(报告加工时间:2022-09-27 -- 2022-10-09)



  • 全球计算机和外围设备行业报告到2026年
    This data equals output data for the following ISIC Rev. 4 code: 2620 Manufacture of Computers and Peripheral Equipment This class includes: Manufacture of desktop computers Manufacture of laptop computers Manufacture of main frame computers Manufacture of hand-held computers (e.g. PDA) Manufacture of magnetic disk drives, flash drives and other storage devices Manufacture of optical (e.g. CD-RW, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-RW) disk drives Manufacture of printers Manufacture of monitors Manufacture of keyboards Manufacture of all types of mice, joysticks, and trackball accessories Manufacture of dedicated computer terminals Manufacture of computer servers Manufacture of scanners, including bar code scanners Manufacture of smart card readers Manufacture of virtual reality helmets Manufacture of computer projectors (video beamers) Manufacture of computer terminals, like automatic teller machines (ATM's), point-of-sale (POS) terminals, not mechanically operated Manufacture of multi-function office equipment, such as fax-scanner-copier combinations
  • 全球航空数字存储市场报告预测报告(2022-2027年)
    With the growing concerns to facilitate investigation in case of an aircraft accident, the installation of digital storage devices such as flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders have been made compulsory across various countries across the globe Hence, this has strongly contributed to the growth of the aviation digital storage device market in the historical period  Furthermore the geopolitical tension between various countries has boosted the requirement for military aircraft thereby contributing to the rise in production of these Therefore, this is projected to be one of the key factors to generate demand for digital storage devices in the years to come
  • 全球通信设备行业报告到2026年
    This data equals output data for the following ISIC Rev. 4 code: 2630 Manufacture of Communication Equipment This class includes: Manufacture of central office switching equipment Manufacture of cordless telephones Manufacture of private branch exchange (PBX) equipment Manufacture of telephone and facsimile equipment, including telephone answering machines Manufacture of data communications equipment, such as bridges, routers, and gateways Manufacture of transmitting and receiving antenna Manufacture of cable television equipment Manufacture of pagers Manufacture of cellular phones Manufacture of mobile communication equipment Manufacture of radio and television studio and broadcasting equipment, including television cameras Manufacture of modems, carrier equipment Manufacture of burglar and fire alarm systems, sending signals to a control station Manufacture of radio and television transmitters Manufacture of infrared devices (e.g. remote controls) This class excludes: Manufacture of computers and computer peripheral equipment, see ISIC Code - 2620 Manufacture of consumer audio and video equipment, see ISIC Code - 2640 Manufacture of electronic components and subassemblies used in communications equipment, see ISIC Code - 2610 Manufacture of internal/external computer modems (PC-type), see ISIC Code - 2610 Manufacture of electronic scoreboards, see ISIC Code - 2790 Manufacture of traffic lights, see ISIC Code - 2790


  • 移动互联网服务行业:互联网板块的交易逻辑与观点更新-点评报告
    6 月市场主要交易上海疫情缓解后的经济复苏预期,但随着6 月底、7 月初局部地区疫情再度反复,消费复苏的预期再度被压制,泛消费板块由乐观者定价转向悲观者定价,投资人主要担忧疫情蔓延带来防控措施升级,此外疫情下企业、居民的现金流存在较大压力,这对中长期消费中枢产生影响,市场预期可能从V 形复苏转向L 形复苏。
  • 计算机应用行业:GPU的那些事儿,关于GPU的科普
  • 通信行业:创维数字PANCAKE产品技术领先,有望受益内容端放量
    Pancake 取代菲涅尔成为VR 光学主流方案。VR 光学的发展经历了从 非球面透镜、菲涅尔透镜到折叠光路三个阶段,光学发展主要追求更 大的视场角、更短的光学镜头总长(TTL)、更小的畸变,非球面透镜 和菲涅尔透镜相比,Pancake 具有更好的成像质量与更轻薄的光学组件, 可以很好地满足消费者的要求,采用Pancake 方案的VR 设备可降低厚 度50%以上、主机重量普遍在200g 以下,且能进行屈光度调节,因此 Pancake 将成为VR 光学主流方案。
  • 计算机行业:从拆解五款激光雷达看智能驾驶投资机遇-“智能网联系列报告21
  • VR行业:Pico_4重磅发布,产品迭代催化硬件各环节投资机遇-深度报告
    2022 年9 月22 日,Pico 召开海外新品发布会,发布Pico 4 海外版,128GB 版本 售价429 欧元,256GB 版本499 欧元。Pico 4 在产品重量、光学方案、感知交互 等方面均有重大提升,结合一并发布的Pico 健身手环配套硬件及一系列内容产 品,我们认为Pico 软硬件生态已初步构建,有望快速打开消费端市场。在投资方 面,我们认为接下来大厂陆续发布VR 新品将推动硬件市场放量成长,在关注 Pancake 方案的同时,也建议关注Micro-OLED、Micro-LED、6DoF 等新技术迭 代带来的投资机遇。
  • 传媒行业:8月国内游戏收入同降22%,调整持续-动态点评
    8 月中国游戏市场收入同比下降 21.91%,环比降幅 3.85%有所收窄根据伽马数据,2022 年 8 月中国游戏市场收入 200.07 亿元,同比下降21.91%,同比降幅继续扩大(6/7 月收入同降 10.0/15.1%),环比下降 3.85%(6/7 月收入环降 2.2%/7.1%),移动游戏市场 8 月承压(同降 27.45%),部分头部手游产品流水下滑,且 8 月多数新游未提供有效增量。
  • 2021年“十四五“中国医疗机器人行业市场前景及投资研究报告
    医疗机器人属于服务机器人中的特种服务机器人分类。经过多年发展,中国已经实现了服务 机器人全产业链的布局,并已拥有了完整的产业生态体系。医疗机器人可从源头切断传染源与医护 人员的接触,从而避免交叉感染,因此,在医疗机器人在新冠疫情中大显身手,受到了广泛关注。 后疫情时代,国家层面要求补齐医疗短板,医疗机器人产业迎来发展良机。此外,十四五规 划纲要提出,将推动机器人、医疗设备等产业创新发展,医疗机器人产业发展前景可期。 得益于我国医疗机器人市场需求的快速增长,我国医疗机器人具有很大的市场潜力和发展机 遇。中商产业研究院预测,我国医疗机器人行业市场规模将由2021年79.6亿元增至2025年151.7亿 元,年均复合增长率为17.5%。

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