(报告加工时间:2022-04-25 -- 2022-05-04)


  • 全球数据中心 UPS 市场报告(2022-2027年)
    Data centers are the largest consumers of electricity worldwide as they consume around 3% of the world’s electricity, which is expected to exceed 8% by 2030. Also, the increasing construction of hyperscale data centers will raise the energy demand by more than 600 terawatt-hours by 2021. A data center can consume power ranging from 100 kW to over 100 MW. The incoming power to the facility from the utility feed is 2−33 kV, which is reduced to 480 V using on-site transformers. The power from the transformer is fed into the switchgear or automatic transfer switches (ATS), which are connected in parallel to the generator to supply backup power during outages.
  • 全球虚拟康复市场报告(2022-2027年)
    Virtual reality technology is widely applied in rehabilitation therapy and is termed virtual rehabilitation. VR is a computer-based intervention providing patients with a virtual interactive and applicable treatment setting for skills practice with real-time feedback. Virtual rehabilitation can be used both at home. Most virtual rehabilitation systems developed require motor training which includes complex and expensive hardware and can be used only under professional guidance, such as in hospitals, rehab centers, and clinical settings. Many low-cost rehabilitation gaming systems have been developed for patients with movement disorders. These systems are for home use and require remote supervision of a therapist. The home-use virtual rehabilitation systems promote physical rehabilitation at home and reduce frequent hospital visits, which have reduced healthcare costs.
  • 全球公共传输层安全 (TLS) 证书市场预测到2026 年
    All versions of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates were deprecated by 2015 and are no longer supported by the major browsers. Therefore, SSL certificates have been excluded from the scope of this study. The study includes market assessment of TLS certificates only. Market size estimates and forecasts include only the public TLS certificate market used to secure websites. The study also includes market size estimates and forecasts by regions – Americas, Europe Middle East & Africa (EMEA), and Asia Pacific (APAC).
  • 全球资产管理市场
    When one company failed, it joined the other to accelerate the development and manufacture of a successful vaccine. Governments, retail pharmacies, health systems, payers, and nonprofits are working together to provide widespread distribution and administration.
  • 全球实验室信息学市场分析2020年
    The landscape of hematological malignancies emerging therapeutics is massively growing, with many emerging and legacy companies venturing into the industry with their respective therapeutic portfolio exclusively developed and designed for the targeted treatment of hematological malignancies such as leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. In the era of precision medicine, the introduction of monoclonal antibody- and CAR-T cell-based therapies have garnered a new hope in the oncology community, owing to their ability to induce effective response for the treatment of hematological malignancies. Hematological malignancies are very complex to treat due to their varying pathological and immunological characteristics,
  • 全球在线药房市场报告(2022-2027年)
    With the advent of the internet and smartphones, online pharmacies have become a more convenient option for consumers than retail pharmacies, especially in times of a global pandemic, since people can order their medicines from the comfort of their homes using an internet-enabled device. This is also helpful for the elderly and patients who are not able to visit a pharmacy. Moreover, some medications are hard to find in retail pharmacies; hence, online pharmacies make it easier to find and obtain these medications. Retail pharmacies have limited stocks and are expensive, making it difficult for people in rural areas to purchase medicines.
  • 全球指挥和控制软件增长机会
    Command and control software connects multiple discrete systems at various locations and integrates different security applications and equipment on a centralized platform. This provides holistic security control, minimizing complexity and allowing better decision-making. It collects data from various devices, systems, layers, and components and displays it in a unified visual interface, making it easier for operators to detect and validate risks, prioritize security incidents, and proactively address issues.
  • 全球全球数据中心市场报告(2022-2027年)
    Data centers are mainly built-in response to growing customer demand. However, the areas for the development and operation of data centers are identified based on factors such as power availability, fiber connectivity, and availability of skilled labor. Most modern data centers are built as per Tier III and Tier IV standards, thereby enabling high availability of service offerings. The development of edge computing is fostering data center development in secondary data center markets, where the dependence on site selection is very high. The major site selection criteria for data centers are mentioned in the table below, along with the identified level of importance for each criterion and a description of the same.
