(报告加工时间:2017-01-16 -- 2017-02-05)


  • 全球智慧城市市场报告(2016-2020年)
    A smart city uses ICT, including mobile networks, to improve the quality of livelihood in a sustainable way. A smart city combines and shares disparate comprehensive data sets captured by intelligently-connected infrastructure, people, and vehicles, to generate new insights. It also provides ubiquitous services that enable citizens to access information about city administrative services, improve the efficiency of city operations, enhance security levels, fuel economic activity, and even increase resilience to natural disasters.
  • 全球非常小孔径终端市场报告(2016-2020年)
    VSAT terminals are communication terminals that transmit and receive text, audio, and video data using satellite broadband Internet services. These terminals operategeostationary satellites on Ku, Ka, and C bands. These terminals are 1.2-2.4 meters in diameter. A VSAT network comprises a main station or hub and other sites located in remote places, which communicate with the geostationary satellite. These networks provide wireless broadband connectivity in remote and underserved areas that are not covered by wireline networks. They also provide value-added services such as local area network (LAN) services, internet access, and data transmission. There are three types of VSAT transmissions: time division multiple access (TDMA), demand assigned multiple access (DAMA), and single channel per carrier (SCPC)/ multiple channels per carrier (MCPC).
  • 全球高等教育积极学习平台市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Educational technology is a means to enrich the learning experience. To that end, digital classrooms make use of advanced technological learning aids (such as interactive whiteboards and 3D printing) to boost student interactivity and to enhance knowledge retention. As a result, educational institutions have increased their budgets to include more collaboration, assessment, and enterprise resource planning systems in their delivery methods. Standardization of curricula across regions along with increased Internet and broadband penetration are also propelling market growth. Many educational technology vendors have emerged to bolster the teaching and learning experience through their hardware and software solutions. We note that companies in this market have overcome complex regulatory hurdles (across geographies) to expand their market shares.
  • 全球LAN服务市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The networking market is undergoing several turbulences due to a gradual decline in the hardware business in the domestic and international marketplace. Organizations are shifting toward cost-effective software and service-centric IT solutions to increase business performance and remain competitive. Innovations in networking solutions are required to improve wireless systems for enterprises. The demand for wireless services and connectivity solutions has increased among enterprises with the rise in enterprises mobility solutions. Enterprises require faster broadband speed and seamless Wi-Fi connections to perform business operations at a high rate.
  • 全球移动卫星服务市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Mobile satellite services (MSS) provide effective communication services beyond the terrestrial range and serves as an ultimate and appropriate channel in emergency situations. MSS include voice, low-speed data, fax, paging, high-speed data, and broadcast and video on demand. MSS systems are categorized based on their orbital altitudes such as geostationary orbit (GEO), medium earth orbit (MEO), and low earth orbit (LEO). MSS find its application in the key market segments such as the aviation sector, maritime sector, and government sector. Distinguishing benefits of MSS are priority access, global connectivity, terrain independence, and access diversity. These unique features and capabilities are used to enhance communications and to augment terrestrial-based wireless systems. Due to congestion of frequency bands, satellite service providers are pressurized to develop advanced and capable infrastructure that can cope up with the increasing customer specific requirements.
  • 全球数字音乐内容市场报告(2016-2020年)
    In this kind of music, the user has access to soundtracks with the help of digital music content websites, generally on a monthly subscription and free-to-access mode. However, the user cannot store it either in physical or in digital form. Spotify is an example of such service. Some digital music content websites offer the option to download music, giving users the ownership of the soundtrack, even without prior streaming. Some users prefer to buy soundtracks in the form of CDs. Other services include iTunes, where the user can download the tracks post subscription payment.
  • 全球高等教育云计算市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Cloud computing is the use of computing resources where systems are connected by public or private networks to offer scalable infrastructure for applications and file storage. It offers a pool of resources that includes data storage, specified applications, and networks and computer processing power. Across regions, governments and private organizations are accelerating education digitization through various monetary and non-monetary initiatives. In an attempt to ensure equality in education and improve the quality of learning content, educational institutions have begun to implement services such as cloud computing and LMS. Within the education ecosystem, cloud computing helps students, faculty, and education organizations to use software and hardware managed by third-party service providers. Cloud computing can play a significant role in improving the quality of delivering higher education without compromising on the regulated and restricted learning environment.
  • 全球公共部门公共安全移动宽带市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Public safety operations involve communicating correct information to the public about an incident at the right time. This can be achieved by using mobile broadband technology. Public safety mobile broadband is the introduction of next-generation wireless broadband technology in mission-critical field applications, equipping people with the best real-time data, video, voice or other forms of tactical communication.
  • 全球数据转换器市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Data converters are used to convert and condition signals from analog to digital and vice versa. They are integrated into the device to convert digital signals to analog signals and vice versa. The use of data converters in the devices enhances the processing, data transmission, and process control capabilities. These data converters are based on the architectures that are proprietary architectures of companies such as Analog Devices and Texas Instruments or are patented. The core of these data converters is either based on complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) or silicon or silicon on germanium materials forming the essential gateways for signal conversion and conditioning. There are two types of data conversions:
  • 智能家居全球IT支出市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Wireless home automation and security solutions are next generation technologies that are based on IoT architecture and smart connected technologies. The ever-increasing rate of smart connected devices in a home ecosystem, such as connected entertainment systems, has revolutionized home entertainment systems. Smart home technology is gaining significant traction in the market. We expect the adoption of smart home devices and applications to increase.
  • 全球3D动画软件市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The main use of an animation software is to generate animated images, which gives the illusion of movement when the images are shown as a sequence. There are numerous tools available to the end users to create a realistic virtual image according to their requirements. Apart from creating animated movies like Frozen and Shrek, 3D animation is also used in films to improve the visual effects, and also in AEC and automotive projects. The rapid advancement in technologies and use of animation software in the media and entertainment and other industries has made 3D animation popular among the general masses.
  • 全球工业自动化软件市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Industrial automation software such as SCADA and MES are migrating from computers to mobile devices. Authorized operators can remotely access data using a variety of devices such as tablets and smartphones. These devices are used as portable HMIs to monitor remote equipment and enable field operators to assess the current condition of a process or equipment quickly without being tied to a workstation. Technologies embedded in smartphones, such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons, near-field communication (NFC), and Global Positioning System (GPS), have enabled the integration of SCADA with smartphones.
  • 全球中小企业市场云支出报告(2016-2020年)
    Cloud computing solutions are IT solutions that are deployed in the ICT systems and eliminate the need to install in-house hardware and software. The cost of in-house IT solutions is relatively low compared to cloud-based solutions among most of the IT deployment models. Cloud computing solutions have been implemented in a majority of organizations, irrespective of the size of the business. Firms that have high IT budgets and are willing to spend more on flexible IT solutions have majorly invested in cloud computing solutions. However, some of the firms are still using on-premise solutions due to cloud security concerns and also due to resistance from in-house IT departments.
  • 美国教育部门的视觉分析市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Visual analytics is an emerging field of analytics that involves the use of visualization, data mining, and statistics to handle massive volumes of data. This is done with the help of human judgement by means of visual representations and interaction techniques. In visual analytics, instead of limiting the analysis to predefined metrics to examine data and study relations between parameters, data analysts are increasingly incorporating analytical reasoning and advanced computation with data visualization. business intelligence tools employ data in tabular forms. Whereas, visual analytics applies tools and practices, which make it easier for non-technical users to interact with the data through visual representations. It enables users to engage in analytical processes through visual representations, which are supported by computer graphics engines with integrated in-memory storage of data. This process facilitates rapid updates of multiple visualizations.
  • 美国高等教育基于能力的平台市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Competency-based education is an educational model in which the emphasis is primarily on acquiring proficiency in skills that are measured through assessments along with credits given to skills learned through work experience or in earlier programs. It differs from traditional education models that rely on a credit hour-based system of credentialing. While traditional educational models are fixed-time models, in competency-based education programs, student competency and learning are the areas of focus with time being a variable, as in competency-based education, since the learning is self-paced, students can prioritize modules, and accordingly allot time for each module.


