(报告加工时间:2022-03-21 -- 2022-03-27)


  • 全球聚氨酯胶粘剂市场报告称(2022-2027年)
    Adhesives are materials applied between two substrates (both metallic and nonmetallic substances) for gluing or bonding purposes. Today, adhesives have replaced bolts and rivets in several applications such as buildings, automobiles, and aerospace. Adhesives provide scope for innovating the design and shape of products. They are widely used in the automobile industry to make lightweight and fully efficient vehicles.
  • 全球纳滤膜市场报告( 2021-2026年)
    Nanofiltration (NF) is a membrane filtration-based process or liquid-separation technology that uses membranes with nanometer-sized pores to remove dissolved contaminants. NF membranes have pore sizes ranging from 1-10 nanometers, which is smaller than membranes used in microfiltration and ultrafiltration. However, the size of NF membranes is larger than RO membranes. NF membranes offer high rejection of multivalent ions (such as calcium) and low rejection of monovalent ions (such as chloride). The nanofiltration technology is used to recycle wastewater due to high flux rates and relatively lower energy consumption than RO technology. In addition, NF is often employed in the manufacturing process for pharmaceuticals, textiles, dairy products, and baked goods.
  • 全球工业脱脂剂市场报告(2021-2026年)
    Degreasers are used to clean various types of equipment and machinery; they are used to clean or remove dirt, dust, and any foreign particles, and can be used for both residential or industrial purposes. Industrial degreasers are used to clean motor parts, machinery, and heavy equipment that are used in various end-user industries. They are powerful solvents that can handle numerous types of manufacturing parts, components, and heavy machinery. Hazardous substances such as paints, grime, grease, oil, lubricants, dirt, dust, corrosion, and sticky films that get accumulated over machines can easily be removed by using industrial degreasers. Industrial degreasers will remove these foreign particles as well as increase the shelf life of machines or equipment.
  • 全球油脂化学品市场(2021-2026年)
    Oleochemicals are chemicals derived from plant and animal oils. Oleochemicals include the formation of basic oleochemical substances like fatty acids, fatty alcohols, glycerine, methyl esters, and others. Intermediate chemical substances produced from the basic oleochemical substances include alcohol ethoxylates, alcohol sulfates, alcohol ether sulfates, quaternary ammonium salts, monoacylglycerols, diacylglycerols, structured triacylglycerols, sugar esters, and other oleochemical products. Oleochemicals are biodegradable, eco-friendly, and less toxic. The major oleochemicals are fatty acids, fatty alcohols, methyl esters, and glycerines, which are referred to as basic oleochemicals.
  • 全球家庭护理成分市场报告(2021-2026年)
    Over the past years, cleaning products have become part and parcel of a consumer’s life. Consumer awareness is also growing every year, which is why manufacturers are focusing on elevating the quality of cleaning products with the best possible environmental conditions. Today's consumer is not just concerned about maintaining hygiene or cleanliness at a personal level but also keen on reducing the chances of infections in his/her surroundings. So, to fulfill the hygiene needs at home as well as at commercial places, different ingredients are used in cleaning products.
  • 全球海水淡化市场报告(2021-2026年)
    Desalination is a procedure that helps in separating dissolved salts and other minerals from seawater, brackish water, and groundwater & surface water. It is deemed as an alternative sustainable supply of freshwater with the requisite quality and quantity. The key advantage of desalination is that it can provide high-quality drinking water for consumption in areas of water scarcity. Desalination addresses diminishing freshwater supplies as the countries are looking for solutions to deal with water scarcity caused by climate change, industrial development, pollution, and population growth. Innovations in technology have improved energy efficiency, where larger economies of scale have also aided in reducing costs, thereby assisting in the growth of the overall water desalination market.
  • 全球塑料添加剂市场报告(2021-2026年)
    Plastics have become an inseparable part of modern lifestyle since their formation. Plastics are used for packaging, building and construction, automotive, consumer goods, electronics, and medical devices. To make plastics usable and to increase their processability, plastic additives are required to modify polymer resin. This helps in enhancing several characteristics that manifold the value of plastic materials. Various types of additives such as flame retardants, heat stabilizers, lubricants, and slip additives, blowing agents, antistatic agents, antioxidants, and light stabilizers are used for the modification of polymer resins.
  • 全球紫外线固化涂料市场报告(2021-2026年)
    UV curable coatings are based on UV curing technology that makes use of ultraviolet light to initiate the reaction. UV-based coating formulations can be applied to a variety of substrates such as paper, wood, metal, and plastic. The technology requires very less space and lesser curing time than conventional technologies. In many cases, the amount of heat generated while curing is also less; therefore, heat-sensitive substrates can also be coated. These UV coatings come in a variety of types such as 100% solids, water-based, solvent-based, pigmented, clear, and various gloss formulations.
  • 全球口腔防腐剂市场报告(2021-2026年)
    Oral health is a vital part of overall general health, and therefore, good oral health is indicative of overall wellness. Most diseases start from the oral site and spread to the entire body. Although some of these oral infections are preventable, some are not, and therefore, taking care of oral health is of paramount importance. The lack of proper oral hygiene accelerates the growth of microbes and causes various dental disorders, such as halitosis and dental caries.
  • 全球木器涂料市场报告(2021-2026年)
    Wood-based products are often prone to corrosion, destruction, and stains. A glossy wood coating prevents damage and increases the durability of wooden products, thus boosting their sales. It also makes wooden products desirable and aesthetically pleasing, thus luring customers into buying them. There are many wood coatings, including exterior wood coating, waterborne wood coating, radiation cure coatings, and wood finishing. Exterior wood coatings are extremely important in the furniture industry as they offer a good finishing and make furniture sturdy.
  • 全球医疗消毒剂消毒剂市场报告(2022-2027年)
    Disinfecting is a procedure that uses chemicals/disinfectants to kill germs on surfaces and objects. Some common disinfectants include bleach and alcohol-based solutions. Disinfectants are usually left on target surfaces and objects for a certain period to kill germs. Also, the task of sanitizing can involve either cleaning or disinfecting or both. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), sanitizing refers to lowering the number of germs on the surface to a safe level. The safe level depends on public health standards or requirements at workplaces, such as healthcare facilities. Some common ways of disinfecting and sanitizing include mopping a floor using a mop with disinfectants and water, disinfectant wipes or hand sanitizers, and others.
  • 全球有机硅密封剂市场报告(2022-2027年)
    Silicone sealants are employed to seal objects/surfaces that may be exposed to extreme environments, weathering, temperature, or movement for a prolonged period. Sealants are effective solutions that are elastic, flexible, durable, and reliable. Hence, they can be put to application in harsh conditions, ranging from construction, space, electronics, automotive, medical, and packaging. Silicone sealants are composed of silicone as a primary ingredient. The other essential components that provide silicone sealant their inherent properties are polymers, plasticizers, active reinforcing fillers, passive non-reinforcing fillers, cross linkers, and special additives. Silicone sealants based on their specific application can be readily modified using biobased materials. Through the addition of specific additives and fillers, they can be imparted enhanced electrical/thermal conductivity, resistance to fluctuation temperatures, and optical clarity, among others.
  • 全球个人护理化学品市场(2020-2026年)
    Over the last few years, personal care products have become part and parcel of consumer’s life. It includes array of product such as soaps, liquid soaps, hair gel, hair oil, shampoos, anti-aging face creams, sunscreen products and others. Chemicals used in personal care products range from basic metallic salts and fatty acids used in ordinary bath soaps to the high-end cosmeceuticals that offer beautifying properties of cosmetics with useful benefits of pharmaceuticals and chemicals.