  • 全球数据中心电源市场报告(2022-2027年)
    Data centers are the largest consumers of electricity in the world. Data centers consume around 3% of the world’s electricity, which is expected to reach over 8% by 2030. The increasing construction of hyperscale data centers will raise the energy demand by more than 600 terawatt-hours of electricity by 2021. A data center can consume power ranging from 100 kW to over 100 MW. The incoming power to the facility from the utility feed is 2−33 kV, which is reduced to 480 V using on-site transformers. The power from the transformer is fed into the switchgear or automatic transfer switches (ATS), which are connected in parallel to the generator to supply backup power during outages.
  • 全球欺诈检测和预防 (FDP) 市场
    The Fraud Detection & Prevention (FDP) market consists of vendors that provide software solutions that leverage Identification and Authentication technologies to detect and prevent incidents of fraud. The market can be divided into three segments; Identity, Fraud Detection, and Authentication & Behavioral Biometrics. The common services include: gathering and analysing user‘s behavioural and biometric data, account takeover protection, payments protection and monitoring, Bot detection, User validation, Transaction fraud protection etc. Organizations decide to work with FDP vendors mostly due to lack of in-house capabilities and technology.
  • 全球互联汽车展望2021 年
    5G is being tested for C-V2X use-cases. C-V2X based on 5G will significantly increase the safety and the automated driving capabilities of connected/autonomous vehicles. Low latency, massive bandwidth capability, and improved processing capacity are the major advantages that 5G will offer to the AVs of the future. The pace at which data is uploaded will be crucial for potential autonomous use-cases. Large quantities of data from sensors, radars, cameras, and other devices will be constantly gathered from cars, uploaded to the cloud, and exchanged in real time with other vehicles. Existing 5G download and upload rates are insufficient for AVs to perform ultra-reliable and low-latency use-cases. In the event of a network interruption (for example, a storm or a hurricane), AVs can migrate to the 5G edge cloud without affecting third-party services such as charging stations, fuel stations, and hospitals.
  • 全球手术室市场中的人工智能 (AI)市场报告
    Many players in the global AI in operating room market have products and solutions which cater to applications such as scheduling, diagnosis, training, and instrument tracking for most of the indications. However, with time, new market entrants are expected to target niche applications and indications. Given the nature and the early phase of developments in the market, many companies have products in the pipeline, and more new players can be continuing their research and development in stealth mode. Thus, it is to be noted that the current market share of companies is subject to change significantly during the forecast period 2021-2030. The following figure indicates the estimated market shares for key players in the global AI in operating room market.
  • 全球卫星地球观察市场区域分析
    Earth observation data and services market cater to different end-users such as government and defense, archaeology and civil infrastructure, energy and natural resources, agriculture, forestry and fishery, and maritime. In 2020, the global satellite Earth observation market was dominated by government and defense, energy, and natural resources. This is due to the high utilization of data and services in addressing military and tactical surveillance, monitoring of critical structures and ground assets, mining exploration, soil erosion monitoring, oil exploration, and optimization of renewable energy production.
  • 全球卫星光谱监控市场区域分析
    The satellite spectrum monitoring market has various end users such as aerospace, maritime, oil and gas, military, government, and media and entertainment. Satellite spectrum monitoring is an emerging market as the spectrum is getting more crowded with the advancement of technology. This chapter explains the various end users on which the satellite spectrum monitoring systems are being used and their market size.
  • 全球移动游戏市场报告(2021-2026年)
    The rising popularity of smartphones is shaping the gaming sector. The global mobile games market is growing exponentially due to continuous growth in the amount of time spent on mobile devices. Moreover, smartphones allow users to access entertainment anytime and anywhere. There are multiple games available on Google Play, App Store, and other third-party stores that provide individuals with a wide range of options. These games are either free to download or are available at a specific amount. Apart from the above-mentioned platform, mobile games are expected to be featured on Netflix. In 2021, Netflix launched two games on its application in Poland to begin testing mobile games on its platform. Hence, this is projected to offer new dimensions to mobile game vendors in the market. Also, smartphone manufacturers are supporting the growth of the mobile games market. The launch of gaming phones provides gamers with a better experience, thereby influencing users to invest a large amount of time in playing games.


