(报告加工时间:2020-07-27 -- 2020-08-02)



  • 全球企业健康市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    Workplaces should have health-promoting activities or organizational policies, designed to support healthy behavior and to improve the health conditions of their employees. The corporate wellness programs are, thus, designed to support and encourage a holistic approach to employee wellbeing, by creating an organizational culture of health. Wellness programs not only benefit the employees’ health conditions, but also reduce absenteeism and lead to more energized, productive workers, and therefore, greater productivity within the firm. With the increasing prevalence of chronic illnesses, the demand for workplace wellness programs is increasing across the world. Therefore, both the government and private health insurers have begun offering programs that help the working population live a stressfree and healthy life. Many companies in Unites States, Europe, and Asia have implemented effective programs that include numerous training activities, for the wellness of their employees. These activities include training events, forums, fitness centers, health checkups, and awareness sessions, using banners and brochures. Widespread awareness has contributed significantly to the reduction of prejudices associated with this issue and has broadened the program's credibility.


  • 休闲服务行业:紧抓“国内大循环“主线,坚定拥抱核心资产-2020年中期策略报告
  • 休闲服务行业:重归核心资产,精选优质个股-2020年中期策略
    20H1 板块复盘:疫情影响下板块业绩承压,估值提升推动板块整体上扬。20H1 休闲服务板块整体上涨28.2%,大幅跑赢沪深300 的0.3%,在申万28 个一级子行业中位列第二。期间板块上涨主要由估值上涨驱动,受新冠肺炎疫情影响,20Q1 板块业绩同比下滑154.8%,而PE 由年初的34.8 提升至6 月30 日的84.3,提升了142.2%。疫情下资本愈发偏好配臵需求相对稳定、具备抗周期能力的大众消费领域,因此板块在疫情影响业绩跳水的背景下迎来了以估值提升驱动的行情。

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