(报告加工时间:2022-03-28 -- 2022-04-05)



  • 全球药品质量管理软件市场
    Over the last few years, the global pharmaceutical industry has undergone significant changes. In recent years, the cost of drugs has been increasing rapidly, a majority of which is contributed by funds allocated to research and development. According to a report published by Congressional Budget Office (CBO) in April 2021, titled, ‘Research and Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry,’ the U.S. pharmaceutical industry’s R&D expenditure in 2019 was nearly $83 billion, spanning a range of activities such as drug discovery, conducting clinical tests, and drug innovation, among others. Additionally, the report also states that the budget share allocated by pharmaceutical companies toward research and development has also increased. The following table shows a rough estimate of the annual R&D expenditure of pharmaceutical companies.
  • 全球医疗技术并购 (M&A) 增长机会
    The research provides an overview of all the M&As and divestitures in the medtech industry during the study period. The M&As focus on three primary areas: The clinical specialty areas where the M&As occur. The purpose behind these deals. oThe impact of the consolidated landscape on healthcare providers, payers, patients, and other market players.
  • 全球分子诊断市场
    Molecular diagnostics encompasses a rapidly evolving range of assays and systems that facilitate pathogen detection, viral load estimation, antibiotic and antiviral therapy selection, diagnosis of cancer, and other diseases, by the detection and analysis of proteins and nucleic acid sequences. Molecular diagnostics also offer prognostic assessments for a wide range of diseases, as well as assistance with treatment selection and monitoring of drug treatment efficacy. Molecular diagnostics has evolved to be an integrative aspect of healthcare routines by providing most laboratory tests in infectious disease and genetics, and a continuously increasing number of tests in oncology. The massively parallel methods that have now transcended molecular diagnostics allow sequencing of entire genomes at very low costs. The sequenced databases within and between species provide the information necessary for the development of sensitive and specific diagnostic assays. The effect of extensive sequencing procedures has led to most microorganisms today being classified on the basis of sequence rather than phenotype. A presumptive diagnosis is made if a microbial sequence is present where it should not be.
  • 全球外科显微镜市场
    The scope of the research study titled “Global Surgical Microscopes Market” is aimed at assessing the market potential for both conventional microscopes and advanced microscopes. The following are the types of approaches in which the surgical microscopes market was estimated, and its growth potential for the forecast period was evaluated:
  • 全球医用级管材市场
    The research study titled ‘Global Medical Grade Tubing Market’ is aimed at assessing the market potential of various applications in the overall medical grade tubing market. The research report constitutes an in-depth study of the global medical grade tubing market, including a thorough analysis of revenues generated by companies involved in the development of medical grade tubing.  Based on the product launches, approvals, and ongoing strategic collaborations, as well as business expansion, the market size and potential for the forecast period 2021-2030 have been estimated. The report focuses on the assessment of the market by product, material, application, end market, and region.
  • 全球远程医疗市场表现和展望2025年
    Research process is defined by creating multiple algorithms considering the problem statement, we classify the market into mainly market driven by industry performance, market driven by economic political performance and market driven by consumer sentiments Information gathered is evaluated on the above level using our extensive research process and reevaluated to generate better results
  • 全球胚胎植入前基因检测市场
    Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is performed among couples with a higher risk of transmitting a genetic condition to their offspring. The technique is employed in in-vitro fertilization centers globally to select the euploid embryos to transfer and improve the clinical outcome of the clinical pregnancy, embryo implantation, and live birth rates. As per a research study published by MDPI, embryo aneuploidy is one of the significant reasons for IVF failure enhancing the importance of the preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies as a mode of selecting healthy embryos with normal chromosomes. The ability to identify the preimplantation embryos with the genetic defects prior to the initiation of the pregnancy also offers an attractive alternative to chorionic villous sampling or amniocentesis.
  • 全球癌症微生物组测序市场
    The study defines cancer microbiome as the aggregate of microorganisms living in or on the human body along with their genomes that are influencing cancer manifestation and progression. Cancer microbiome sequencing has increasingly become an area of interest for the research community, which has the potential to revolutionize cancer care, largely due to studies that have significantly correlated the microbiome’s involvement in cancer manifestation. This study aims at deciphering the potential of the cancer microbiome sequencing and its larger role in bolstering the current era of precision medicine.
  • 全球受限肽药物市场
    Peptides are a selective, efficacious, and unique class of molecules that bind to specific cell surface receptors, triggering intracellular effects. They are short chains of amino acids linked by a peptide bond. Although they are molecularly poised between small molecules and proteins, peptides have distinctive therapeutic and biochemical properties. They represent an attractive first step in developing novel therapeutics across different areas, including oncology, metabolic, cardiovascular, infectious, endocrine, neurology, and other disorders. For decades, researchers have endeavored to comprehend intracellular protein-protein interactions (PPIs) as they play a critical role in the pathogenesis of numerous disease states. The development of constrained peptides exhibits an emerging approach that addresses challenging PPIs.


