Oilfield process chemicals are products that are used during the exploration and processing stages of oil and gas in the resource area or field. The Oil and Gas industry is the end user of such chemicals. Some of the key functions of oilfield process chemicals include control of corrosion, fluid loss, bacteria, wax and asphaltene, hydrogen sulfide, and foam. The major product categories are stimulation fluids and chemicals for drilling, workover, completion, cementing, production, and enhanced oil recovery.
Coal-fired power plants produce electric power through the combustion of coal. This is one of the oldest techniques used to generate electric power where coal-fired units burn coal in a boiler to heat water and produce steam. This steam then flows into a turbine, which spins a generator to produce electricity. Coal power is an established electric power source that provides inexpensive and reliable power and reduces dependence on oil and natural gas. The past decade has seen an unprecedented rise in the demand for coal-fired power generation, and the demand is expected to grow further over the next few years.