(报告加工时间:2022-02-14 -- 2022-02-27)


  • 中国 - 新材料行业 - 受新冠肺炎疫情影响,中国芯材企业加速攻占全球市场 ( 1 )


  • ZTBGNM-小间距LED创新发展路径亟待明确-电子信息(2)-202106
    小间距LED 是指芯片尺寸小于200 微米的LED 器件,包括 Mini LED、Micro LED 等。今年以来,小间距LED 产业加速发展, 1-9 月投资规模超过300 亿元,小间距LED 显示器已进入主流市 场,未来5 年市场规模预期将达到百亿级。赛迪研究院集成电路 研究所认为,我国小间距LED 显示产业已具备良好的发展条件, 亟待进一步明确发展路径、推动示范应用,促进产业集聚和创新 发展,以应对新时期全球新型显示产业化的竞争。
  • 计算机行业:中国CRM行业研究报告
    在内外部因素的推动下,CRM市场将释放新的需求潜力。(1)疫情影响下,市场对于SaaS模式的接受度持续走高,渗 透门槛降低,推动CRM SaaS的进一步渗透。(2)B2B成为新增长极。过去十余年间,随着PC互联网、移动互联网在中 国的发展,资讯、电商、社交、游戏、生活服务等互联网产业水涨船高,C端消费潜能被不断释放。在经历了爆发式增长 后,近几年我国互联网普及率趋于饱和,C端增量市场“人口红利”逐渐见顶,2B风口渐强。同时,相较2C企业,2B企 业客户体验指数相去甚远,对于优化客户关系管理、延长客户生命周期的需求更为迫切。(3)中小型企业CRM渗透率较 低,即使刨去部分非刚需部署CRM的企业(如业务体量不大的小微企业,无获客压力的部分企业等),仍存在较大渗透 空间。
  • ZTBGNM-LED显示行业应对海外知识产权风险的短板与对策-电子信息1-202104
    随着五大厂商的专利网因专利过期逐步松解,加之我国Mini LED 等技术产业并跑,我国LED 显示行业向中高端跃升的机遇 临近。目前我国LED 显示产业产能已占到全球的80%以上,与 此同时,海外知识产权纠纷也呈现高发频发态势。继2018 年337 调查之后,2020 年我国多家LED 显示行业头部企业在美国法院 再陷诉讼纠缠。
  • 中国 - 新材料行业 - 提升关键原材料的弹性:增强安全性和可持续性之路 ( 2 )
    2020 年9 月3 日,欧盟委员会发布了《提升关键原材料弹性:寻求安全可持续的供给之路》报告。该报告以欧盟《原材料倡议》为基础,提出欧盟2020 年关键原材料清单,其中包括30 种关键原材料,以及增强欧盟经济弹性和开放战略自主性的行动方案。为应对关键原材料供应挑战,欧盟提出要增强欧盟产业生态系统价值链弹性;提高资源循环利用,加强可持续产品设计和创新;提高欧盟内部原材料供给;实现原材料供应多元化等四个方向,以及10 项优先行动。赛迪智库材料工业研究所对该报告进行了编译,期望对我国有关部门有所帮助。
  • 2021赛迪顾问工业智能传感器白皮书-202106
    工业互联网是制造业和互联网之间的桥梁,它既通过技术创新促进了生产力的发展,又通过模式创新丰富和 重塑了生产关系,发展工业互联网已经成为各国争相投入的共同选择,大力加快制造业的数字化、网络化、 平台化、智能化转型则是核心所在,通过高质量、突破性的技术革命降低人工依赖,以充分发挥人的价值, 减少无效劳动,推进各国工业社会的高质量、高效率和可持续发展。
  • 2021半导体材料产业演进发展白皮书-202106
    半导体作为电子信息产业的基础与核心,是现代社会高速发展的重要支撑,已经成为衡量一个 国家综合实力的重要标志之一。 半导体材料作为半导体产业的基础,大致分为半导体制造材料与半导体封装材料,其中又可以 细分为基体材料、制造材料和封装材料。 • 基体材料主要是用来制造硅晶圆半导体或者化合物半导体; • 制造材料是将硅晶圆或者化合物半导体加工成芯片所需的各类材料,主要包括光刻胶、光掩 膜、电子气体、抛光材料、湿法化学品与溅射靶材等; • 封装材料是将制得的芯片封装、切割过程中所用到的材料,主要包含芯片粘结材料、陶瓷封 装材料、键合丝、引线框架、封装基板、切割材料等。 本报告重点研究半导体基体材料。


