(报告加工时间:2020-10-26 -- 2020-11-01)



  • 全球显微镜市场报告(2020-2027年)
    An electron microscope is a scientific imaging instrument, which utilizes a beam of accelerated electrons as a source of illumination. As the wavelength of an electron can be much shorter than that of visible light photons, electron microscopes provide higher resolving power than light microscopes and can reveal the structure of smaller objects with high-quality imaging. Increased demand of electron microscope in advancing semiconductor & microelectronics, penetration of electron microscopes in the field of healthcare, and rise in demand due to advancement in electron microscope are the factors that drive the growth of the microscope market. However, high initial investment which is a challenge for its adoption in small and medium scaled industries hampers the market growth. Whereas, increased R&D activities in the automotive sector is expected to create lucrative market opportunity.
  • 全球商业割草机市场-综合研究战略分析(2020-2025年)
    Lawn mowers have supported people in their landscaping duties over the last few generations. The lawn mower is a category of garden equipment that includes watermanagement equipment, trimmers & hedges, and hand tools. The global demand for various garden equipment, machinery, products, and tools, including accessories, was estimated at about $270 billion in 2019 and is expected to hit a value of $575 billion by 2026. Created in 1830 by Edwin Budding of England, the lawn mower was patented for the first time in the US in 1868. After World War II, lawn mowers gained prominence as families migrated to the suburbs and found themselves caring for larger yards. Cecil Pond developed the first ride-on lawn mower in 1956, and today, the latest trend is robotic lawn mowers. The lawn mower has developed over the years from a large, hard-to-maneuver tool into a complex family of equipment with various characteristics and different degrees of speed and cutting accuracy. The technology has changed the design of homes, parks, and fields worldwide. Manicured lawns were no longer confined to the aristocrats' estates-with the easy and inexpensive cutting devices; most middle-class homeowners were able to keep safe and desirable lawns to enhance their properties. In the 1870s, lawn mowers had become so easy to use and priced fairly, that they became more popular in American landscapes.
  • 全球自动皂液机市场前景预测(2020-2025年)
    Automatic soap dispensers, also known as smart/touchless/no-touch dispensers, are devices that dispense foam or liquid soap. These products enable the controlled consumption of soap used in hospitals, residential buildings, and public restrooms. They work in conjunction with electronic faucets. The touchless products comprise an electrically connected sensing device that helps detect the presence of an external object as and when it comes within the proximity of the same. Over the past few years, the automatic soap dispenser products have witnessed a significant rise in demand. This can be majorly attributed to the growing trend of smart restroom technologies. Most households in developed economies (the US and some regions of Europe) are likely to have larger spending power to adopt advanced services due to their high disposable income. The sale of these products is sensitive to fluctuations in personalconsumption expenditures, income levels, and housing completions. In addition, sales of these products are driven by the modernization of various application segments in developing regions.
  • 全球静电消毒喷雾器市场前景预测(2020-2025年)
    The global market for electrostatic disinfectant sprayer is highly dependent on demand for hygiene and disinfection equipment across end-use industries. In recent years, the growth in the number of infectious diseases coupled with concerns over public safety had propelled the demand for disinfectant equipment across a wide range of end-use industries. In addition, globally, several health and welfare authorities and government are tightening their regulations to ensure public safety and cut down the spread of HAIs.


