(报告加工时间:2022-11-22 -- 2022-12-04)



  • 全球食品级润滑油市场报告展望预测(2021-2027年)
    Over the years, there has been a growing demand for highperformance lubricants for the smooth functioning of industrial machines. Consumer awareness and government regulation are also growing every year. Hence, manufacturers are focusing on elevating the quality of lubricants with the best possible technology and feedstock. Consumers are gradually becoming more conscious of the hygiene and the safety of packaged products they consume. Therefore, using food-grade lubricants is one of the most effective methods of enriching machine performance while preventing the product from microbial contamination. Food-grade lubricants are parts of industrial lubricants used in industrial machines to minimize the wear and tear caused by corrosion, rust, friction, and oxidative stability. Food-grade lubricants are products added to hydraulic oil, gear oil, conveyor belts, compressor oil, joints, bearings, and other food processing plants to ensure a safe supply of food and other products. Food-grade lubricants are widely used in the manufacturing equipment of food and beverages, food packaging, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and animal feed as they are:
  • 全球园艺市场报告前景预测(2022-2027年)
    Modern farming and gardening activities have effectively replaced all traditional farming practices. The use of sophisticated farming implements boosts overall crop production, not only in quantity but also in quality. These implements are used in conventional farming and gardening activities, such as tilling and cultivating. Both farming and gardening strategies are simple but effective, resulting in higher yields. Farmers prefer machinery to hard labor and use tillers and cultivators for different farming tasks. Garden tillers are becoming more popular as the landscaping business across the developed economies is expanding significantly.
  • 全球诱虫诱捕器市场报告展望预测(2022-2027年)
    Baited insect traps play an instrumental role in detecting undiscovered infestations in storage warehouses and goods, surveying and monitoring infestation levels, and determining catch thresholds for quick remedial actions as part of an effective pest management strategy. These insect traps can control infestations of social insects such as cockroaches, ants, moths, flies, and bed bugs. Insect baits are prepared using food attractants mixed with either an insect growth regulator (IGR) or insecticide. Also, some baits include chemical compounds that are identical to volatiles released by decomposed fruits or animals.
  • 全球农业润滑油市场报告展望预测(2022-2027年)
    The present scenario is driving vendors to change and refine their unique value propositions to achieve a strong market presence. Some key players in the agricultural lubricants market include Shell, Valvoline, BP, and others. There exists stiff competition among these players in the market. Additionally, the market is highly competitive and is prone to be affected by volatility in the general business and economic environment.
  • 全球羊奶粉市场报告展望预测(2022-2027年)
    A goat is one of the most common providers of milk and meat for humans. Both in composition and nutritional qualities, goat milk varies from cow and human milk. Several bioactive chemicals found in goat milk and other goat-derived products may be beneficial to people suffering from a range of chronic conditions. Several peptides, fats, and oligosaccharides found in goat's milk have been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, neurological degeneration, and intestinal health. They've also been demonstrated to have cancerpreventive qualities. Goat milk is especially suggested for newborns, elderly persons, and people recovering from illness due to its possible health advantages. The biological activities of goat products as well as the effects of peptides, lipids, and oligosaccharides found in goat milk on pathogenic bacteria, as well as their capacity to control immunological, gastrointestinal, hormonal, and neurological responses in humans, are the key focus.


  • 农林牧渔行业:把握种业后周期拐点,优选生猪养殖龙头-2023年度投资策略
    把握种业、后周期拐点,优选生猪养殖龙头。围绕两大向上拐点,我们认为种 子行业及猪价后周期板块(白鸡、饲料、动保)具备明显的板块性机会,积 极推荐大北农、隆平高科、登海种业、苏垦农发、圣农发展、海大集团等, 建议关注瑞普生物、普莱柯等。而优质猪企仍存个股成长机会,可优选布局, 继续推荐牧原股份、温氏股份、巨星农牧。
  • 农业行业:掘金安全自主,拾珠周期景气-2023年年度策略
    安全主线:种业自主,护航国家安全。1)粮食:二十大报告将“粮食安全”依然放在重要位置,表现出其对人民生活的重要意义。国内饲料粮依然面临着缺口问题,而在今年东北天气冲击、饲用需求恢复下,玉米缺口预计扩大至2500 万吨,补足缺口的手段正在逐步减少,提升玉米种植效率迫在眉睫。2)种子:经历政策的陆续修订,国内转基因涉及的重要法规基本完善,转基因种子静待商业化的最后一块拼图“品种审定”即可开启制种和销售,以最快进度计,若今年品种审定名单可以获批,种企将在23-24 年迎来业绩爆发期,种企经营格局有望迎来革命性变化。3)白鸡:长期以来, 我国白羽肉鸡种源一直依赖进口,而受到今年以来的海外禽流感冲击,白鸡种源自主可控再度提上日程,2021 年我国审定通过3 个快大型白羽肉鸡品种,其中圣泽901 产能储备充分,2022 年底父母代产能将突破1750 万套,外部不确定性有望提振国产品种推广速度,白鸡种源有望实现国产替代。

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