sustain the competitive environment and increase their market share..
  • 全球战场管理系统市场趋势与预测 2025年
    Battlefield management systems are systems which integrate information to improvise command and control of a military unit. Battlefield management systems or BMS helps in providing accurate real time information which is helpful while taking responsive decisions based on data. It provides data regarding the analysis of the target, automated recommendations, and awareness of the situation for the target objects. The system consists of computer-based command and control system designed to enhance the situational awareness and ability to execute operations. With the increasing political tensions between different nations, there has been a need to strengthen the military capacities and the BMS systems with their capabilities to help the military units towards efficient decision-making shall drive the market.
  • 全球劳动力 IAM — 颠覆性技术和统一访问解决方案实现稳健的安全态势
    Frost & Sullivan defines workforce IAM as a framework that controls and manages employee identities and access as well as policies across IT infrastructures to protect enterprises from unauthorized and potentially harmful security breaches. IAM has evolved from being part of an IT deployment to an extremely critical part of cybersecurity policies and strategies across organizations. Cyberattacks are increasingly focusing on stealing credentials to gain access to enterprise systems rather than hacking and breaking in, making IAM an area of focus for most enterprises. Monetary unit US Dollars The solutions comprising a workforce IAM platform include, but are not limited to, Single Sign-On (SSO), Multifactor Authentication (MFA), Lifecycle Management (provisioning, deprovisioning), Password Management, and Compliance Management.