  • 大数据安全风险分析与监管建议
  • 国外图书馆3D打印服务研究及实践进展
    文章通过文献调研和案例分析等研究方法,对国外图书馆的3D 打印服务研究及实践进展进行了调研及分析,研究表明:图书馆引入3D 打印服务具有重要意义;图书馆3D 打印服务分为自助型、引导型和依托型等3 种模式;规划与实施内容包括设备引入及管理、营销及宣传推广、成本控制、员工培训、用户教育、健康与安全维护、用户行为规范以及服务评价;图书馆应当制定服务条款和关注版权问题;招募学生助理、构建3D 模型库、实行预约制度是值得借鉴的优化策略。
  • 从多国网络安全协作看网络空间国际合作新趋势
  • 《2016年中国互联网产业综述与2017年发展趋势》
  • 世界网络强国信息安全的战略动向与政策抓手
    党的十八大以来,习总书记围绕建设网络强国、治理网络空间、维护网络安全和构建国际互联网治理新体系等重大议题提出了充满中国特色的网络“安全观”和“治理观”,不仅为我国建设网络强国提供了根本遵循,也体现了完善全球治理的中国担当。“随时以举事,因资而立功,用万物之能而获利其上”。从4 月19 日的网络安全和信息化工作座谈会到10 月9 日政治局就网络强国战略进行的集体学习,习总书记进一步提出增强网络安全、发展核心技术、完善网络治理的基本要求,网络强国之梦日渐丰盈。为了切实落实好习总书记关于“从国际国内大势出发制定实施网络安全和信息化发展战略和重大政策”的明确指示,对世界主要网络强国的信息安全战略与政策抓手进行比较研究,对我们把握形势,找准短板,突破重点难点,开创网络强国之路具有重要意义。

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