(报告加工时间:2020-12-28 -- 2021-01-10)



  • 全球娱乐性汽车市场展望与预测(2020-2025年)
    A recreational vehicle, often abbreviated as RV, is a motor vehicle or a towable unit that is designed as temporary living quarters for traveling, recreation, camping, and seasonal use. RVs are available with motor power is known as motorhomes and as trailer units that can be mounted or towed by other vehicles. Various types of towable RVs available include travel trailers, folding camping trailers, fifth wheels, and sports utility trailers. The retail price of an RV may range from $5,000 for towable units, such as folding trailers, to $500,000 for motorhomes. There is a wide variety of RV models available in the market, which is appealing to a wide range of consumer preferences and income levels.
  • 全球旅游保险市场(2020-2027年)
    Travel insurance covers the expenses incurred and minimizes the risks during travel. It acts as a cushion in situations such as trip cancellation due to medical emergency, loss of baggage, evacuation due to medical condition or hijack, and loss of travel documents, among others. The travel insurance providers are executing travel rules & regulations, developing their existing offering by implementing advanced technologies that addresses a variety of customized coverages in the market, which is expected to fuel the growth of the travel insurance market. An in-depth analysis across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA has also been included. This report features information on travel insurance offered by key vendors. Furthermore, it highlights the strategies of key players to improve the market share and sustain competition.


  • 传媒行业:2020年游戏行业同比增长20.7%,退市新规有望消除部分影视公司ST风险
    12 月14 日至12 月18 日,传媒板块下跌0.46%,跑输上证综指(1.43%)1.89pct 和创业板(3.46%)3.92pct,排在CS 一级行业第27 名,位于后部区间。细分的传媒板块中,其他广告营销上涨6.89%,涨幅最高;其次是影视和信息搜索与聚合,涨幅分别为1.30%和1.27%。
  • 传媒行业:2020年中国游戏市场规模同比增长超20%
    上周沪深300 指数上涨2.26%,传媒板块上涨0.27%,跑输沪深300指数1.99 个百分点。游戏板块下跌2.17%,跑输沪深300 指数4.43 个百分点,跑输传媒板块2.44 个百分点。个股方面,上周涨幅较大的有中文在线(+6.81%)、恺英网络(+5.92%);上周跌幅较大的有游族网络(-11.80%)、奥飞娱乐(-11.08%)
  • 传媒行业:分众传媒2020年业绩预增超100%,手游全年同比增长32.61%出海收入破千亿元
    从当下看明年H1 投资机会,关注全球资金对中国科技成长的加配趋势,关注5G 时代流量与应用新变化,关注政策自上而下对行业的规范和指引,关注基于Z 世代青年的社群特征和文娱消费偏好。2021 年投资策略主线在游戏、视频流媒体、楼宇广告、内容电商等方面,把握龙头布局低估值。
  • 传媒行业:《使命召唤手游》即将上线,分众传媒年度业绩预告超预期
  • 潮玩行业:黄金潮玩,未来已来-深度报告
    潮玩异域,风月同天。2019年中国人均年GDP破一万美元,正从GDP大国迈入消费大国。日本1980年-2020 年,对标中国2010年至今,单身“悦己”型经济是新的消费特性。
  • 传媒行业:拥抱大产品、大用户平台的繁荣性成长-2021互联网策略
    大用户级别互联网产品在20 年板块格外显眼,均出现用户高速增长。且平台流量达到一定量级后,商业价值会呈指数型增长,并形成更强规模效应和竞争壁垒,我们2021 年主线在于寻找大用户级别、大产品平台持续正循环态势。按用户时长占比及增速和对应行业龙头产品增速两大维度,筛选出四大板块主线,UGC(部分PGC)、线上消费平台、教育、游戏。

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