(报告加工时间:2018-05-21 -- 2018-05-27)



  • 电力-第694期
  • 新能源-第554期
    2018 年 4 月 11 日,工业和信息化部联合住房和城乡建设部、交通运输部、农业农村部、国家能源局、国务院扶贫办等部门联合印发了《智能光伏产业发展行动计划(2018-2020 年)》(工信部联电子〔2018〕68 号,以下简称《行动计划》)。为更好理解和贯彻实施《行动计划》,工业和信息化部电子信息司负责人就《行动计划》进行了解读。


  • 巴西生物燃料行业市场报告(2018-2022年)
    Brazil is among the global leaders in renewable energy and a pioneer in developing biofuels as an economically viable alternative to fossil fuels. Notably, in 2016, 26.8% of the fuels consumed in the country were renewable. The main biofuels are sugarcane ethanol – comprising anhydrous ethanol for blending with gasoline and hydrous ethanol for direct use in flex-fuel vehicles, and biodiesel, made from vegetable oils and animal fats. Pure fossil fuels are not available to the end consumer, due to the mandatory biofuel blend. In 2017, gasoline had mandatory contents of 27% of anhydrous ethanol, while diesel was a blend containing 8% of biodiesel. Additionally, about 60% of the vehicle fleet in the country is adapted to use pure hydrous ethanol as fuel, which is economically viable as long as its cost is less than 70% of the gasoline price, to compensate for the lower calorific value of the biofuel.
  • 燃气轮机市场分析及分部预测至2025年
    The global gas turbine market size reached USD 18,864.0 million in 2015. Increasing awareness regarding sustainable energy sources has shifted the industry focus towards large scale incorporation of natural gas as a fuel for electricity generation. In many countries, energy conservation and cutting down carbon dioxide emissions is a major agenda. In upcoming years, global electricity demand is expected to increase by nearly two-thirds of the current demand. Focus on projects related to distributed power generation is anticipated to bolster the market growth.
  • 中国石油天然气行业报告报告(2017-2021年)
    As the world’s most populous country with a fast-expanding economy, China is a major energy consumer. The country was the second-largest consumer of crude oil and the third biggest consumer of natural gas in 2016. China is also a significant energy supplier, ranking as the sixth-biggest producer of natural gas and the seventh biggest producer of crude oil in the world. China’s oil and gas sector is still largely controlled by the government although a partial liberalisation has been under way, a move the authorities hope will increase labour and capital resource efficiency.
  • 拉丁美洲数据中心电力市场 - 行业展望预测(2018-2023年)
    The Data Center Power Market in Latin America witnessed a spurt in investments in 2017, with around 20 new data center projects covering more than 800,000 square feet of data center area and 125 MW of power capacity to be set up shortly. In terms of construction, greenfield and modular data center development are predicted to grow at a CAGR of over 10% during the forecast period. The major criteria to be considered by data center operators in Latin America to develop data centers would include strong fiber connectivity, reliable power supply, and demand from industries such as BFSI, Information Technology, and Healthcare.
  • 欧洲油田设备市场分析及分部预测至2022年
    We have segmented Europe oilfield equipment market by product and country. On the basis of product, the market has been segmented into drilling equipment, pumps & valves, field production machinery, and others. Drilling equipment includes all equipment and machinery for boring and piercing through the earth to extract oil from the field. The equipment consist of different types of drilling rigs, pipes & tubing, drill bits, and oil & gas field derricks.
  • 全球智能照明控制市场分析预测(2018-2024年)
    Wireless lighting control technology has taken a next step with the integration of cloud computing. Net based LED technology allows seamless controls of all the luminaires during a particular installation through cloud based computing technologies. This technology enables real time monitoring of lighting conditions, occupancy, and energy consumption in addition to allowing the user to control the light settings from a remote location.


  • 供水供气行业:天然气产业链寻踪系列(一)非常规天然气前景广阔
    近十年,我国天然气表观消费量复合增速 11.8%,而国产天然气产量无法满足下游需求,导致我国天然气对外依存度逐年上升,近十年进口量复合增速 34.9%。国产气方面,我国积极推进各类气源开发,已经形成常规气稳步运行,大力发展非常规气的供给格局,目前常规气占国产气的比例为 89%,页岩气、煤层气占国产气的比例则分别为 6%、5%。我们判断,虽然常规气在我国天然气供给中占比较大,但非常规气有望成为行业增产主力。 
  • 公用事业行业:用电需求高增长,政策力控煤价回归绿色区间
    当前时点,火电利用小时和上网电价均存在缓慢回升的预期。目前动力煤价格虽有所反弹,但相关政策力控煤价回归绿色区间,全年煤价中枢仍有望下行。我们判断 2018 年火电业绩反转,重点推荐华能国际及华电国际。水电方面,我们依然重点推荐国投电力、川投能源,主要是因为雅砻江中游有明确的装机增长,公司未来有望获得更加稳定充沛的现金流。
  • 公用事业行业:用电量高增速助推煤价,关注旺季业绩表现-月报
    2018 年 4 月份,电力及公用事业板块表现弱于大盘,CS 电力及公用事业指数本月下跌 4.39%,沪深 300 指数下跌 3.63%,电力及公用事业行业跑输大盘 0.76个百分点。从三级子行业看,4 月份 CS 火电下跌 6.42%,CS 水电下跌 1.63%, CS 其他发电下跌 0.52%,CS 电网下跌 6.82%。
  • 环保及公用事业行业:环保行业底部边际改善,公用关注风电运营-中期策略
    2017年环保行业营收增速 30.6%,下滑 1.9 个百分点;归母净利润增速 24.1%,提 升 5.5 个百分点;扣非后净利润增速 28.0%,下滑 6.3 个百分点。


  • 北京农村生活能源消费结构及影响因素分析

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