(报告加工时间:2021-12-20 -- 2022-01-16)


  • 全球纹理植物蛋白市场(2021-2027年)
    Textured vegetable protein is a type of protein ingredient specifically derived from the sources such as soyabean, pea, and wheat. It has substantial protein content and fiber with a very low fat. The global textured vegetable protein market is analyzed on the basis of its prospects and future growth rate. The report highlights numerous factors that influence the growth of the market. These include market forecast, drivers, restraints, opportunities, and roles of different key players operating in the market.
  • 全球宠物食品配料增长机会市场报告
    This study covers different types of pet food ingredients—probiotics, prebiotics, health ingredients (glucosamine, chondroitin, melatonin, omega-3 fatty acids), and others (vitamins, organic acids, organic trace minerals, enzymes). The application scope of the research includes dogs, cats, and other pets (ornamental birds, small mammals, aquaria, and reptiles).
  • 全球鲈鱼市场(2021-2030年)
    Sea bass fishes belong to the family of Serranidae that have an elongated large head & mouth, body shape, tight scales, and a broad, fork-less tail. Widely consumed sea bass include European sea bass and Asia sea bass also known as Barramundi. European sea bass are native to the waters of Europe's southern, western, and Africa's northern coasts, whereas Barramundi is widely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific region from South Asia to Papua New Guinea and Northern Australia. Sea bass is widely consumed in China, Japan, ASEAN, France, UK, U.S. and other European countries
  • 全球婴儿营养市场报告(2021-2026年亚)
    Proper infant nutrition is fundamental to a child’s continued health from birth to late adulthood. During the first three years of an infant's life, proper feeding plays an instrumental role in lowering morbidity and mortality and preventing chronic diseases throughout the life span. A balanced diet also promotes the cognitive and physical development of an infant. According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, every infant has the right to good nutrition. However, only one-fourth of infants have access to the requisite dietary diversity and feeding frequency in most countries. Improper feeding practices account for almost a third of all cases of malnutrition worldwide.


  • 预制菜行业:预制菜风口来临,群雄逐鹿蓝海赛道-深度报告
    预制菜是近五年食品加工行业中发展最快的子行业之一。从2014 年外卖行业开始蓬勃发展,到2020 年疫情催生家庭端消费需求,行业呈现由速冻米面等极少数品类拓展至多种菜品,由B 端延伸至C 端消费者,由一线城市延伸至二三线乃至下线城市的树形发展路径。目前行业规模超2000 亿元,相关企业超7 万家,近5 年涌入大量市场参与者。

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