  • 医药生物行业:中医药“十四五规划发布,推动行业长期发展-快评报告
    3 月29 日,国务院办公厅印发《“十四五”中医药发展规划》,明确了“十四五”期间中医药发展的指导思想、基本原则、发展目标、主要任务和重点措施,提出了15 项主要发展指标,并统筹考虑医疗、教育、科研、产业、文化、国际合作等中医药发展的重点领域,提出了十个方面重点任务。
  • 核酸药物行业:和元生物上市,病毒载体大有可为-新闻双周报
    2017 年后,随着多款运用病毒载体的核酸药物相继在美国与欧洲批准上市,基因治疗持续取得突破性进展,也称为备受瞩目的前沿医药领域之一。目前,除Car-T 产品外,已有5 款使用慢病毒(Lenti)与腺相关病毒(AAV)的核酸药物产品在欧盟获批。同时,今年预计将会有多款Lenti 及AAV 产品在欧盟上市,继续打开病毒载体产品的市场大门。其中重磅产品包括BioMarin的valoctocogene roxaparvovec,使用AAV5 载体,用于治疗严重的血友病A。BioMarin 最近提交了2 年疗效数据以支持其MAA 申报;同样的,GenSight Biologics 的lenadogene nolparvovec,使用编码人类野生型ND4 蛋白的AAV2 载体,用于治疗Leber 遗传性视神经病变。欧盟目前正在对GenSight 提交的MAA 进行审评
  • 医药生物行业:新冠接种挤兑因素有望改善,常规疫苗批签发持续高增-2021年疫苗行业批签发总结
    新冠疫苗接种进入常态化,挤兑因素不断消除。目前国内加强针覆盖率达到40%左右。自2022 年开年以来,刨除春节因素外,新冠疫苗每日接种量维持在500 万剂左右,远低于高峰值2400 万剂,新冠接种挤兑因素不断消除。按照500 万剂/日接种量测算,我们预计加强针接种将在22 年上半年完成 。
  • 中药行业:“十四五规划视角下的中医药发展-专题报告
    2021 年3 月发布的《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和2035 年远景目标纲要》中,第四十四章第四节为“推动中医药传承创新”。纲要提出,打造20 个左右国家中医药传承创新中心,20 个左右中西医协同旗舰医院,20 个左右中医疫病防治基地,100 个左右中医特色重点医院,形成一批中医优势专科。
  • 中药行业:《“十四五中医药发展规划》发布,中药创新、中医连锁、中药材种植、中药品等板块受益
    《“十四五”中医药发展规划》全方位促进行业发展,维持“看好”评级3 月29 日,国务院办公厅发布《“十四五”中医药发展规划》(下称“十四五规划”),在“十三五”中医药发展顶层设计加快完善、政策环境持续优化、支持力度不断加大的基础上,就目前仍然存在的问题提出发展要求,对中医药服务、人才队伍、传承创新、产业高质量发展等方面提出发展目标,促进中医药行业高质量发展。我们认为十四五规划从临床研发端、医疗服务端、中药材种植端、支付端、渠道端等方面,全方位促进中医药板块健康长远发展。
  • 医药行业:MPP授权落地,看好相关企业及上游产业链-新冠专题分析报告
    药品专利池 (Medicines Patent Pool,MPP) 是一个成立于2010 年的公共卫生组织,旨在通过创新的自愿许可和专利池方法,致力于为中低收入国家增加获得救命药品的机会。在公共卫生事件驱动下,MPP 与专利持有人协商获得许可,再向仿制药制造商和产品开发商授予再许可,并支持在中低收入国家获得这些仿制药。目前MPP 已经授权了HIV、丙肝、结核、新冠领域的13 个产品,43 家仿制药企获得授权,授权范围涉及148 个国家和地区。
  • 医药生物行业:新冠病毒抗原检测、诊断方案相继更新发布,关注六大方面投资机会
    本报告期医药生物行业指数跌幅为1.02%,在申万31 个一级行业中位居第2,跑赢沪深300 指数(-5.13%)。从子行业来看,医药生物三级行业中,疫苗、医药流通、体外诊断板块涨幅居前,涨幅分别为11.23%、9.73%、3.24%;医院、线下药店、血液制品板块跌幅居前,跌幅分别为15.69%、12.13%、7.53%。估值方面,截止2022 年3 月18 日,医药生物行业PE(TTM 整体法,剔除负值)为28.69x(上期29.22x),低于负一倍标准差
  • 疫苗行业:政策促渗透率提升,HPV疫苗市场有望迎来快速增长-研究报告之HPV疫苗
    高危型HPV 持续感染是多种癌症的主要诱因之一,在与高危HPV 持续感染相关的多癌种中,宫颈癌最为常见。宫颈癌是目前病因明确,可以早期预防,有望被消灭的一种癌症,预防分为三级,其中,一级预防主要是预防性HPV 疫苗接种。接种HPV 疫苗可以有效预防约70%-90%的宫颈癌,因此,HPV 疫苗接种是目前预防宫颈癌的主要手段和有效手段之一。

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