(报告加工时间:2021-03-22 -- 2021-03-28)


  • 全球Halloumi奶酪市场报告(2021-2027年)
    Halloumi cheese is a hard cheese that retains its form even after cooking. The global halloumi cheese market is analyzed on the basis of its prospect and future growth rate. The report highlights numerous factors that influence the growth of the halloumi cheese market. These include market forecast, drivers, restraints, opportunities, and role of different key players operating in the market.
  • 全球面包机市场报告(2021-2027年)
    The bread maker is small electrical equipment that is used to make variety of breads using the raw materials. They are commonly used by the families for household use and by some small food service operators to bake their own loaves. Household users use these bread makers to avoid going out and buy bakery items, while food service operators use them to give fresh breads to their customers. For the purpose of analysis, the global bread maker market is segmented on the basis of product type, application, distribution channel, and region.


  • 食品饮料行业:逐渐钝化的扰动,即将到来的催化
  • 食品饮料行业:白酒历次调整复盘-深度分析
    前三轮白酒牛市每次终结时均出现大级别调整,茅台下跌36%-63%。白酒板块分别于2008 年、2013 年、2018 年经历牛市结束后的大级别调整,期间白酒企业基本面受挫,估值业绩“双杀”,茅台下跌36-63%。(1)第一轮牛市末,因高估值叠加金融危机调整,2008 年茅/五/泸调整63%/77%/65%,PE(股价/当年EPS,下同)从57/133/86 倍调整至21/25/18 倍。(2)第二轮牛市末,因12 年底“八项规定”出台调整,2013 年茅/五/泸调整54%/62%/64%,PE 从21/15/15 倍调整至9/9/6倍。(3)第三轮牛市末,因经济去杠杆叠加“贸易战”调整,2018 年茅/五/泸调整36%/46%/49%,PE 从29/25/30 倍调整至18/13/15 倍。
  • 食品饮料行业:财报即将披露,关注2021Q1绩优股布局机会
    本周A 股下跌,上证指数收于3404.66 点,周变动-1.40%。食品饮料板块周变动-0.70%,表现强于上证指数0.71 个百分点,位居申万一级行业分类第15 位。
  • 饲料行业:宠物食品长期赛道优质,国产品牌加速崛起
    宠物食品空间大、增长快、确定性强,长期赛道优质。情感需求为养宠主因,80 后、90 后群体为养宠主要人群,收入水平提高、人口空巢化、城镇化驱动宠物行业快速增长。受疫情影响,2020 年我国宠物市场增长放缓,但对标日美等成熟市场,未来我国宠物食品市场规模可由当前的千亿级别成长到四千亿级,具备十分强劲的增长潜力。

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