  • 全球数字电网(传感器、仪表和通信)增长机会
    The digital grid is aimed at automating, improving efficiency, and increasing the availability of the electric grid, ranging from transmission and distribution (T&D) systems to smart meters. For the scope of the report, Frost & Sullivan has included grid line sensors deployed along the T&D network, smart meters (AMI), and the associated communication devices.
  • 全球贴片机市场报告(2021-2028年)
    Die attach machine, also known as die bond machine or die mount, is installed for the attachment of the silicon chip to the die cavity or die pad in the semiconductor package process. By attachment technique, its common types include epoxy, soft solder, sintering, eutectic, and others. Die attach machines are employed in various sectors for applications such as RF and MEMS, optoelectronics, logic, memory, CMOS image sensors, LED, and others.
  • 全球计算机辅助制造 CAM 市场(2021-2028年)
    CAM software is used to design product and program manufacturing processes such as CNC machining. It is an electronic information system, which includes predictions about arrival and departure times of travel. It utilizes models formed in computer assisted manufacturing to generate toolpaths, which drives machine tools to convert design into physical parts. It is used to manufacture prototypes, production runs, and finished parts.
  • 全球农业高光谱成像市场分析与预测(2020-2026年)
    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.S. predicts that the global population is expected to grow by over 30% by 2050, reaching approximately 9.72 billion individuals. For increasing overall food production to cater to the growing population, farmers need to implement advanced precision farming processes that enable them to produce more crops and efficiently. The changeability of the climate require solutions that can deal with all biophysical and useful variables in their complexity. In recent times, remote sensing technologies have evolved exponentially due to continuous technological advancements with the spread of multispectral cameras. Hyperspectral imaging is a technology for developing and analyzing an image of a real scene in order to obtain quantitative information for quality assessment and process control. In hyperspectral imaging, the image is split into tens or hundreds of colors.
  • 全球医疗保健机器视觉系统市场报告(2021-2028年)
    Machine vision in the healthcare sector used to offer imaging-based automatic inspection and analyze the image for application such as process control and robotic guidance. Surge in adoption of artificial intelligencebased technologies and big data in healthcare, rise in demand for automation in healthcare applications, and increase in adoption of personalizes medicines are some of the factors that drive the growth of the machine vision system market. However, a shortage of skilled professionals is acting as restrain and hampers early adoption in developing countries. Further, the adoption of cloud-based healthcare solutions is expected to provide lucrative opportunities for the global machine vision industry during the forecast period.
  • 全球工业以太网交换机市场(2021-2028年)
    Ethernet switch is a multiport network switch that connects all the computer networking devices together on a computer. It forwards the data only to its destination port where it is required unlike Ethernet hubs which forward the data to all the ports irrespective of the requirement. Ethernet switches are broadly classified into two main categories modular and fixed configuration. Modular switches enables to add expansion modules into the switches as needed, thereby delivering the best flexibility to address changing networks, whereas fixed configuration switches are switches with a fixed number of ports and are typically not expandable.
  • 全球交互式白板IWB市场报告(2021-2030年)
    An interactive whiteboard is an interactive screen in the form of a whiteboard that responds to handler input either directly or via other devices such as digital pen. These devices are used at various places such as corporate board rooms, educational institutions, seminars, and communicating studios. The scope of the report discusses the potential opportunities for the key players to enter the global Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) market. Furthermore, it provides an in-depth analysis of the market, outlining current trends, key driving factors, and key areas of investment. The report includes Porter’s five forces analysis to understand the competitive scenario of the industry and role of each stakeholder in the value chain.
  • 全球GPS跟踪设备市场报告(2021-2028年)
    The global GPS tracking devices market encompasses technology, type, and end use. On the basis of technology, it is further divided into standalone tracker, OBD device, and advance tracker. By type, the market is segmented into data loggers, data pushers, and data pullers. By end use, the market is analyzed across automotive, aerospace & defense, healthcare, transportation, and others. By region, this market covers North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA. Further, the report also covers the strategies adopted by key market players to sustain the competitive environment and increase their market share. Sierra Wireless, Orbocomm, Atrack Technology, Geotab Inc., Box Telematics, Meitrack Group, Trackimo Group, Calamp Corp, Starcom System Ltd., Concox Wireless Solution are the key players in the market.
  • 全球LED光引擎市场报告(2021-2030年)
    The LED light engine (LLE) is an integrated assembly which is composed of one or more LED arrays (modules) or light emitting diodes (LEDs) as well as an LED driver along with the other optical, mechanical, thermal, and electrical components. It is a cutting-edge lighting technology that offers increased efficiency and longevity. A luminaire's fundamental component is its LED light engine. These light engines can be used to replace standard lamps. Compared with traditional LEDs, the LED light engine does not require an AC/DC transformer because it is directly connected to alternating current or AC power.
  • 全球家庭自动化和控制市场(2021-2028年)
    Home automation system refers to automatic and electronic control of household features, activity, and appliances. In addition, home automation is a network of hardware, communication, and electronic interfaces, which work to integrate smart devices with one another via Internet. Every device has sensors and is connected through Wi-Fi, so anyone can manage them from a smartphone or tablet. This allows to turn on lights, lock doors, or even turn down heat remotely. Home automation and controls system is an automatic centralized control system. This system finds application in heating, ventilation, & air conditioning; lighting; and security & access control. Increase in demand for energy efficiency and maintenance of secure & safe environment with enhanced user convenience in various industry verticals boost the market growth.
  • 全球 Li-Fi 和光学相机通信增长机会
    Li-Fi and optical camera communications (OCC) are 2 emerging light communication technologies that gained traction in the past few years in indoor and outdoor wireless communications. Li-Fi is a networked, bi-directional wireless communication technology that uses light to transmit/receive massive data at higher speeds for short-range communications. The study includes Li-Fi hardware components and OCC hardware and software components for market sizing and forecast. Li-Fi hardware components include primarily: 1) the Li-Fi access point, a Li-Fi-enabled light emitting diode (LED) lighting fixture, 2) a photodetector in the form of a Li-Fi dongle to receive light signals and transmit data back.


