(报告加工时间:2017-06-19 -- 2017-06-25)


  • 动物疫苗行业:强免取消,猪蓝耳疫苗市场有望呈V型扩张-深度分析
    猪蓝耳病是由猪蓝耳病毒(PRRSV)引起的一种繁殖障碍和呼吸道症状的动物疫病,会造成妊娠母猪的流产、死胎,仔猪呼吸困难、败血症等,急性型发病母猪和仔猪的综合死亡率在 40%以上,慢性型发病猪主要表现为呼吸道疾病、免疫功能下降以及生产性能下降等症状,死亡率很低。目前规模化猪场猪蓝耳病主要呈现慢性型发病。
  • 中国农业问题报告与分析-第405期


  • 全球蘑菇市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Mushrooms are porous, fleshy, and spongy and are most often considered as vegetables. Both individual consumers and foodservice providers are the primary consumers of mushrooms. Consumers globally are willing to pay more for healthy, fresh, and hygienically-packed fresh mushrooms because of their medicinal and nutritional values. Singapore is a net importer of fresh mushrooms with more than 95% of its fresh mushrooms being imported from other APAC countries.
  • 全球农产品干燥机市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The demand for more energy-efficient dryers (for fruits, vegetables, nuts, and herbs) that can handle a variable load, are multi-purpose, automated, smart, and integrated with multi-functionality like peeling, grating, or cutting, is increasing. Additionally, for drying heat-sensitive raw materials, the focus is shifting from freeze-drying to more economical technologies. To achieve this, players operating in this space are coming up with hybrid or combination technologies that can help reduce cycle time and increase energy efficiency, while still maintaining a high quality of the dried products. However, the industry is highly fragmented with the top five players comprising less than 10% of the market share globally in terms of value, and they compete on the basis of technological innovation and advancements. Players leverage highly on their distribution network, contract relationships, and location advantage to supply heavy and large equipment. Players continue to look for more avenues and additional revenue streams to remain profitable in the market.


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