(报告加工时间:2021-08-23 -- 2021-08-29)



  • 关于吉林省综合运输系统发展战略的探讨
  • 我国ICT服务出口的现状、挑战及对策


  • 全球航空公司数字化增长机遇
    The airline digitalization market is a growth market estimated to earn more than $35.42 billion revenue by 2030. It is a fragmented market in which the top 15 companies make up 26.5% of the market. This share amount is not expected to change during the forecast period (2021–2030).
  • 全球机场数字化增长机遇
    Airport digitalization is on the rise due to the added value it provides with minimal investment. Investing in physical infrastructure has limitations (i.e., expensive) than investing in technology and process automation, resulting in the increasing adoption of airport digitalization.
  • 全球漏洞管理市场预测到2025年
    Vulnerabilities are defined as errors or weaknesses within a software program, network, application, or endpoint that enable an unauthorized user to access sensitive data, gain control, or deny access to authorized users. At a high level, Frost & Sullivan defines vulnerability management (VM) as a platform that offers vulnerability assessment; and the results of the assessment trigger a remediation response. Vulnerability Management is the practice of periodically examining information systems (including but not limited to operating systems, subsystems such as database management systems, applications, and network devices) to discover exploitable vulnerabilities, related analysis, and prioritizing decisions about remediation.
  • 全球算法交易市场(2021-2028年)
    Algorithmic trading is a form of automation, which uses computer program to execute a defined set of instructions or rules that include the buying or selling of an asset in regards to the varying market data. The defined sets of instructions or rules are based on timing, quantity, price, or any mathematical model. It offers several benefits to market participants such as it executes trades at the best possible prices; simultaneous automated checks on multiple market conditions; trades timed correctly and instantly; and reduced transaction costs due to lack of human intervention. For the purpose of analysis, the report segments the global algorithmic trading market on the basis of component, type, deployment mode, type of traders, and region. This report features information on algorithmic trading solutions and services offered by key vendors.
  • 全球电子战市场报告(2021-2028年)
    Electronic warfare is a technology implemented by defense forces for directing energy to control or attack an enemy or impede enemy use of electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. Electronic warfare can be applied by manned and unmanned systems to target enemy military and civilian assets including humans, communications, and radars. Electronic warfare offers a flexible range of installation support and can be installed in air, on sea, land, and/or space-based platforms. Growth in need for surveillance, intelligence, and self-protection capabilities and rise in adoption of electronic warfare systems, owing to increase in territorial and intercountry conflicts are expected to drive the global electronic warfare market growth during the forecast period. However, high deployment cost and vulnerability of electronic warfare systems to cyber-attacks are anticipated to hamper growth of the market during the forecast period. Moreover, implementation of electronic protection systems in civil aviation and rise in defense expenditure globally are expected to offer lucrative opportunities for the market in the future.
  • 全球汽车虚拟现实增长机会
    VR in cars is still a niche use case. Frost & Sullivan expects that premium vehicles and luxury brands with advanced GPUs and high-compute capabilities will be the first ones to launch in-vehicle VR applications. Manufacturing units and dealer showrooms will continue to use VR to improve the user experience.
  • 全球智能停车市场(2020-2027年)
    A smart parking system typically obtains information about available parking spaces in a particular geographic area or in residential areas and process is real-time to place vehicles at available positions. For the operation of the smart parking the system involves low-cost sensors, real-time data collection, and smart phone enabled automated payment systems. This combination allows people to reserve parking in advance and predicts the parking space location.
  • 全球监管科技市场机会分析和行业预测(2020-2027年)
    RegTech, which is a combination of the words regulatory and technology, manages regulatory processes within the financial industry via advance technologies. RegTech solutions help businesses to comply with regulations efficiently & less expensively by using advance technologies such as machine learning, biometrics, cloud computing, big data, and blockchain. Moreover, main functions of RegTech include data analytics, regulatory monitoring, risk management, reporting, regulatory compliance, and fraud detection. This report features information on RegTech solutions offered by key vendors. Furthermore, it highlights strategies of key players to improve the market share and sustain competition.


  • 传媒行业:7月手游市场同比增长6.6%,818好物节第二年各项数据显著增长
    上周沪深300 指数下跌3.57%,申万传媒指数下跌2.26%,跑赢沪深300 指数1.31 个百分点。个股方面,上周涨幅较大的有宋城演艺(+6.25%)、国联股份(+4.95%);跌幅较大的有分众传媒(-6.46%)、游族网络(-5.93%)。本周新开测游戏12 款,无归属于A 股上市公司名下的游戏。
  • 大湄公河次区域交通与通信合作
  • 互联网传媒行业:加速智慧零售及国际化布局,机遇与挑战并存-SaaS系列报告之三
    疫情之后,线下零售的恢复以及社交网络渠道的持续增长带来Shopify 业务高增,我们总结Shopify Q2 经营亮点主要有:(1)社交渠道快速拓展:根据公司21Q2 业绩电话会,GMV 来源占比中,社交渠道虽然低于商家online store 以及线下POS,但增速非常快。公司持续推进与Facebook、Google、TikTok 等渠道的合作深度,帮助商家挖掘社交渠道内高用户时长带来的生机会。(2)线下业务布局:Shopify POS 能够帮助商家完成全套的线下零售业务数字化改造工作,帮助商家进行线上业务与线下业务的无缝融合,疫情之后融合加速,搭配Shopify payments,POS 业务渗透率持续提升
  • 共享出行行业:不忘初心,方得始终
    在信息化的现代社会,居民衣食住行的信息化、互联网化都是时代大潮下不可避免的发展趋势。共享经济则是互联网大潮下的新兴业态之一。共享出行是共享经济中较早涌现,同时发展也较为成熟的业态。网约车、顺风车、共享单车等互联网新业态近10 年来不断涌现,大大丰富了居民的出行方式,为行业的发展进步开拓出新的道路。同时,共享出行的发展历程并非一帆风顺,其中的挫折也带给我们大量的经验教训,值得后来人深思。
  • 计算机行业:数据安全在扩容,安全/运营/治理三剑客利刃出鞘-科技前瞻系列之三
    伴随数字经济和互联网发展的20 多年,数据孤岛问题已经得到较好解决,而数据安全风险(信息泄露、恶意攻击、算法滥用等)日益暴露出来,数据安全问题的解决优先级将高于数据共享和数据孤岛。数据安全产业虽然起源于网络安全,但内质变化是针对数据的所有权和使用权的确权划分,从而使得“数据层”变的更加安全,未来这也将引起“算法”层面众多边际变化。
  • 传媒互联网行业:基本面筑底,看好优质赛道商业化变现能力提升专业绩释放-中期策略


  • 河曲县交通运输和邮电
  • 产业技术创新平台典型案例和模式分析

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