(报告加工时间:2020-09-21 -- 2020-10-11)


  • 煤炭行业:煤价持续上行,关注板块配置机会!-周报
    本周产地煤价稳中有升,水泥化工用煤需求叠加冬储启动支撑坑口煤价。截至 9 月 18 日,陕 西榆林动力块煤(Q6000)坑口价 465.0 元/吨,周环比上涨 10 元/吨;大同南郊粘煤坑口价(含 税)(Q5500)404.0 元/吨,周环比上涨 8 元/吨;内蒙古东胜大块精煤车板价(Q5500)391.0 元/吨,周环比上涨 18 元/吨。“金九银十”之际,国家煤监局要求对晋陕蒙鲁豫云贵川渝等 11 个产煤省区开展安全大检查,限制供给。夏季过后民用电负荷下降,但水泥、化工等非电 耗煤需求好转,同时冬季储煤启动,产地供需趋紧,煤价上行。
  • 煤炭行业:Q3环比改善明显,龙头公司预期向好-2020年三季报业绩前瞻
    Q3 各煤种价格同比虽然依旧下滑,但环比改善明显,且坑口煤价环比涨幅高于港 口。预计板块 Q3 净利环比约增长 18%以上,同比降幅有望收窄。四季度预计煤 炭供给缺乏向上的弹性,煤价整体维持高位,行业景气预期稳中向好。目前板块 估值处于历史低位,龙头公司估值提升逻辑清晰,推荐业绩向好、股息率有保障 的低估值龙头。
  • 中国石油审议通过公司管道重组交易议案
  • 煤炭行业:煤价持续上行符合预期,板块估值修复机会值得关注
    9 月份以来,煤炭价格持续上涨,当前秦皇岛港口煤价已涨至 599 元/吨。我们 在 9 月 10 日发布的点评中明确提出“伴随大秦线检修临近、电厂补库存有望 带动煤价上涨”,判断已得到验证。基于当前动力煤供需情况,我们认为基本 面对煤价的支撑仍在。


  • 全球采矿化学品市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    Mining chemicals play a major role in the processing of mineral ores. The consumption of base metals (such as iron, steel, and aluminum) and precious metals (such as silver, gold, and platinum) increased steadily, due to their various applications in various industries. The metal mining processes require mining chemicals during the stage of processing the respective ores. With the increase in the consumption of these metals, mining activities for these metals have surged globally, especially in Canada and Mexico. Canada is a global leader in mining operations, with active production of more than 60 metals and minerals, and it is a major producer of primary aluminum, cobalt, diamond, gold, nickel, platinum group metals, salt, titanium concentrates, and uranium. In addition, Canada ranks among the top five countries in the global production of 14 major metals and minerals, such as first in potash production; second in uranium and niobium; third in cobalt, aluminum, tungsten, and platinum group metals; fourth in nickel, salt, sulfur, and titanium; and fifth in diamond, cadmium, and gold.
  • 全球采矿钻井服务市场报告(2020-2030年)
    Mining drilling services include drilling work carried out on contract basis for numerous mining customer bases, operating across the wide ranges of commodities such as coal, metals, and others. Various types of mining drilling services are surface drilling, underground coring, and others. Furthermore, the drilling services’ agreements are typically carried out through a tender process. Drilling service providers quote an extensive costing process that guarantees that the projects are well planned and taken into consideration the geography, geology, time-frame, and others. The report focuses on the current trends and future growth opportunities of various types of mining types such as coal, metal, mineral, quarry, and others. Furthermore, the study evaluates the current market trends and suggests future growth opportunities by analyzing government regulations & policies. The report further covers the strategies adopted by the key players to sustain the competitive environment and increase their market share.


  • 煤炭行业:进口同比大降37%-8月月报
    8 月煤炭产量同比基本持平,进口量同比大幅下降37%,火电发电量当月同比+6.2%,固定资产投资当月同比+9.3%,供需整体改善,但由于此前补库到位,动力煤价格8 月呈下降趋势,焦炭落实一轮提涨,焦煤基本企稳。

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