  • 化工行业:百川股份拟发行可转债募集资金9.78亿元-基础化工债券&定增&新股双周报
    金禾实业:公司发布业绩快报,2021 年度实现营业收入584532.26 万元,同比上涨59.44%,实现归属上市公司股东的净利润116849.26 万元,同比上涨62.62%。业绩上涨主要得益于:1)公司产品产能充分释放,新建年产5000吨三氯蔗糖投产并逐步开满,进一步促进下游市场对三氯蔗糖需求的增长。2)大宗化学品需求提升,公司部分大宗化学品产品的销售均价较上年同期上升;受到大宗化学品原料快速上涨的影响,公司结合市场情况,对甜味剂和香料等食品添加剂产品的销售价格进行了不同幅度的提价。
  • 基础化工行业:原油价格高位,化工行业我们要关注什么?-深度研究
    历史上化工板块受到原油价格影响较为明显:考察在油价上涨期间不同化工品对油价的敏感性和传导能力,我们回溯了2000 年以来历次油价大幅上涨期间不同化工品板块的价格和股价变动情况。化工板块的股价表现受到原油供需与自身供需的双重影响,在油价上涨的前期阶段,由需求拉动下的原油价格上涨能较好地传导至化工品板块,带动股价表现较佳,而在后期阶段由事件催化的油价上涨则可能给更多地给化工品带来成本压力,股价相对前期走弱,此外,化工品自身供给的扰动也会对油价上涨的传导能力形成影响。
  • 能源化工行业:合成生物乘势而起,颠覆传统引领未来-合成生物学深度专题
    合成生物学行业迎来历史发展机遇,应用领域迅猛拓展。预计2020-2025 年,全球合成生物市场规模将保持22.5%的高年均复合增速,至2025 年突破200亿美元。当前合成生物领域企业商业模式可分为产品型及平台型。平台型海外巨头Zymergen、Ginkgo Bioworks 独具创新发展模式。产品型企业打通从生物改造、发酵纯化到产品改性的全产业链,更具盈利能力。建议重点关注产品型各细分领域龙头华恒生物、凯赛生物、新日恒力、圣泉集团、科拓生物、三元生物、金丹科技、利尔化学。
  • 石油加工行业:每周炼化,疫情导致内销受阻
    原油:价格大幅回落。周内前期,伊朗核谈判暂停,欧美决定对俄采取进一步制裁措施,不过俄乌双方正试图通过外交方式结束冲突,美国或解除对委内瑞拉石油制裁以增加原油供应,加之公共卫生事件对需求的影响,原油价格先涨后跌。周内后期,俄乌双方推动停火谈判,投资者意识到欧洲不会立即停止俄罗斯的石油供应,市场石油供应担忧有所缓解,同时部分国家地区疫情反弹或抑制需求,加之美国商业原油库存增长以及美国继续释放3000 万桶战略储备石油,国际原油价格持续回落。目前布伦特原油周均价为104.74(-13.94)美元/桶,WTI 原油周均价为101.17(-13.97)美元/桶。

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