  • 电气设备行业:如何看待9月国内产销超预期
    年初以来我们一直强调板块三大驱动逻辑是欧洲起势、国内复苏以及中国产业链全球化,一、三点逻辑兑现充分,而国内复苏相对较弱,不过9 月国内合格证产量实现环比32%的增长,景气度明显提升,补全了板块逻辑的最后一块拼图。
  • 电力设备与新能源行业:发电补贴新政出台,划定合理利用小时数-周观点
    2020.10.19-2020.10.25:本周电新行业跌幅为-4.48%,同期沪深300 指数跌幅为-1.53%,落后沪深300 指数2.95pct,在申万28 个行业板块中位列第24 位,表现处于下游。
  • 电气设备行业:高歌猛进,缔造多维度历史记录-2020Q3特斯拉财报点评
    营收、净利均创历史新高,实现五季度连续盈利:2020 年10 月22 日,特斯拉公布了2020 年三季报,2020Q3 公司实现收入87.71 亿美元,同比+39%,环比+45%,其中汽车业务收入76.11 亿美元,同比+42%,环比+47%。公司实现净利润3.69 亿美元,去年同期仅为1.32 亿美元,同比+146%,环比+186%;归属普通股东净利润为3.31 亿美元,连续第五个季度取得盈利,并创历史新高;第三季度每股收益为0.32 美元,同比翻倍。
  • 电气设备行业:LG化学20Q3点评:电池收入历史新高,拆分在即公布宏伟蓝图
    规模化效应,Q3 电池板块利润创历史新高。20Q3LG 化学电池板块收入约188 亿元人名币,同比增长42.3%,环比增长11.4%,增量主要来自欧洲新车型的订单增量/中国的圆柱动力电池订单;电池业务单季度营业利润为10.1 亿元人名币,同比增长138%,环比增长8%,单季度利润实现历史新高。
  • 电力设备行业:从风能展看风电技术进步与成长性-动态跟踪报告
    CWP2020 新品闪耀,行业降本路径清晰。本次展览会,国内主流风机企业均有参展并发布新品,陆上新品以面向三北平价大基地为主,表明三北平价大基地成为风电市场开发的重点以及风机企业争夺的核心市场,金风和远景推出面向中东南部地区(尤其是平原低风速区域)的新品,意味着中东南部地区的平价版图有望扩大。过去几年,陆上风电通过技术进步实现快速的去补贴,大容量、长叶片、高塔筒依然是技术进步的主要特征和手段,展望未来,技术进步的趋势有望延续,推动度电成本持续以较快的速度下降。
  • 电气设备行业:风电迎来发展新阶段,产业链龙头御风而上
    全球风能资源丰富,每年约产生4.3×l012kWh 的风能,2019 年全球陆上风电新增装机量为54.2GW,同比+16%,中国占比达到44%,中国、印度风电市场崛起。而海上风电装机目前规模小,截至2019 年底全球海上风电累计装机量为29294MW,2010 年至2019 年同比+26.41%。
  • 电气设备行业:电解液价格持续上行,光伏产业链价格基本持稳-电新产业链价格跟踪简报
    本月车企及头部电池厂保持 “抢装行为”,市场回暖明显。本周硫酸钴价格5.35 万元/吨,与上周持平,电解钴27.50 万元/吨,较上周下降0.36%。碳酸锂价格4.10 万元/吨,与上周持平。锂电材料方面,电解液市场保持火热,目前动力级电解液报价为4.75 万元/吨,较上周上涨18.75%;六磷酸锂报价为8.9 万元/吨,较上周上涨4.71%。其他锂电材料价格与上周持平。
  • 电新行业:三季度工业自动化行业有哪些变化?-趋势观察系列
    工控OEM 市场:新兴行业保持高景气度,传统行业明显恢复。三季度OEM 市场同比增长11%,光伏行业订单保持增长,电子、3C 行业受益于部分项目启动和苹果产业链的需求,订单情况好于预期。相比二季度,纺织、印刷、橡胶、塑料机械等传统行业需求大幅改善,主要行业3Q20 市场规模增速同比转正。
  • 电气设备行业:合理利用小时数确定,光伏玻璃及硅料产能趋紧-月度报告
    需求向好,电气设备板块涨幅居前。9 月底至10 月底,国内经济数据见好,三季度GDP 增速提升至4.9%,虽低于市场预期,但复苏迹象明显。10月份长端利率渐高,10年期国债收益率突破3.2%,同时央行领导在金融街论坛的上讲话中提及“把好货币供应总闸门”、“保持正常的、向上倾斜的收益率曲线”等表述,市场对于货币政策收紧及流动性影响的预期发生变化。

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