(报告加工时间:2018-10-30 -- 2019-01-21)


  • 铝铸件市场分析和分段预测到2025年
    Extensive research and development of innovative product applications in various end-use industries is a major feature of the global aluminum casting industry. Aluminum casting represents the perfect example of an evolving, dynamic industry. Aluminum casted products have gained significant importance across various end-use industries in the recent years owing to their strength, malleability, and light weight. Increasing establishment of emission regulations for automotive sector is further propelling the product demand.
  • 有机硅市场分析和分段预测到2024年
    The market study for silicone is segmented on the basis of product, application and region. In terms of product, the silicone industry is segmented into four levels including fluids, gels, resin, elastomers and other products. Furthermore, we have drilled down the silicone fluids product segment into modified and straight ones. The market study for silicone elastomers is further segmented into high temperature vulcanized (HTV), Room temperature vulcanized (RTV) and liquid silicone rubber (LSR). We have covered the silicone based products including, wax, caulks and emulsions under the other product segments. We have covered the quantitative analysis on silicone market in major applications including, electrical & electronics, transportation, construction, personal care & pharmaceuticals, and textile industries. Furthermore, we have covered the use of silicone in food & beverage, oil & gas, chemicals, and consumer goods sectors only.
  • 波兰金属加工业报告(2018-2022年)
    The Polish metal processing sector is the 8th biggest in Europe and the 18th biggest in the world. It constitutes 0.5% of the country’s GDP and its exports account for 9.4% of the country’s total exports. The sector is dominated by the production of pig iron, crude steel and basic steel products, which were responsible for 93% of the total basic metal volume produced in 2016. The sector employs over 60,000 people or around 0.41% of the country’s total employment. The biggest trading partner is Germany with a share of over 25% in both imports and exports of metals. The metal processing sector is dominated by one big player ArcelorMittal Poland, which achieved 28% of the total country’s sales in 2016.


  • 智能制造行业:锂电设备,分化还未定型,淘汰正在发生,宜居危而思安-专题报告(五)
    补贴退坡环境下,市场对锂电设备行业的疑虑:在政策支持与财政补贴下,我国新能源汽车销量由2011 年的8159 辆增加到2017 年的77.7 万辆,六年的CAGR 高达114%。动力电池作为新能源汽车的核心部件,出货量由2012 年的1.2GWh 增加到2017 年的44.5GWh,锂电供应商和锂电设备商纷纷受益。站在当前的时间点,市场对于锂电设备行业的持续性发展有以下几点疑虑:(1)补贴退坡后新能源汽车的行业景气度是否能得到延续?(2)补贴退坡与锂电池价格下降的压力向锂电设备商环节传导,是否会影响锂电设备商的利润及现金流?(3)锂电行业产能过剩,设备商的成长持续性从何而来?
  • 金属包装行业:发展渐近拐点,金属包装格局将逐步优化

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