(报告加工时间:2020-08-31 -- 2020-09-06)


  • 全球银伤口敷料市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    The silver wound dressing market is largely driven by increasing incidence of chronic diseases and associated wounds. The chronic diseases, like diabetes, are primarily increasing globally. The diabetes prevalence is estimated to be 9.3% globally, which accounts for nearly 463 million people as per Pouya Saeedi et al., published in Journal of Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. Moreover, the incidence is expected to increase. As a result, the prevalence of related disorders, like diabetic foot ulcer, which is prevalent in nearly 15% to 20% of the diabetes patients (Dong-il Chun et al., Journal of Clinical Medicine 2019), is also expected to increase. This is expected to increase the demand for silver wound dressings. Other factor driving the growth of the market is rising awareness and adoption of wound care products, especially in rural and less developed parts of the world. These factors are expected to help the market growth. However, high overall treatment costs for chronic wounds and growing use of other anti-microbial agent dressing and tissue-engineered dressings is restraining the market growth.
  • 全球水杨酸市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Salicylic acid is a lipophilic monohydroxybenzoic acid, a type of phenolic acid, and a beta hydroxy acid, having molecular formula C₇H₆O₃. In terms of physical properties, it is odorless and colorless crystalline organic acid. Salicylic acid acts as intermediate in pharmaceutical and personal care industry. The report on global salicylic acid market exclusively focuses on different applications of salicylic acid, such as pharmaceuticals, skin care, hair care and food preservative & others. It analyzes the current market trends of salicylic acid based products in different geographies and suggests the future growth opportunities by analyzing government regulations & policies, thereby further increasing the consumer acceptance in that region. On the basis of application, the market is divided into pharmaceutical, skin care, hair care, food preservative and others. The pharmaceutical segment is further sub segmented into OTC and PC. Region wise, the market is analyzed across four major regions, namely, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
  • 全球呼吸机市场监管格局分析和预测(2021-2030年)
    Coronavirus belongs to a family that includes viruses causing common cold to middle east respiratory syndrome (MERS), and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARs), as per the World Health Organization (WHO). The novel coronavirus is a newly discovered strain and is also known as COVID-19 and has led to a rapid rate of respiratory infections and deaths globally. The disease primarily spreads through droplets of saliva or nasal discharge of an infected person, when such a person coughs or sneezes. The common symptoms of the disease are fever, cough, difficulty in breathing, fatigue, loss of smell, tenderness, and muscle pain, among others. The spread of the disease can be avoided through washing hands with soap and water at regular intervals, avoiding contact with those infected, and using a medical facemask. The following figure illustrates the crucial information regarding novel coronavirus spread, its symptoms, susceptibility, and the preventive measures against the disease.
  • 全球肿瘤基因组学市场分析与预测(2019-2028年)
    The global tumor genomics market represents the market scenario of the genomic technologies used for detection of various kinds of cancer across the world, taking into considerations of key established companies and their product contributions. The following chapter provides in-depth study of the factors affecting the growth of the tumor genomics market among different geographical regions. Market drivers, challenges or restraints are some of the factors that influence the market growth either by advancing or retarding the growth. Market opportunities are some of the factors for future growth of the market. Apart from these market dynamics, the following sections also describe the regulatory scenario of the global tumor genomics market that includes the approval and launches of various genomic products used for the identification of disease and analyzing the diseases conditions. Furthermore, this section also provides an overview of the competitive landscape that shows the key companies market share and their product offerings in the tumor genomics market. Following these sections, the report also covers the different market segmentation such as products, techniques, applications, end users, and cancer types. In addition, the region chapter enumerates the market scenario of different regions as well as different countries, their market dynamics and market size for each of the regions and countries as well. Furthermore, the company profiling section provides an overview of the key companies, SWOT, financials (for public companies), and their products offerings pertaining to global tumor genomics market
  • 全球医疗保健VR市场报告(2019-2026年)
    The report provides market dynamics and trends related to the VR in healthcare market. In addition, it presents the market estimations and forecast. The study estimates the revenues that are confined to the sales of virtual reality devices used in healthcare facilities. Valuations comprises revenue generated from VR Semiconductor Components, VR Devices, and VR Sensors. However, the market estimates do not include revenue generated from the post-sale services of the devices.
  • 全球伤口管理器械市场报告(2019-2026年)
    The report provides market dynamics and trends related to the global wound management devices market. In addition, it presents market estimations and forecast. The study estimates the revenue generated from the sales of wound management devices directly from a company and does not include revenue related to wound management services such as consulting and rehabilitation services. The valuations comprise revenue generated from devices, which are used during wound management therapies. However, the report does not include revenue generated by dealers, traders, or brokers of the market during the supply of these devices in hospitals, clinics, and surgery centers. Furthermore, it excludes revenue generated from post-sale services of these devices.
  • 全球呼吸机市场分析与预测(2021-2030年)
    Coronavirus belongs to a family that includes viruses causing common cold to middle east respiratory syndrome (MERS), and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARs), as per the World Health Organization (WHO). The novel coronavirus is a newly discovered strain and is also known as COVID-19 and has led to a rapid rate of respiratory infections and deaths globally. The disease primarily spreads through droplets of saliva or nasal discharge of an infected person, when such a person coughs or sneezes. The common symptoms of the disease are fever, cough, difficulty in breathing, fatigue, loss of smell, tenderness, and muscle pain, among others. The spread of the disease can be avoided through washing hands with soap and water at regular intervals, avoiding contact with those infected, and using a medical facemask.