  • 电子行业:1月国内出货同比环比下滑,苹果销量重回景气-智能手机行业深度追踪系列第23期
    根据中国信通院数据,2022 年1 月国内手机市场总体出货量3302.2 万部,同比-17.7%,环比-1.1%,同比下降主要因去年春季新机提前发布导致同期基数较高。5G 手机渗透率环比下降,1 月5G 手机出货量2632.4 万部,占比为79.7%,较2021 年12 月下降1.6pcts。根据中国信通院数据,2022 年1 月国产品牌手机出货量2565.2 万部,同比-23.9%,环比-9.9%,占同期出货量的77.7%。
  • ZTBGXCL-提升关键原材料的弹性:增强安全性和可持续性之路-新材料(2)-202106
    2020 年9 月3 日,欧盟委员会发布了《提升关键原材料弹 性:寻求安全可持续的供给之路》报告。该报告以欧盟《原材料倡议》为 基础,提出欧盟2020 年关键原材料清单,其中包括30 种关键原材料,以 及增强欧盟经济弹性和开放战略自主性的行动方案。为应对关键原材料供 应挑战,欧盟提出要增强欧盟产业生态系统价值链弹性;提高资源循环利 用,加强可持续产品设计和创新;提高欧盟内部原材料供给;实现原材料 供应多元化等四个方向,以及10 项优先行动。赛迪智库材料工业研究所 对该报告进行了编译,期望对我国有关部门有所帮助。

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