(报告加工时间:2022-05-23 -- 2022-05-29)


  • 全球家庭健身器材市场报告(2021-2027年)
    At-home fitness equipment comprise all machines and monitoring devices required for various physical exercises. The report covers the study of the at-home fitness equipment market along with its product type, distribution channel, end user, price point, and geographical prospects. The report provide details about various types of equipment such as cardiovascular training equipment, free weights, and power racks. In addition, it outlines the revenue generated by the sale of at-home equipment through different distribution channels, including dealers, online, retail, and gyms/clubs. Furthermore, the major end users of at-home fitness equipment comprise households, apartment, and gym in apartment. Moreover, the report analyzes the market based on price points, which include low, mid, and luxury price points. In-depth analysis has been provided for North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA with a further country-level detailed analysis of key countries within each of these regions. The research involves study of at-home fitness equipment, which includes revenue generated from the sale of machines and monitoring devices used in physical exercises.
  • 全球汽车预测展望2021年
    A new revenue model that defines how a company creates and capitalizes economic value, typically impacting its value proposition, product offering, operational strategies, and brand positioning.
  • 全球自动化废物收集系统 AWCS 市场报告(2021-2030年)
    The automated vacuum waste collection system transfers the waste materials generated from residential, commercial, and industrial sources through underground pneumatic tubes to a collection station. It is also known as pneumatic waste. For the purpose of analysis, the market is segmented into type, application, and region. Depending on type, the market is segmented into full vacuum system, and gravity vacuum system. By operation, the market is bifurcated as stationary, and mobile. By application, it is categorized into airports, hospitals, industries, food markets, sporting stadiums, and others. Furthermore, the report highlights drivers, restraints, opportunities, and growth strategies adopted by key players to understand dynamics and potential of the market. The study includes Porter’s five forces analysis of the industry to determine impact of suppliers, competitors, new entrants, substitutes, and buyers on the market growth.
  • 全球运动器材和鞋类市场(2021-2025年)
    Athletic footwear are shoes that are majorly worn while performing sporting and recreational activities or during workout sessions. Conversely, athletic equipment are sporting goods such as apparel, gears, tools, and materials used for playing different sports. The report covers the detailed analysis of the trends, future estimations, and a thorough study of the global athletic equipment and footwear market on the basis of product type, equipment type, and region. The study highlights Porter’s five forces analysis to determine the factors affecting the market growth. These factors include raw material prices, intense competition, users, manufacturers, and suppliers. To understand the market, drivers, restraints, and opportunities are explained in the report. This report further highlights the current trends and key areas of investment.


  • 电气设备行业:行业方兴未艾,中美欧市场共振向上-2022Q1新能源车复盘报告
    新能源车高增长势头依旧。根据 Marklines最新数据,22Q1全球新能源车销量同比增长85%达203.0 万辆,高增长势头依旧。其中,中国、欧洲、美国三大市场销量分别为120.0、53.3、21.5 万辆,同比增长145.8%、19.5%、72.4%。政策持续发力,叠加能源价格上涨的背景下,全球新能源车渗透率升至11%。
  • 电力设备新能源行业:新能源大基地加速特高压建设-新型电力系统深度研究一
    新能源大基地建设加速推进,电力空间平衡的需求和挑战增大。“十四五”期间, 九大清洁能源基地与风电光伏大基地规划装机6.65 亿千瓦和2 亿千瓦,预计跨 区跨省电力流将由2019 年的2.2 亿千瓦增大到2025 年的3.6 亿千瓦,其中跨 区电力流2.4 亿千瓦。截至2021 年底,九大清洁能源基地已建成3.04 亿千瓦, 以沙漠、戈壁、荒漠地区为重点的大型风电光伏基地项目将在2022 年陆续并网 投产,西部和北部部分地区消纳压力加剧。
  • 电气设备行业:户用储能旺盛需求持续性探究及投资思路-储能报告系列之四
    高电价和光储系统降本是海外户用储能实现经济性的重要源动力:1)当前户用储能主要集中在高电价国家或地区, 据IHS Markit数据,2020年德、美、日、澳四国的户用储能合计占比达74.8%。2)户用储能主要作用在于实现白天 户用光伏发电在晚上的自用,主要获利来自于晚上居民电价与白天户用光伏上网电价的差额,通过提高户用光伏发电 量自用来节省电费,高电价和光储系统降本是实现户用储能经济性的重要前提。3)对于南非等国家及地区,由于当 地电网设施相对薄弱或不时面临自然灾害威胁,相对富裕家庭对于配置户用储能提升供电可靠性的诉求也较为迫切。
  • 机械行业:4月挖机销量下滑47.3%,全年前低后高行业拐点在望-点评报告
    据中国工程机械工业协会对26 家挖掘机制造企业统计,2022 年4 月, 共计销售各类挖掘机械产品24,534 台,同比下降47.3%。其中,国内市 场销量16,032 台,同比下降61.0%;出口销量8,502 台,同比增长 55.2%。
  • 电力设备行业:价格传导相对顺利,盈利能力再提升-海外动力电池企业2022年Q1点评
    LG 新能源:2022 年Q1 收入约为263 亿元人民币,同环比+3%/-2%; 主要受芯片短缺、俄乌冲突及疫情导致的供应链紧缺、通用现代电池召 回影响所致;2022 年Q1 营业利润15.7 亿元人民币,营业利润率6%, 同环比-2.0pct/+4.3pct,Q1 电池涨价及时传导成本上涨,盈利环比改善 明显。公司2022 年收入预计达到1164 亿元人民币,同比增长8%,若 扣除2021 年一次性收入影响,预计收入增长14%。产能方面,公司预 计2022 年底产能达195GWh,其中亚洲/欧洲/北美产能分别达 114GWh/68GWh/13GWh;2025 年底产能达520GWh,其中美国Stellatis 合资45GWh,通用合资135GWh,韩国现代合资15GWh 贡献主要增量, 预计亚洲/欧洲/北美产能分别达190GWh/115GWh/215GWh,支撑后续 高增长。
  • 机械设备行业:摩托车行业2022年4月销售数据更新
    全行业来看,中大排量二轮摩托车销量持续上扬: ✓ 1-4月,150<排量≤250cc累计销售40.7万辆,yoy-4%;排量>250cc累计销售11.5万辆,yoy+41%。 ✓ 4月单月,150<排量≤250cc销售10.9万辆,yoy-6%;排量>250cc销售3.8万辆,yoy+26%。

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