  • 医药行业:关注创业板注册制带动的医药投资机会-周报
    本周创业板第一批注册制18 家公司上市,医药板块的“创新”性质将使其长期成为创业板的重要组成部分,我们认为在创业板投资热情高涨,医药估值性价比提升的时点,可以关注创业板带动的板块投资机会;站在后疫情时代和中报期的时点,我们继续关注变化最直接、最快速的医疗器械板块:短期有业绩支撑,疫情后又有基本面变化预期,长期逻辑兑现节奏较快,政策压力整体较小,确定性相对较强;本周中报披露结束,下半年开始,医药板块的主题行情慢慢结束,仍将回归到公司的基本面投资,我们持续关注高景气度、高成长性的优质“赛道”。
  • 医药生物行业:中报披露基本结束,国内回归“后疫情建设“-周观点
    市场方面:上周市场实现上涨,一级子行业板块间有所分化。其中,食品饮料、休闲服务等领涨;商业贸易、国防军工领跌。医药板块上周上涨4.04%,跑赢沪深300 指数0.29 个百分点,跑输创业板指0.72个百分点。在所有一级子行业中排名居前。
  • 医药生物行业:1-7月整体批签发情况良好,流感疫苗本年实现批签发-2020年7月疫苗批签发数据跟踪
    7 月,中检院合计批签发疫苗5661.28 万支,同比增长19.42%。其中一类疫苗(国家免疫规划)批签发3129.32 万支,同比增长9.57%,二类疫苗(自费)批签发2531.96 万支,同比增长34.35%,二类疫苗占比同比提升4.96 个百分点;国产疫苗批签发5472.99 万支,同比增长21.93%,进口疫苗批签发188.30 万支,同比下降25.30%,国产疫苗占比同比提升1.99 个百分点。
  • 医药生物行业:国务院发文推进核酸检测能力建设-日报
    2020 年9 月1 日,上证综指报收3,410.61 点,涨0.44%;深证成指收13,849.66点,涨0.66%;wind 医疗保健指数报收14,345 点,跌0.06%。其中,医药行业涨幅前三的公司为:东宝生物(300239,+7.6%)、量子生物(300149,+5.64%)、新和成(002001,+5.25%)。
  • 医药行业:长坡厚雪,瞻医药消费未来演绎逻辑
  • 医药生物行业:板块仍分化,关注医疗消费类个股-月报
    8 月医药板块下跌2.27%,跑输沪深300 指数5.45 pct。医药生物行业三级子行业中,医疗服务(7.70%)、化学原料药(6.05%)、医药商业(5.16%)涨幅居前,生物制品(-12.18%)、医疗器械(-6.10%)、中药(-0.03%)跌幅居后。个股方面,月涨幅榜前3 位分别为健民集团(36.42%)、吉药控股(28.88%)、司太立(26.77%);月跌幅榜前3 位为西藏药业(-35.88%)、正川股份(-32.39%)、贝瑞基因(-28.90%)。
  • 医药生物行业:守以待时,未来可期-新冠疫苗专题报告
  • 医药行业:疫情加剧分化,拥抱高景气子行业-中报解读
    行业热点聚焦:1)8 月14 日,CDE 发布新冠疫苗研发指导原则;2)8月20 日,第三批国家组织药品集中采购结果公示;3)8 月26 日,医保局发布《关于建立健全职工基本医疗保险门诊共济保障机制的指导意见(征求意见稿)》。
  • 医药生物行业:中报披露完毕,继续推荐药店及CXO板块
  • 医药生物行业:科创板生物医药投资手册第31期-医药科创板生物医药投资定期报告
    sum科m创ar板y#于 2019 年 7 月 22 日开市,截至目前共 164 家上市公司,其中有37 家生物医药相关企业。本周130 家企业平均涨幅为-3.32%。
  • 医药生物行业:周报(2020.08.24-2020.08.28)
    本周医药生物行业板块整体点评。本周沪深300 上涨了1.14%,医药生物板块整体上涨了1.53%,跑赢沪深300 指数0.39 个百分点,涨幅在28个行业中排名第六。其中子行业涨跌幅由高到低分别为: 医疗服务(+5.72%)、中药(2.29%)、医疗器械(+1.35%)、化学制药(+1.32%)、医药商业(+0.89%)、生物制品(-0.71%)。
  • 医药行业:医保账户改革持续,中长期零售药店持续受益-周报
  • 医药生物行业:医保基金改革加强共济性和监管,龙头药店有望承接统筹基金-投资周报
    上周(8 月24 日到8 月28 日)来看,创业板上涨4.76%,沪深300 上涨2.66%,医药生物上涨4.04%,医药大幅上涨。医药七大子版块,全面上涨,医疗服务涨幅最高,其次是原料药、中药等。特别是中报业绩高增长公司,比如昭衍新药、健帆生物、康龙化成、药石科技、万孚生物、亿帆医药等。

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