(报告加工时间:2014-06-09 -- 2014-06-22)



  • 中国石油市场2013年回顾与2014年展望
    2013年我国石油需求低速增长,带动石油供应低速增长。全年石油表观消费量为5.14亿吨,较上年增长2.8%;原油产量为2.08亿吨,同比增长1.7%;原油加工量为4.79亿吨,同比增长3.3%。各石油产品需求增速延续上年明显分化的态势,汽油和煤油分别增长7.8%和11.3%,分别达到9364.6万吨和2260.9万吨;柴油则罕见地下降0.6%,达到17021.3万吨。石油净进口量突破3 亿吨,对外依存度达到59.5%,比上年上升0.7%。汽、煤、柴油继续全面净出口,且净出口量大幅增加。预计2014年我国石油供需将继续增长,石油和原油表观消费量将分别达到5.34亿吨和5.08亿吨,同比分别增长3.8%和4%;原油产量和加工量将分别达到2.1亿吨和4.98亿吨,同比分别增长1%和4%;成品油表观消费量为2.98亿吨,同比增长4.2%。预计2014年石油和原油净进口量分别为3.24亿吨和2.98亿吨,同比分别增长5.8%和6.3%,石油和原油对外依存度将分别达到60.7%和58.7%。
  • 中国化工导报(2014年6月6日)
    On May 18, the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Bureau and the Ministry of Environmental Protection jointly released “Work Program for Strengthening Pollution Prevention and Control by Energy Industries” (“Program”). This Program includes short- and midterm quantitative objectives of “haze” control by energy industry.
  • 2014年6月(上半月)石油和化工行业要闻综述
  • 石化汇编-第659期


  • 世界原油贸易走势与中国进口形势分析
  • 国际石油市场2013年回顾与2014年展望
  • 全球油田化学品加工市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Oilfield process chemicals are products that are used during the exploration and processing stages of oil and gas in the resource area or field. The Oil and Gas industry is the end user of such chemicals. Some of the key functions of oilfield process chemicals include control of corrosion, fluid loss, bacteria, wax and asphaltene, hydrogen sulfide, and foam. The major product categories are stimulation fluids and chemicals for drilling, workover, completion, cementing, production, and enhanced oil recovery.
  • 全球燃煤发电市场报告(2014-2018年)
    Coal-fired power plants produce electric power through the combustion of coal. This is one of the oldest techniques used to generate electric power where coal-fired units burn coal in a boiler to heat water and produce steam. This steam then flows into a turbine, which spins a generator to produce electricity. Coal power is an established electric power source that provides inexpensive and reliable power and reduces dependence on oil and natural gas. The past decade has seen an unprecedented rise in the demand for coal-fired power generation, and the demand is expected to grow further over the next few years.


  • 2014年第一季度大宗商品市场运行分析

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