(报告加工时间:2018-08-27 -- 2018-09-02)



  • 北美冷库市场分析和分段预测到2025年
    Cold storage is a temperature-controlled storage space. The method is used by industries such as fisheries, aquaculture, horticulture, agriculture, processed food, and dairy. A cold storage system and refrigerated transportation facility, connecting farm-level storage facilities, distribution outlets, and processing units, are expected to improve supply chain efficiency and reduce wastage of agricultural products.
  • 按需运输市场估计预测到2025年
    The global on-demand transportation market size was USD 75,000.0 million in 2017 and is projected to reach USD 304,971.3 million by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 19.8% over the forecast period. On-demand transportation services are gaining momentum and witnessing high demand. These services offer various benefits to users which enables them to pre-book their vehicles at economical prices. Service providers also offers the users to modify and cancel their bookings. Additionally, owing to the increasing number of connected vehicles, the on-demand transportation market is expected to witness growth over the forecast period.


  • 社会服务行业:卓越推-信达证券
    今年 6 月赴韩旅游的中国游客人数约 38 万人,比 2017 年 6 月增长 49%,复苏迹象明显。此外,时隔 17 个月,春秋、锦江旅游、众信、中青旅等少数几家旅行社重新上线韩国团队游和自由行路线,标志着因“萨德”事件遇冷的赴韩游正式重启。 
  • 休闲服务行业:关注中报业绩优异个股的估值修复机会
    本周休闲板块整体小幅上涨。其中权重股中国国旅在前期的大幅回调后有所反弹,上涨 4.57%。酒店板块和景区板块均小幅回升,分别上涨 1.48%和 0.60%。在市场近期的连续调整后,休闲服务板块的估值约为 34 倍,处于历史估值的中低位,其中酒店、景区、出境游等板块估值均处于 2013 年来的历史低位。从行业基本面看,本周文化和旅游部公布的数据显示,2018 年上半年我国国内旅游人次和出境旅游人次分别同比增长 11.4%和 15.0%,行业景气度保持稳健。

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