  • 2019~2020年中国汽车芯片发展现状、趋势与建议


  • 传媒互联网行业:社区团购,行至半程,徐图进取
    我们分别于今年4月及7月在广东、湖南和山东地区组织了社区团购的产 业链调研。我们认为近期社区团购单量出现阶段性瓶颈,主要受夏季线下果 蔬供应充足、冷链建设不及预期及政策限制用户补贴影响。总体来看下沉市 场社区团购模式通过履约创新和基建改造提升了下沉市场的商品流通效率, 我们预计中秋后行业将走出淡季,而高频、刚需和便宜将在长期转化为强用 户粘性。我们依旧看好拼多多、美团在社区团购赛道的长期竞争潜力。 
  • 通信行业:华为2021H1业绩虽降犹荣,ICT竞争风起云涌-点评报告
    华为发布半年报,在美国打压下业绩表现实属不易,ICT 竞争格局风起云涌近期华为对外发布2021 年上半年经营业绩:2021 年上半年华为实现销售收入3,204 亿元人民币,净利润率9.8%。其中,运营商业务收入为1,369 亿元人民币,较2020 年同期1596 亿元下滑14.3%;企业业务收入为429 亿元人民币,较2020年的363 亿元上涨18.1%,表现优异;消费者业务收入为1,357 亿元人民币,较2020 年同期的2,558 亿元下滑了47%,影响较大。受美国严厉制裁让华为的各项业务受到了不同程度的影响,华为作为ICT 产品与解决方案的领头羊承受着较大的竞争压力,未来整个ICT 竞争格局预计会有所变化,同时相关公司有望抢占一定的市场而受益。
  • 通信行业:从网络到硬件到终端应用,新经济发展和核心基础-首席联盟培训
    通信行业围绕运营商、2B2G 应用以及流量三大主线。运营商市场迎来5G 和 10GPON 升级周期: 1 )主设备:核心全球成长 2 )光纤光缆:板块见底反转 21 下半年有望启动新一轮景气周期; 3 )小基站 5G 网络后周期,站址与边缘网络生态;
  • 通信设备行业:通信模组VS智能控制器,五个相同点与两个不同点-物联网系列报告
  • 软件与服务行业:数据安全和隐私计算站风口,等保和关保再启增长-信息安全深度剖析3
    数据已经成为新生产要素,当前数据泄露事件频出,叠加互联网行业数据监管趋严,数据安全成为建设重点。数据安全强调数据生命周期的保护,需要技术、产品、管理多方协作,建设体量不亚于网络侧安全。当前《数据安全法》即将在9 月1 日正式实施,各地数据安全条例逐步落地,政策节奏和推进速度明显加快,数据安全产品有望开启高增长。
  • 传媒互联网行业:YouTube,开启全民创作时代的中视频龙头
    YouTu be是全球规模最大的视频分享平台,开启了全民分享视频内容时 代。依赖于Coo到。强大商业化能力,YouTube同样建立了高效的广告变现 生态,并不断丰富直播等内容形式,探索电商等变现方式。本篇报告我们将 复盘YouTu be的发展历程,并从场景、分发、内容生态、商业化等多个维 度剖析YouTu I)e成功的原因和启示。
  • 软件与服务行业:谷歌首次自研智能手机处理器,Facebook战略布局元宇宙-海外科技跟踪
    8 月2 日,谷歌宣布将打造自己的智能手机处理器Google Tensor,这是谷歌首款片上系统(SoC)处理器,将被搭载于谷歌最新的旗舰手机Pixel6 和Pixel 6 Pro 上。新处理器将极大地改进机的照片与视频处理、语音翻译等功能。除CPU、GPU 和图像信号处理器之外,Tensor 还包括了一个运行人工智能应用程序的专用处理器,使手机能够在设备上处理更多信息,而不必将数据发送到云端。7 月27 日,谷歌母公司Alphabet公布第二季度财报。财报显示,公司Q2 营收为618.8 亿美元(同比+62%),净利润为185.3 亿美元(同比+166%),每股收益为27.26 美元(同比+169%)。按业务来看,(1)谷歌服务收入为570.7 亿美元(同比+63%),其中谷歌广告收入为504.4 亿美元(同比+69%),来自谷歌搜索、YouTube、谷歌网络的广告收入分别为358.5/70.0/76.0 亿美元,同比增速分别为68%/84%/60%;(2)谷歌云收入为46.3 亿美元(同比+54%)。
  • 通信行业:“云智物联“,淘金大产业浪潮-持仓深度系列(3)
    2021年Q2通信板块机构持仓数据创历史新低,机构配置意愿较低。2021年Q2通信行业机构持股比例为0.61%,环比下降0.09%,低配0.66%,在申万28 个子行业中排名第22位,主动偏股基金持股比例为0.69%,环比下降0.18%,在申万28 个子行业中排名第20 位,处于历史较低水平。2020Q1-2021Q2机构重仓持股通信行业总市值从320.61 亿元下降至294.22 亿元。
  • 科技行业:点亮前沿应用科技树,看好零代码云计算、商用自动驾驶和虚拟现实新投资趋势
    基于对全球开源社区GitHub 研发有效性的深度梳理,我们认为目前中国与海外在新技术发展与商业落地场景方向整体高度趋同。结合国内基础科研投入可持续性,顶层政策规划与全球级别的企业矩阵研发人才红利,我们看好零代码云计算、商用自动驾驶和虚拟现实新投资趋势,新应用的商业化落地有望持续提速。
  • 互联网传媒行业:大航海时代-短视频行业深度研究系列(4)
    短视频步入全球大航海时代,进程类似2016 年的Ins。我们分析了海外主要市场头部短视频产品的MAU 渗透率,中枢水平在30%左右,截至2020 年底,中国短视频MAU 渗透率达到88%,我们判断海外短视频行业仍然有明显的增长潜力。通过与Instagram 的全球化进程比较,我们认为短视频行业全球化发展阶段类似2016 年的Instagram。以欧、美、日、韩等为代表的发达市场是存量优质市场,具有优异的商业化基础,短视频渗透率在海外领先,同时流行文化发达,对其他国家市场具有难以忽视的辐射作用与品牌价值,处于价值链顶端。以拉美、中东、东南亚为代表的新兴市场具有人口红利和互联网红利,地缘优势及政策环境使得中国短视频企业优势明显,未来成长潜力仍然突出。

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