(报告加工时间:2017-08-14 -- 2017-08-27)


  • 全球真空绝热板市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) are high-performing, ultra-thin insulants. They enhance energy efficiency and space benefits for home appliances, refrigerated transportation systems, temperature-controlled packaging, and other applications.The global VIPs market is segmented based on core materials into silica, fiberglass,and others (powder based, recycled material, polyurethanes, and other polymers);by end-user into construction, logistics (transportation and packaging), cooling and freezing devices, and others (other end-users include appliances, industrial and automotive applications); and by region into APAC, North America, Europe, and ROW.
  • 全球热喷涂市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Thermal spraying is a process of coating melted metallic or non-metallic materials on the surface. Materials are melted into a rod, wire, or powder form. They usually form a thick coating over the applied materials.
  • 全球玻化砖市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Vitrified tiles are a type of ceramic tiles with low porosity. They are frequently used as an alternative to marble and granite flooring. This type of tiles is well known for its water and frost resistance. Vitrified tiles are made by hydraulic pressing amixture of ball clay, quartz, feldspar, and silica, which makes the vitreous surface.In this report, Technavio covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global vitrified tiles market during 2017-2021. The report presents the vendor landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the key five vendors in the market as well as a list of the other prominent vendors. In addition, the report discusses the major drivers influencing market growth and the challenges faced by vendors and the overall market. It also examines key emerging trends and their influence on the current and future market scenarios.


  • 建筑行业:投资整体回落不掩基建投资亮点,市场预期有望得到修复-分析报告
    1-7 月固定资产投资增速 8.3%,增速回落 0.3 个百分点;基建投资(不含电力)增速 20.9%,虽小幅回落 0.2 个百分点但继续保持高速增长态势。其中,水利管理业投资增速 16.9%,增速回落 0.6 个百分点;公共设施管理业投资增速24.9%,增速回落 0.5 个百分点;道路运输业投资增速 24%,增速提高0.8 个百分点;铁路运输业投资增速 3.3%,增速提高 1.4 个百分点。 
  • 建筑行业:继续推荐PPP,关注国改和雄安-定期报告
    本周我们继续推荐 PPP、央企,关注雄安及国企机会。对于 PPP,近期的一个边际变化是银行自查基本结束,迎来整改期,资金面有望迎来行业层面的边际改善,此外,进入三四季度,PPP 公司业绩和订单预计均将进入加速释放期。
  • 建筑行业:从西班牙ACS挖掘国内建筑企业成长秘籍-新国际比较研究系列之一
  • 公用事业行业:云开见月,EPC模式财报影响面面观-深度报告
    目前,EPC 项目的会计处理适用《企业会计准则第 15 号----建造合同》,在建造合同的结果能够可靠估计的前提下,按照完工百分比法在资产负债表日确认合同收入和合同费用。
  • 建筑工业行业:建筑工业化箭在弦上,产业链升级千帆竞发-专题分析报告
  • 建筑装饰行业:PPP获发改委力推,板块迎最佳布局窗口-建筑每周观点(2017.08.11-2017.08.18)
    发改委发布下半年工作重点,包括多管齐下加大 PPP 项目推动力度,促进民间资本参与 PPP 项目等;7 月宏观经济数据回落,工业增加值、固定资产投资、房地产开发投资、社会零售等增速均有所回落;保监会副主席表示保险资金直接投资民生工程累计金额超过 4 万亿元。 
  • 建筑行业:轨交投资高峰来临,三主线挖掘机会-PPP引领新型基建专题系列三
    建设投资占轨交投资比重在 61%左右,其中土建施工占比达 39%。轨交施工领域呈现明显寡头态势,两铁合计市占率超 80%,地方国企中,华东龙头隧道股份有望受益区域内轨交投资高增长。A 股设计咨询公司中仅中设集团和苏交科有能力参与铁路轨交规划设计,具备标的稀缺性。

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