  • 通信行业:通信芯片王者高通深度布局智能汽车,促行业变革提速
    智能座舱芯片承袭智能手机芯片优势,市场地位优势显著。从2014 年推出第一代骁龙620A 以来,高通已发布四代智能座舱芯片,芯片制 程由28nm 升级至5nm。以智能化为主要卖点的新势力车型搭载高通比 例极高,蔚来EC6、ES6、ES8、ET7,小鹏G3i、P7、P5,理想ONE 均搭载高通智能座舱芯片,新势力新款车型持续以高通智能座舱芯片 作为首选体现出高通在智能座舱领域的竞争实力强劲。对比智能手机 芯片与智能座舱芯片,其相同点在于通信、娱乐、高清显示需求高度 一致,区别点在于消费电子行业竞争更加激烈、产品迭代速度更快, 产品制程更为先进,高通承袭智能手机芯片竞争优势降维打击智能座 舱芯片从而形成较大竞争优势。我们认为高通在智能座舱领域领先地 位较为稳固,预计新一代产品有望增添更多汽车领域定制化功能,进 一步加大在汽车领域的投入力度。
  • 通信行业:运营商业绩持续向好,配置价值凸显
    投资策略:(1)5G 网络覆盖持续提升,5G 基站数突破156 万,持续推荐5G 设备商龙头:中兴通讯;(2)5G 套餐用户数渗透率的提升拉动运营商ARUP 值,运营商放弃价格战转而通过提供更加优质和差异化的服务来提升用户黏 性,建议关注:中国移动;(3)物联网行业发展进入快车道,重点推荐车载通 信模组的投资机会,建议关注广和通、移远通信;(4)双碳背景下,绿色节能 发展成为主旋律,重点推荐精密温控龙头:英维克。
  • 云及大数据服务行业:IDC行研框架调整与“东数西算“空间测算-深度研究
    行业策略:数据中心与云计算产业链具备长期景气度,行业将维持五年以上 总体CAGR 20%+:算网基础设施约占投资额41%,测算2025 年市场规模 8785 亿元;预计数据湖、人工智能等细分领域3 年翻番;终局是建立“四 高三协同”(高能效、高技术、高安全、高算力、数云协同、云边协同、数 网协同)的全国性算力网络,长期可带动3 万亿元投资(发改委)。增量空 间主要集中在数据中心建造环节;ICT 基础设施更多是向高端产品演进的结 构性机会。中短期建议关注供配电系统、冷源空调暖风系统等投资占比较高 的配件商;算网基础设施推荐龙头厂商;软件服务增长前景可观,且Opex 支出更具持续性,IDC 运营商、应用服务软件厂商值得长期布局。
  • 通信行业:重视推出股权激励的公司-2021年专题研究之一
    今年以来,通信行业推出股权激励方案(包含限制性股票、期权)以及回购与增持的公司明显增多。我们认为,2020Q2 以来通信(申万)指数表现一般,多数公司股价也有所回调,因此上市公司密集推出股权激励及回购与增持,反映出公司可能认为当前股价处于较低位置,同时对未来发展展望积极。
  • 科技行业:Q1运营商稳增长,创新业务快速发展-专题研究
    市场方面,上周通信(申万)指数下跌2.28%,同期沪深300 下跌4.19%, 创业板指下跌6.66%。上周三大运营商发布一季报,1Q22 运营商合计营收 及净利润实现稳健增长,其中产业互联网业务延续快速增长,移动业务、固 网业务稳中向好。根据工信部数据,1Q22 国内新建5G 基站13.4 万站,同 比增长179%,此外上周中国移动扩展型皮站设备集采启动,总规模约2 万 站。建议关注:中国移动、中国电信、中国联通、中兴通讯、移远通信、威 胜信息、拓邦股份、和而泰、华工科技、新易盛、中际旭创、天孚通信、数 据港、亿联网络、七一二、上海瀚讯、海格通信。

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